Dieting for Disney 2008


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Today was a great day. I worked out this morning. Later today I walked again and did the walk away the pounds take with my daughter after school. My legs are killing me, but it feels good.:)

Great work!

I weighed in tonight at my Weight Watchers meeting. I lost 2.4 pounds this week, for a grand total of 37.2 since I began a few months ago.

I love WW because I can eat whatever I want as long as I count the points. Also, I'm not fretting going to Disney and gaining. I mean, I've changed my eating style and I know that combined with all the walking, that I won't gain. Even if I do, I'm on vacation, which I only go on once a year. :)

The great thing about Weight Watchers is that it is in now way, shape, or form a diet; but rather, a new life-long way of consuming food.

A HUGE thanks to all of you out there keeping me motivated and sharing your "secrets" with me. It helps greatly!

Keep up the great work ya'll--you're doing terrifically!


Active Member
I'll apologize now for not being savvy enough to quote multiple posters. So here's the deal. It's great that we're all sharing weight loss secrets and keeping each other motivated. I'll play devil's advocate and say that you shouldn't worry just about losing weight for a Disney trip or your pictures. Do it for your health.

WOW! Never thought I'd see KB's on WDWmagic

Master Yoda
How long have you been using kettlebells? What sizes do you have, any Pavel books?? I love all of my KB's, 1 pood(35lb) 1.5 pood(52lb) and my mini 15lb. That said, I dont feel you can suggest a 35lb'er and a video as a program. If a person has no experience with a KB or weights they definitely need to start easy. I'm no RKC, I've had mine for almost a year now and I'm still learning. Research anything new to your training and consult a doctor if you have trouble.

How is it that I've known you since we were babies and I'm just now learning about some of this. I mean dang, we is relation!:) We still love yall though!!!

Okay I'm done, thanks.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Master Yoda
How long have you been using kettlebells? What sizes do you have, any Pavel books?? I love all of my KB's, 1 pood(35lb) 1.5 pood(52lb) and my mini 15lb. That said, I dont feel you can suggest a 35lb'er and a video as a program. If a person has no experience with a KB or weights they definitely need to start easy. I'm no RKC, I've had mine for almost a year now and I'm still learning. Research anything new to your training and consult a doctor if you have trouble.
I have been doing kettlebells off an on for a while now. I have been back doing it regularly (3 time per week) for a couple of months now. The 35lb recommendation was based on his size. (6'-4" and 200+ lbs) I am currently using a 20lb KB but will be stepping up the the 35lb one shortly. My goal is to be using the 53lb KB by the end of the year and up to the 70-80lb KB by the end of 2009.

The Gofit videos are really great starter videos. The exercises are very simple but effective and the instruction of what to do and what not to do is pretty good. For my own personal stuff I really love Anthony and his Art of strength videos. He is a great instructor, easy to follow, and his exercises while sometimes a little complicated are really fun to do.

And as you pointed out always consult your doctor before beginning any exercising program.


Well-Known Member I'm angry with you. ;) I am one of those KINGS OF CHILI. Nobody's is better than mine. And now you have to go and post a little tidbit of your recipe that I never thought of doing. I am now going to have to try yours. Cocoa powder sounds really good, maybe with some ground ancho chile...:slurp:

Thanks! It is delicious, I started doing it when I realized that Mexicans use alot of cocoa in their recipes in authentic Mexican food. Smoked ancho chiles are another big part of the recipe as is cactus...


Well-Known Member
Glad it's working for you! It's true that diets don't work because one can't constantly maintain anything abnormal. No one can. And dieting is abnormal. Eating healthy, though, isn't a "diet" but a lifestyle; however, we shouldn't deny ourselves treats. Treats are a part of life and if I know I have that one day to look forward to and my vacation "binge" I can get through the year. And yes I do binge eat and drink on vacation! I work very very hard all year at my job, at my family, at working out and eating healthy and I am not about to feel guilty for once a year for 2 weeks kissing the world goodbye and enjoying myself to the max. If that means I come home 6 pounds heavier then so be it, I'll restart my hard working life then and wait for my next vacation. We shouldn't feel so bad about gaining a little bit of weight as long as we don't lose overall control of ourselves. And anyways, I always LOSE weight at Disney, at least 5 pounds, which is remarkeable considering what I eat. But the wife and I haul a** in those parks and average 13 miles per day of FAST walking - we do it commando style.

Strength training AND cardio is very key.

One crucial thing everyone needs to remember is this:

***If you restrict calories for too long your body goes into starvation prevention mode. In other words it slows your metabolism way down and begins to store fat.***

This is another HUGE reason diets fail....they simply fail...they don't work. You'll hit a weight loss wall and you'll plateau and then you'll actually stop losing weight and then begin gaining weight by eating the same exact amount, think you're a failure and then give up.

I love WW because it teaches you just the right portions to eat and eventually becomes second nature. I no longer "count" points I just know what things are and if not I can rough estimate it in my head and am always within 1 point.

But how do you prevent this? By increasing exercise and eating healthily instead of dieting?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
But how do you prevent this? By increasing exercise and eating healthily instead of dieting?
What you will want to do is eat smaller healthier meals 5 or more times a day. Most people will skip breakfast eat a normal to large lunch and then a huge dinner. That is pretty much a recipe for disaster. Personally I try to set up 4-5 300-600 calorie meals per day spaced about 3-4 hours apart. My daily calorie count will be at around 2000 calories per day which gives me about a 500-800 calorie per day deficit. This will pull off roughly 1lb of fat per week.


New Member
Hey all!:wave:

Went to the gym again last night and did 1 mile on the treadmill and 1 mile on the bike. It's starting to actually become fun! I'm doing a workout video with a friend today to vary it up a little, and then tomorrow, it's back to the gym for me!

Best of luck to all!


New Member
Good morning everyone!! I weighed in this morning and I am down another pound! YAY!! Guess all the hard work is paying off :sohappy:


I'm eating my SmartOnes Meal that tastes like spicy paper and decided to read through this thread again for a little motivation.

Thanks guys for reminding me I'm not alone in the pursuit of a shapely figure for disney!!:sohappy:
:ROFLOL:I am totally with you. The only one I've found so far that is decent is the mac and cheese. I usually pick two new ones every week to try. Praying to find a good one.


Well-Known Member
But how do you prevent this? By increasing exercise and eating healthily instead of dieting?

Right, excercise is crucial but when you are trying to lose weight you have to restrict your calories. Restricting, over time, causes metabolic slow-down. That is why the one bad day a week is so important, it is actually recommended by weight loss experts, it stokes the metabolism big time. Mind you, you don't have to go nuts eating beer and wings if that's not your thing, but don't restrict calories and try to get some extra. Personally, I eat resonably all day and have a nice Saturday night party.

Also, what Master Yoda mentions is very very important. Very important. You MUST EAT YOUR BREAKFAST!!! It gets the metabolism going for the day. I have a 1/2 serving of Fiber One cereal mixed with 1/2 serving of Special K Chocolate cereal and chocolate light soy milk. Very tasty and maybe a few egg whites. It's extremely nutricious as I get a ton of protein and fiber and vitamins and my metabolism is racing to start the day.

If you eat breakfast you'll notice you're actually HUNGRIER by lunch because your body is burning, baby.


Well-Known Member
What you will want to do is eat smaller healthier meals 5 or more times a day. Most people will skip breakfast eat a normal to large lunch and then a huge dinner. That is pretty much a recipe for disaster. Personally I try to set up 4-5 300-600 calorie meals per day spaced about 3-4 hours apart. My daily calorie count will be at around 2000 calories per day which gives me about a 500-800 calorie per day deficit. This will pull off roughly 1lb of fat per week.

What sort of meals do you have? I don't like cooking but I also don't like processed food. I usually only cook in the evening, (fish or chicken with a mixture of potatoes, veggies or salad) but during the day I don't want anything that takes too much time (especially if we are on 5 meals a day!) - sandwiches, cereal, fruit etc - what sort of quick meals do you have?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
What sort of meals do you have? I don't like cooking but I also don't like processed food. I usually only cook in the evening, (fish or chicken with a mixture of potatoes, veggies or salad) but during the day I don't want anything that takes too much time (especially if we are on 5 meals a day!) - sandwiches, cereal, fruit etc - what sort of quick meals do you have?
I use a supplement called Ageless essentials, along with Xperia and metagreens for breakfast in the morning. That combination is just under 300 calories and packs a huge nutritional punch. For lunch I will get a foot long sub from subway (club, turkey, chicken or roast beef) loaded with all the veggies and no cheese, oil, mayo, etc. I will eat half for lunch and the other half just before I leave work. The full foot long is less than 700 calories. Dinner will vary but I try to do small portions of lean meats (never fried) and large portions of green vegetables. I do something really small before bed, usually a small bowl of cereal, oatmeal (minus sugar), or yogurt and 1 to 2 ounces of Aloe. With that diet I hover around 2000 calories per day.

On Fridays I cheat and get a bacon cheeseburger and fries at 5 guys for lunch.


I'm down 2 pounds but unfortunately from the stomach flu. Now the big thing for me is on to the Gazelle and add more to that two. Congrats to all those that have lost pounds. And to those that haven't yet, try to think of how great we'll all feel at WDW in our skinny clothes. I'm posting last year's family pic on the fridge. That outta keep me far from it.


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

I didn't make it to the gym today. I had to take my daughter to the doctor but I'll be back tomorrow. I weighed this morning and I am the same but my legs are killing me from yesterday so that's good, right?

It sounds like everyone is doing good today. Keep up the good work. :wave:


New Member
I did a Dancing With The Stars Cardio workout was interesting to say the least, lol...dancing is NOT my forte, lol. I think I'm gonna do some "toning" tonight instead of cardio. I'll update after I do it, lol. still feeling the burn!

Keep it up guys! I'm proud of everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


New Member
Just a quick update - I decided to do a little more cardio tonight, because I didn't feel that my workout this morning was good enough. I did 1.2 miles on the treadmill for 20 minutes and 4.2 miles on the bike for 20 minutes. I'm exhausted!

Wakkie Nu Nu

New Member
pesky shin splints keep flaring up... rest, Advil, and wall push-ups in between trips to the gym and the tennis court, but they keep popping up.. Argh.


New Member
pesky shin splints keep flaring up... rest, Advil, and wall push-ups in between trips to the gym and the tennis court, but they keep popping up.. Argh.

Don't worry, it will get better!

Here is some advice I found:
"Prevention, rather than cure, should always be your first aim. I was very surprised when researching this topic at the number of articles that totally neglected any mention of preventative measures. They all talked of treatment and cure, but only one out of twenty took the time to address the issue of prevention in any detail. Even before any sign of shin soreness appears there are a number of simple preventative measures that can be easily implemented.
Since about half of all lower leg problems are caused by biomechanics inefficiencies, it makes sense to get the right advice on footwear. Your feet are the one area you should not "skimp" on. The best advice I can give you concerning footwear, is to go and see a qualified podiatrist for a complete foot-strike, or gait analysis. They will be able to tell you if there are any concerns regarding the way your foot-strike or gait is functioning.
After your foot-strike has been analysed, have your podiatrist, or competent sports footwear sales person recommend a number of shoes that suit your requirements. Good quality footwear will go a long way in helping to prevent many lower leg problems.
Apart from good footwear, what else can you do? I believe the following three preventative measures are not only very effective, but crucial.
Firstly, a thorough and correct warm up will help to prepare the muscles and tendons for any activity to come. Without a proper warm up the muscles and tendons will be tight and stiff. There will be limited blood flow to the lower legs, which will result in a lack of oxygen and nutrients for those muscles.
Before any activity be sure to thoroughly warm up all the muscles and tendons that will be used during your sport or activity. Click here for a detailed explanation of how, why and when to perform your warm up.
Secondly, flexible muscles are extremely important in the prevention of most lower leg injuries. When muscles and tendons are flexible and supple, they are able to move and perform without being over stretched. If however, your muscles and tendons are tight and stiff, it is quite easy for those muscles and tendons to be pushed beyond their natural range of movement. To keep your muscles and tendons flexible and supple, it is important to undertake a structured stretching routine.
Stretching is one of the most under-utilized techniques for improving athletic performance, preventing sports injury and properly rehabilitating sprain and strain injury. Don't make the mistake of thinking that something as simple as stretching won't be effective.
And thirdly, strengthening and conditioning the muscles of the lower leg will also help to prevent shin splints. There are a number of specific strengthening exercises you can do for these muscles, but instead of me going into the details here, I have simply found another web site that has already done all the hard work. It explains a number of exercises you can do for preventing shin splints. You can find these strengthening exercises by going to Education/shin_splints.htm.
The above-mentioned article is the only other article I found that included a comprehensive section on shin splint prevention. If you're only interested in the strengthening exercises, you'll find them towards the end of the article. If however, you suffer from shin splints or you're looking for more information on shin splints, I recommend you read the entire article."


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update - I decided to do a little more cardio tonight, because I didn't feel that my workout this morning was good enough. I did 1.2 miles on the treadmill for 20 minutes and 4.2 miles on the bike for 20 minutes. I'm exhausted!

Way to go! Yesterday I was on the treadmill twice and I did the walk away tape so today my legs were killing me. It's funny because I told my friend that I think that I am getting shinsplints. I read your post and you gave some great advice. I have not been warming up properly so I will try this tomorrow. It should help.

As for today, I have done okay but I could have done better. I'll start back tomorrow with the work out & everything. I seem to do much better if I go to the gym, I stay focused better for the whole day. :)

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