Hey all,
Not a great day for me today - it started well...I went to the gym and ran a mile, and then had a nice healthy breakfast, but then things took a turn for the worse. I had 4 classes back to back with a 20 minute break in between, from 1 until 8, so there was no time for real food...therefore, I had vending machine and bake sale snacks that I really shouldn't have had. Then, finally at like 8, I got to have some real food (stir fry made very healthily). Unfortunately, I then had a really bad night, and turned to M&M's and hot chocolate for comfort food :-( I feel like I let myself down
I suppose tomorrow morning, I'll just have to wake up and hop right back on the horse... Wish me luck!
That is okay. We all have a "bad" day every so often. Forget it and tomorrow, move on for tomorrow is a new day. There is no use in making yourself feel bad, because thinking about it will only make it worse.
For those days in which you are extra busy, could you "think ahead" and pack yourself a healthy lunch? You'll feel a ton better as well as keep some extra change in your pocket (for use at WDW of course!).
And, look at the good things you did today: Working out, eating a healthy dinner, etc. Focus on those to help keep you focused.