Well-Known Member
Ummm. No. This is the wrong way to encourage people who want to lose weight before they go. A 2 week binge is BAD. Eating whatever you want at WDW and gaining 5-10 lbs is BAD. You are right about not fretting about it. No one should feel like a failure if they slip. But there's a big difference between indulging in something decadent every once in a while, and allowing yourself to go backwards by gaining 10 pounds. Once you break the hard won cycle of eating healthier, it's harder to get it back. Losing weight is about eating less, eating healthier and getting some exercise. And for many, many people these simple things are very difficult. I tip my hat to everyone who is trying to get healthier. What a great motivation, to be able to enjoy your Disney trip more by losing weight. And with all the walking you'll do, you'll burn lots of calories. And to whoever came up with the idea of imagining themselves AT WDW while doing their walks, BRAVO. I'm going to start doing that immediately.
No, the point is that people put too much emphasis on the food and let it control them A 2 week binge is NOT bad. Most of us are going to end up on a 2 week binge eventually and we CAN recover from it. We don't have to let it ruin us. It's only your mind that makes it hard to restart the diet. We are all empowered to start and stop eating whenever we want. It's in every one of us. There is NO SUCH THING AS WILLPOWER!!! None of us should fool ourselves into thinking other people have it easy as they have more willpower than we do. Willpower is simply what you will to happen. None of us are weak in the mind and food will NOT control our actions. If we want to enjoy ourselves at Disney then so be it, it will not ruin us. We can enjoy our vacations and be happy with ourselves and KNOW that when you get back home you WILL get right back on the health train. You are all equipped to battle this, you are all empowered just the same, you all have support and back up, you all have the same will, and the same strenght of mind.
Most health experts recommend (if you watch the Biggest Loser you will have heard this) a bad day every single week. No working out and no watching what you eat. This does 2 things:
1. It gives you something to look forward to so the "diet" isn't a gruelling process
2. It revs up your metabolism as restricting calories slows it down. So you wiull actually burn MORE weight when you restrict the calories once again.