Dieting for Disney 2008


New Member
I was a little worried because I ate more than I intended to on Easter, but its ok cause I was down 2.4 lbs at my meeting this morning!! So I've decided to aim for as close to 10 lbs as possible before my trip starting the 18th... That would mean 6.6 pounds in three weeks. I'm going to try, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it if I come in just shy.

I'm feeling all kinds of inspired this morning! a good weigh in does wonders.


New Member
I was a little worried because I ate more than I intended to on Easter, but its ok cause I was down 2.4 lbs at my meeting this morning!! So I've decided to aim for as close to 10 lbs as possible before my trip starting the 18th... That would mean 6.6 pounds in three weeks. I'm going to try, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it if I come in just shy.

I'm feeling all kinds of inspired this morning! a good weigh in does wonders.

Congrats!!:sohappy: I thought the same thing about Easter, way to much chocolate, but I try not to "diet" on holidays and just enjoy it.

I totally agree that once you start seeing the pounds come off it motivates you to keep going!!

Last night I went to the gym and took a spin class that lasted 1 hour. I had a hard time keeping the heart rate at a "fat" burning rate, kept going to high. I wonder why somedays it is harder than others. Oh well. Today I plan on doing some strength training at lunch and then doing my treadmill for 35 minutes when I get home from work. Good Luck to everyone today! Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
pesky shin splints keep flaring up... rest, Advil, and wall push-ups in between trips to the gym and the tennis court, but they keep popping up.. Argh.

I find they eventually go away but I just keep going. Here is the stretch to prevent them tough. Sit with legs extended in front of you. Point your toes, and lean forward as far as you can. Do this before AND after the run. Also, after the run ice your shins for 10 minutes.


Well-Known Member
I just got back from the gym. I worked harder on everything except my legs. I still got on the treadmill for a fast walk for a mile, but they still hurt today. I did stretch before so hopefully it helped.

I am really going to watch everything that I eat today. So far I am doing good, but it's early.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Last year we had a spur-of-the-moment trip to WDW right about this time. We got a lot of great pictures. However, I hate the way I look in all of them.

This year, we are planning a trip in the fall. I'm about 1-month into a low carb diet and my clothes are loose. By the time we go, I should be in good enough shape not to be embarassed by our vacation photos!

santa's surpriz

New Member
I do not have the commitment level for WW. But I can eat right and exercise. I would love to slim down before summer rolls around. I have vigorously been working out for almost a month and have lost no weight. ( I am using same method I used last fall and dropped 15 lbs right away.) Granted I took 3 months off my routine, but I am not getting any results. I have lost a couple inches. I pulled out the old ab-slide this week and I feeling it everytime I sneeze and stand up! Ouchers! Any fitness experts have advice on how I can work harder/smarter to drop the weight?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I do not have the commitment level for WW. But I can eat right and exercise. I would love to slim down before summer rolls around. I have vigorously been working out for almost a month and have lost no weight. ( I am using same method I used last fall and dropped 15 lbs right away.) Granted I took 3 months off my routine, but I am not getting any results. I have lost a couple inches. I pulled out the old ab-slide this week and I feeling it everytime I sneeze and stand up! Ouchers! Any fitness experts have advice on how I can work harder/smarter to drop the weight?
I am not an expert but I have been having great results as of late with Russian kettlebells. They combine strength training, stretching and cardio all into one workout. Here are a couple of goot kettlebell sites and the GoFit kettlebells and videos are avaliable at Target.

art of strength


Well-Known Member
I do not have the commitment level for WW. But I can eat right and exercise. I would love to slim down before summer rolls around. I have vigorously been working out for almost a month and have lost no weight. ( I am using same method I used last fall and dropped 15 lbs right away.) Granted I took 3 months off my routine, but I am not getting any results. I have lost a couple inches. I pulled out the old ab-slide this week and I feeling it everytime I sneeze and stand up! Ouchers! Any fitness experts have advice on how I can work harder/smarter to drop the weight?

First, everyone needs to know this (and I know you weren't implyingthis) but you CAN"T spot lose weight. Meaning, doing sit ups will NOT burn belly fat. You lose fat overall and it usually works its way inwards from the appendages to your core...meaning the belly will be the last to go, so don't be discouraged.
Now, keep doing that ab slider but try to graduate to feet flat on the floor kneew bent, arms begind your head but elbows out- sit ups. THEY ARE HARD HARD HARD. You'll literally get 1/3 of one done the first time you try, but just lodge your feet in and keep trying, in a few weeks you'll be doing 5, then 10, etc.
To lose weight you may be nickel and iming yourself with food and not realize it. Pay careful attention to calories. I used to not lose weight and wondered why and it was cause I thought I was eating cube of cheese 2 Hershey kisses and a handful of nuts before the gym. That was enough calories that I wasn't burning any extra n the gym. Eating breakfast is crucial to reving up the day's metabolism.
This is how I work out:
Day 1: Biceps, Triceps, Chest
Day 2: Legs, Delts, Upper Back

I only lift for 20 minutes per day. i do pyramids: three sets of each body part with maximum weight I can lift to failure (I don't count reps) and then lower the weight a bit and do it again.

Here is an example: Chest 200 lbs for perhaps 7 reps, then immediately, lower it to 180 pounds for like 4 reps, then lower it to 150 for 4 reps, then lower it to 100 for maybe 5. (As much as I can do). Then I do a similar thing with biceps, and then tricpes, then back to chest, biceps, tricpes, chest biceps triceps. I take no rest in between anything. When I am done I have thrice worked each muscle group to absolute failure. This take 20 minutes. To get my breath, i then stretch and do abs then I run for 20 minutes on the hills of Pittsburgh...then I take a very hot shower.

The next day it is delts, legs and upper back. The very next day I do workout 1 again. I do this for 6 days in a row and then rest for 1. While I do this for the 6 days I also do WW

***Oh, yeah here is the key, weights first then run and here is why: You'll need power and energy for weights. By lifting you'll burn off your glucose and then when you run you'll be burning the reserves (fat)." technically it will work both ways but your weight routine (what really burns the most calories) will be less effective****


Active Member
As far as shin splints goes, this is what I did back when I ran cross country (before the three knee surgeries...).

Stand with your feet together.
Lift your heels up to stand on your tip toes.
Twist on the balls of your feet to twist your heels out in opposite directions.
Bring your heels back together.
Put your heels back on the ground.

Repeat at least ten times before working out.

As far as my diet goes, I'm down almost 2 pounds this week, despite my illness. I say despite because on Monday, I had the stomach flu, and I was afraid of losing too many fluids. I didn't want my body weight to go down too much. Then I got over that, but I found out yesterday I have bronchitis. I finally don't feel sick today, so I'm back on my LA plan. So, I've still lost weight despite being sick, not because of being sick since I made sure to stay hydrated and not get down too low.

santa's surpriz

New Member
Great Advice! Thanks! I am not opposed to traditional situps, but since I had my daughter I cannot handle the pressure on back. That belly fat is why I pulled out the ab slide. I have to laugh though! I do not know half the terms sublimesting used are! Not mention that I probably could not lift 200 lbs on my best day. I do, however, see what you are getting at...thanks!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah one more safety tip for everybody: Only lift what your tendons can do. Tendons are far weaker than your muscles and take far longer to strengthen. So, even though you new runners and lifters can probably lift more DON'T until you have given your weaker joints and tendons time to build up. You'll be real sorry when you strain a tendon and it takes 6 months to heal and your sidelined. Gradually build yourslef into a machine, don't push it.

ALSO, use proper form and lift slow. Use oNLY the muscles you intend. I can tell you that 90% of gym rats do it all wrong. If you're doing an arm curl only your arms should move whilst your elbows stay stationary. Most people in the gym will sway their whoile body to jerk the weight up and that just uses momentum, not muscle. And if you can't set the weights down without dropping them, you are using too much weight (my pet peeve)


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Original Poster
Thanks Sublimestring--very good ideas.

Sounds like a tough workout (the pyramid) but in the end, I'm sure that it is worth it. I have a Pilates machine, and do somewhat the same thing, only using different resistances instead of weights.

I have to work on doing my toning prior to walking/jogging. I always want to do my cardio first because I feel I should. I guess I should switch that around.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am not an expert but I have been having great results as of late with Russian kettlebells. They combine strength training, stretching and cardio all into one workout. Here are a couple of goot kettlebell sites and the GoFit kettlebells and videos are avaliable at Target.

art of strength

I've seen these in Target, but wasn't sure if they were worth the purchase. Do they help tone your arms and abs? For how long do you do them? I did watch the weblink you posted with moving from one weight to the next. However, do you know if it would be a benefit if I purchased a 15 lb one and worked on my arms and abs with it?

They look interesting, but I'm not sure about their use.


New Member
I'm LOVING this idea. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm going to try it when I go to the gym tomorrow.:) God knows I need something to motivate me.

I just got home from the gym and I had a much better work out today. :)

This past August, when we were getting ready to go to Disney, I was walking 4 miles a day. I would take the Ipod, with all of my Disney music on it, and picture myself walking from one attraction to another, like I was in a rush to get there. This would speed my walk up to a faster pace. It made it a little more fun.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I've seen these in Target, but wasn't sure if they were worth the purchase. Do they help tone your arms and abs? For how long do you do them? I did watch the weblink you posted with moving from one weight to the next. However, do you know if it would be a benefit if I purchased a 15 lb one and worked on my arms and abs with it?

They look interesting, but I'm not sure about their use.
There are 2 videos available at Target made by the same company at the kettlebells. (you can see a trailer at the gofit web site) They both have a 3 circuit workout that will work your entire body and instruction on how to correctly do each of the exercises. The total workout takes about 40 minutes. Obviously volume 2 is a bit more advanced than volume 1 but both are good for getting started with kettlebells. Once you get good with them and start getting in better shape the art of strength web site has some much more advanced routines.

Weight is really going depend on your current size and fitness level. Most women will start between 10-20 lbs and men will start at 20-35. When in doubt go with the lower weight and add more reps if necessary. The goal is to be kind of wiped out at the end of the 40 minute work out. I am a guy 5-9" 180 lbs in fair shape and I started with 20lbs but will be up to 35lbs very soon. My goal is to be up to 50lbs by the end of 2008 and into the 70-80 lbs range before 2009.


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Original Poster
There are 2 videos available at Target made by the same company at the kettlebells. (you can see a trailer at the gofit web site) They both have a 3 circuit workout that will work your entire body and instruction on how to correctly do each of the exercises. The total workout takes about 40 minutes. Obviously volume 2 is a bit more advanced than volume 1 but both are good for getting started with kettlebells. Once you get good with them and start getting in better shape the art of strength web site has some much more advanced routines.

Weight is really going depend on your current size and fitness level. Most women will start between 10-20 lbs and men will start at 20-35. When in doubt go with the lower weight and add more reps if necessary. The goal is to be kind of wiped out at the end of the 40 minute work out. I am a guy 5-9" 180 lbs in fair shape and I started with 20lbs but will be up to 35lbs very soon. My goal is to be up to 50lbs by the end of 2008 and into the 70-80 lbs range before 2009.

Thank you Master Yoda! I'm going to give it a try. I have nothing to lose, but weight!

Like I said, I've been looking at them in Target, but didn't want to waste money on something that would sit and grow cobwebs.

And, they look kind of fun, in a weird, workout way! Definitely something different. :)


Well-Known Member
Here's my motivation beyond that the good feeling of being thin outweighs the blah feeling of going to the gym: DON'T THINK ABOUT GOING TO THE GYM! JUST GO!!! Put it out of your mind. If you think about it you're more likely to talk yourself out of it (too busy, too tired...). For example today, I am wiped out and will get home late...I just want to watch TV, As I think about it I think of so many good reasons not to go...but I will go home, and like a robot, put on my gear and do what I have to do. It's never as bad as I thought it was going to be, I always have more time than I think, I am never as tired as I think I am...It's my mind that talks me out of things.

I often think of soldiers in WW2, those dudes had it rough but they kept going. And all of them say "I never thought I could do what I did but I just did it."


Well-Known Member
Here's my motivation beyond that the good feeling of being thin outweighs the blah feeling of going to the gym: DON'T THINK ABOUT GOING TO THE GYM! JUST GO!!! Put it out of your mind. If you think about it you're more likely to talk yourself out of it (too busy, too tired...). For example today, I am wiped out and will get home late...I just want to watch TV, As I think about it I think of so many good reasons not to go...but I will go home, and like a robot, put on my gear and do what I have to do. It's never as bad as I thought it was going to be, I always have more time than I think, I am never as tired as I think I am...It's my mind that talks me out of things.

Could not have said it better myself. I completely agree with your statement. I don't go to the gym after work, I go in the morning at 5:30am before work. I go to bed excited and ready, then my alarm goes off and the first thing that pops in my head is "I dont wanna get up yet", But I get up anyway because it is never as bad as I think, once I'm out of bed, I'm up. I eat breakfast and get dressed, and then I'm good to go and my day at work is better than ever. I find that when I don't go to the gym before work, I am more tired and have a crappy day. So I just get up and go and I don't overthink anything.


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Original Poster
You're right on Sublimesting. You cannot think, just do.

If I thought about going to the gym every day, I would never get there!


New Member
Hey all,
Not a great day for me today - it started well...I went to the gym and ran a mile, and then had a nice healthy breakfast, but then things took a turn for the worse. I had 4 classes back to back with a 20 minute break in between, from 1 until 8, so there was no time for real food...therefore, I had vending machine and bake sale snacks that I really shouldn't have had. Then, finally at like 8, I got to have some real food (stir fry made very healthily). Unfortunately, I then had a really bad night, and turned to M&M's and hot chocolate for comfort food :-( I feel like I let myself down :cry:

I suppose tomorrow morning, I'll just have to wake up and hop right back on the horse... Wish me luck!

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