i have one bad story, one funny one, and one good.
while i was working at Everest, i came out of the break room to start a new rotation. this was during previews prior to the attraction "officially" opening, so the lines were pretty long, but the break room entrance door faces the tea garden cue area. you can see very clearly through the bamboo, so i noticed a mom hurrying her 7-8 year old son into the bushes opposite the break room towards the back maintenance area. i hopped up on the ledge to get a better view of what was going on, and i heard her saying "hurry up" as the boy was pulling his pants down to "water the plants"... i immediately called out through the bamboo, "Ma'am! i'm sorry, you can't do that..." she replied hastily with "WELL, WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?!" me:"Um... there's a bathroom
right down the walkway..." her:"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET BACK IN LINE!?" me:"well, i'm sure all these nice people will let you back in line
after your son has used the restroom" hoping she'd look around and see everyone staring at her and realize how ridiculous this was... she just grabbed her son by the hand and started walking through the crowd towards the entrance again... boggles my mind how people think that's ok.
my second story is from also working at Everest (saw a
lot of stuff there), but it just made my night for some reason... i went to the computer to get a new assignment, and a task was given to me (i'm sure most will be familiar with the procedure, but if you're a cast member, you go to a computer to get your position. sometimes when there's nothing to do, yet, you get a 10-15 minute task, then it asks you to come back). i decided to help the fast pass person, since our attraction was still new and
really busy. as i'm walking up to the entrance, i see two people
bolt from stand-by in front of a few people who had just shown the FP CM their fast pass tickets, and power walk their way through the cue. i said "excuse me" to the guests who had just shown their tickets to the CM at fastpass, running passed them, and they just said "it's ok, let them go", but there was
no way i was going to let them cut in line while we had a 2 hr wait. i caught up to them (the cutters) just before they were supposed to give their FP tickets to the CM at the entrance of our loading dock. they didn't notice me behind them, but i waited to see what they were going to say when the cast member asked for their tickets, and they didn't have any. CM asks them "Tickets?" and the woman goes on this lie about "oh, we lost our tickets, but the CM up in the front said it was fine to come on in without them", which made me even more upset, because they
knew that we were so busy that they probably wouldn't have gotten an argument from the CM... as the CM was going to let them through the line, she noticed me standing behind them, and i just said "no, the CM at the front did
not tell you that, you cut in line, and you're going to the exit..." the woman looked at me like "what?! you're kidding", and her husband looked at me like "ok... we're busted... oh well". she continued on "oh come on! give us a break! this sucks!" as i escorted them to the exit.

very satisfying. i hate cutters :fork:
now the good (i'll keep it short). after i stopped working at wdw, i went back during oct with my family to enjoy the holiday festivities. i was at one man's dream and pushed the second actuator for the animatronic to show my dad how it worked. 2 CMs came up to me and said i've "won a prize, follow me...". they informed me that i won 4 tickets to mickeys NSS that evening, $200 in gift cards, free "professional" face painting, and VIP seats to the parade that night! it was such a fun night... what an experience. (sorry for the long post)