Did I Really Just See That.....in Disney World?????


I've had two "worst". The first of them was a few years ago where I saw a father flip out in the MK because the raccoon from Pochontas had to leave the meet&greet because the music on the Castle Stage had begun and he needed to be up there (already late). It's a long story I've told before, but the father literally turned bright red and ran around in a circle several times like he was a cartoon character. The kid was just fine until crazy papa went nuts, and of course began crying then. I stayed in the area because the CM he was directing this to was alone and an older woman, and I thought psycho dad was actually going to do something.

The other craziest moment was last year at the Food and Wine fest. I was between two countries, and there was this young, attractive, slim woman smoking outside the smoking area. She was with several others in a group, standing around drinking and smoking. Beer in one hand, cig in the other.

A CM came over and told her to put out the smoke, she pretended she didn't understand (they were from the UK, but she pretended she didn't speak English) then after the CM pointed to the cigarette she pretended to get it, and the CM left. Of course, the woman continued smoking. Now, I occasionally smoke, especially on vacation, so I have no issue with it but on the other hand I totally respect the smoking areas and follow the rules. So as I am walking past, I look at her, shake my head, and say, "You listen well."

She just looked at me, kind of stunned (and looking a little embarassed). Then the guy next to her turned to talk to someone else, and I saw that she was at least eight months pregnant. With a beer in one hand, smoke in the other. To say I was just disgusted was an understatement. There was no mistaking it, she wasn't simply overweight, she was actually quite slim and small except for the huge, low hanging belly - she was definitely very close to having a baby. It was now me with a shocked look, I just shook my head at her and walked away.

That's probably the most disgusted I have ever been at WDW.


probably a chav using their benefits for a disney holiday. same goes for the girl punching herself in the stomach. these people should be removed from the gene pool.


New Member
Back in Dec '07 DH and I was at MGM/DHS. While walking away from ST and passing Indiana Jones Stunt Show, there was this British man pushing a stroller with a boy who's probably about two. The kid is crying; probably because it was a the afternoon, and it was a bit warm (around high 70's that day), and probably needed a nap. Well, the dad/British man was so frustrated with the boy he decided to shake the stroller very hard--not only the stroller made a huge thud, but also made the boy fly out of the stroller!!! The boy probably fell about 2-3 feet away from the stroller, which made the boy cry even more. And at this point, the British guy starts yelling, cursing, screaming, etc. at this child because he's crying!!! He lifts the boy off the ground by his elbow and continues to curse at the boy.

Wow...that's all we could think of.


Well-Known Member
I gotta say it...some of these stories are so so sad. A pg woman smoking and drinking? Another pg girl punching her belly/unborn child? Insane! Makes me so sad because there are so many people (some near and dear to me) that desperately want children but haven't been able to yet there's those that have them but could care less. Every once in a while something happens in life that makes me question what the Man Upstairs is thinking. This is one of them. Hard to accept even when I remind myself that it's not for me to understand everything He does.



Well-Known Member
Nowhere near as shocking or outrageous as anything you guys have seen but I was shocked by the cheek of this.
A little boy ( from somewhere within the us that is spanish speaking) was pushing through the line for stitch saying my mum my mums up there...he got to just beside us when he stopped -no mum or dad insight! Well just before we got to the bit where you're about to go in the doors to the ride he whistles and all 9 of his family members plunder through the queue and join him! I think its absolutely disgusting that they used their child like this, I mean what sort of parents or people do that...queues are there for a reason-if you dont like them then dont go to wdw!


Well when I was there 2 or 3 years ago while I came back from MK's Disney Dreams Come True Parade. So I was walking by Liberty Square and I saw, well lets just say a "man and a man" together and they had 2 girls that were crying. They were 3 or 4ish. And I hear calling one of the men mommy. And my head turned around in surprised and I was like what the heck.

One time we were waiting for the bus to come back to the GF so we can go to MK and the bus rarely comes but it is slow. And we just missed one bus when we just got out of DHS. So we were waiting and waiting until this one bus comes. With my bus were 3 handicapped people. And it takes them like 5 minutes each to get on the darn bus.

I don't really see whats wrong with either of those...:veryconfu whats so wrong with two men having children or handicapped people taking time to get on the bus?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
You know, it really is sad. Every time I go to WDW I always witness a scene in which a parent forcfully grabs an over-excited child and barks into their ear, "If you keep behaving like this, we'll never come here again!"


Well-Known Member
Being the over protective mom that I am, I was shocked one night while having dinner at 1900 Park Fare. We were all seated in the back room area and we had noticed a very small little girl, not even two, walking by our table following a family. About 10-15 minutes later a CM was holding her walking around to the tables asking if she belonged with us, and the other people eating around us. :eek: I couldn't believe it. I told the CM that she walked in to that area with a family, turns out it wasn't her family. Finally, someone with her group calmly walked over to the CM and said, "We have been looking for you for five minutes, where have you been?". Everyone around us couldn't believe it. She had been in that area with us for a good 20 minutes by now. Anyone could have just walked out with that child. :mad:


New Member
My biggest what the heck moment happens when older guests (like parents) act more immature than their children. Grabbing at characters forcefully and forcing their screaming child who is TERRIFIED of meeting the characters into his lap. Like, really Mom? If your kid is scared, screaming,and crying, that picture is NOT going to be your next Christmas card.


New Member
I had a wow moment when I went to Disney World a couple of years ago during Spring Break. My roommates and I were at the Indie Show and there was a family with two young children sitting next to us. The first thing that we noticed when we sat down was the smell of an unchanged baby diaper. We knew that if we could smell it sitting next to the family, that the mother was able to smell the baby also. After a while, the smell was so unbelievable but the show was about to start and we had no other place to move to.

Right before the show started, the older child, probably about three, stood up on the chairs and completely did a face first fall into the bleacher in front of us. All of my roomies and I just stared in disbelief while the parents did not even check to see if their child was alright. All they did was slap the child and say to not do that again. All the while their littlest child was still stinking from baby ________.

We all felt really bad for those kids....and it showed me exactly how I do not want to act when I have kids later.


New Member
My OMG moment was in Sept 06. Our grand gathering group was at DTD and we had just come out of the store and the kids were showing off their new toys, etc. My DD2 was in the double stroller and from behind me I hear a lady saying "oh, oh, oh". We all turn around an older lady is heading right for us in her motorized scooter! She couldn't figure out how to stop the thing because she was loaded down with bags from the store. She ran right into our stroller, destroying it! Luckily my cousin grabbed my DD out of the stroller just in time! It took 4 grown men to stop this woman in her scooter. She ran over my DS bag with his new toys in it, but store employees saw what happened and replaced his new DVD he had bought. It turns out that she was with her family and they kept on piling her with their packages while they shopped for more!!! Thank God nobody was hurt, just really shook up!:(


New Member
Some kids only learn with corporal punishment. I was brought up with similar punishment and (belts and wooden spoons etc) as were my brothers and sister, And we all turned out fine. If you ask me for to often children aren't punished enough now. Kids seem to get away with anything now talking back hitting the parents, never listening. I've seen it again and again and all I can ever think of is wow I would never have been able to get away with that, but it worked it taught me at a young age how to behave. And I know it was only out of Love that parents administer discipline. Perhaps in this instance the mother may have acted quickly but not knowing the circumstances it's hard to say. Perhaps the child was being terrible all morning and he finally got what was coming to him. I think people are to quick to call 911 or react negatively to corporate punishment. All of that being said though that is just my opinion and I know different things work for different people.
That is all fine and dandy....HOWEVER.....doing this in public isn't the brightest thing to do. AND...as eliezrah said.....the so called infraction didn't justify either. I too come from a childhood where this was common place & if this were to happen in front of me, I would be the one they would be calling 911 about....for putting my hands around this woman's neck. I am usually able to ignore most a--holes however it takes that "special" person to set me off. As a retail employee for 2 years I've bit my tongue so many times it has permanent scars. :p
On a side note about the breast feeding thing.....WHY in the bloody hell do people bring infants/newborns to WDW? So you can go to MK and......Um...uh...um....walk around? You could spend less money & walk around the local mall or go to a park, Spending hundreds for a Disney trip that you really can't do much on because you have an infant really baffles me.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.

On a side note about the breast feeding thing.....WHY in the bloody hell do people bring infants/newborns to WDW?me.

To have a holiday I would suggest. Have you not heard of child swap?

Perhaps they are satanists trying to tempt decent folk by expossing a breast while feeding?


Active Member
It's not prudish, it's inappropriate.
Reverse the situation and have a guy run into the ladies room for a quick tinkle in the sink....then you'll see why it's considered rude here (and most everywhere).

Reminds of an afternoon when the family was wrapping up a day at Typhoon Lagoon I was waiting outside the locker rooms for my wife and kids to finish changing.

Two guys in their early to mid 20's who didn't speak english (let's say they were from France since that seems to be pretty popular on this thread) headed right into the ladies locker room. I guess the reaction I expected was for the the guys to come right back out. What was a little unusual was that they didn't and they were in there for about 5 minutes. The person who did come running out was my wife looking for a CM. The CM them escorted them out, they looked a little surprised and were laughing.


On a side note about the breast feeding thing.....WHY in the bloody hell do people bring infants/newborns to WDW? So you can go to MK and......Um...uh...um....walk around? You could spend less money & walk around the local mall or go to a park, Spending hundreds for a Disney trip that you really can't do much on because you have an infant really baffles me.
I would think the majority of families bringing young infants also have older kids who they are at WDW for. And, like Pumbas Nakasak said, there is the baby swap as well, so you're not stuck not doing anything.

Perhaps they are satanists trying to tempt decent folk by expossing a breast while feeding?
:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:Is that what I do when I'm feeding my baby?! LOL I always thought I was just providing him the nourishment he needs to grow and thrive! LOL

Voiceguy, if they were French it makes sense to me. The French will use either bathroom if there's a men's and women's room. A lot of places in France they share bathrooms.


Disney Fun

In my family's many trips to disney i can remember quite a few embarassing instances...
1. I got sick one morning @ WL and in the cafe i became ill and the small bathroom in the hallway outside it has one urnal and one stall... the stall was occupied and i had to use the urnal for the vomiting
2. my oldest sister vomited durring Fantasmic... so now in my family it is more commonly refered to as 'Spewtastic'
3. my two younger sisters were playing on a bench waiting for illuminations, my father had just come back from the USA pavilion with hotdogs, and lots of katsup and mustard. well my sister who was probably 5 or 6 at the time jumped off the bench onto a katsup packet and the projectile katsup hit a woman 10+ feet away in the back of her white blouse. in a bit of shock and haste the womans husband proceedes to wipe the katsup down her whole back. she the proceded to verbaly lash her husband for rouining her shirt he ran off to get a rain poncho to cover his now steaming mad wife and comes back with a clear poncho!!:lol:


New Member
don't they have baby care places in every park? yes a child has to eat, and i'm all for the nutrients it provides, but a mother walking down mainstreet with a kid hanging off a breast is a bit much.

a 2 year old hanging off a breast ANYWHERE is a bit much! there was a lady i used to work with that breast fed her child until he was 5! when your child can stand up to breast feed, it's WAY past time to stop! IMO, it should stop after the first birthday....but, that's just MY opinion!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I think this thread shows that something is seriously wrong with some parents today. =\ No matter what age I was my parents would NEVER in a million years let me have a rolling on the floor crying tantrum in public, going to the bathroom anywhere that isnt the bathroom, or taking off my clothes in public. An experience with me that has happened more than once (not only at wdw) is that youre in a restaurant sitting there eating, minding your own business, when a child comes up to you and either just looks at you or starts talking/pointing, and the parents just sit there and smile like its the cutest thing ever. Now I love kids, and they can be cute but I still don't want to talk to someone elses kids while I'm eating, and every time this happens I'm dumbfounded that the parents just seem to think its completely adorable and not do anything about it. What happened to telling youre kids to not talk to strangers, these days it seems like parents are encouraging it. -rant-


New Member
OMG, I too hate those things. I have seen way to many kids that just completely mow people over with them at the mall. And the parents....... what parents......... :confused:

i was in walmart yesterday and these 2 kids were chasing each other around right behind me and one kid fell because the other was chasing him and kicked me in the leg. mom was standing right there, and do you think she said anything to them? nope! so, i did! i looked at him and told him he needed to watch what he was doing, that there were more people in the store than just him! it wasn't really my place, but his mom didn't say anything to him and i wanted him to be aware that he hurt me! then, him and his brother kept doing the "you better not follow me" act! :)

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