Did I Really Just See That.....in Disney World?????


Well-Known Member
Most annoying thing we saw on our last trip was a 40-something yuppie dad, about 50 pounds overweight, with the dreaded goat-tee beard, baseball cap on backwards, and Bono-style fly sunglasses, take a cell phone call while he was boarding Splash Mountain. He continued to talk throughout the entire ride (he was in front of us). His son (around 10 yrs old) was so excited to be on the ride. The child kept bouncing up and down in his seat, pointing at all the characters, saying things like, "Look dad! There's a bear! Look dad, there's a rabbit hopping by!" He seemed like such a nice kid. But the father stayed on his cell phone, ignoring his child the whole time. Even when we were going over the big drop, the guy says to whomever was on the cell phone, "Hang on a second..." We go down the drop, and sure enough, the guy continues back on the cell phone, talking about trading some stock.

The boy was so excited after the drop. He got a little wet, and he just loved the ride. He was still bouncing up and down when we exited the log, and yep, dad was still on his cell phone. The poor kid's enthusiasm seemed to die off once he realized the ride was over. He now looked depressed. We got to the photo area, and he was excited to see his picture. "Dad! Dad! Look, there we are!" But his dad was still on the cell phone, and walked right by.

And yet parents like to call childless couples (like us) "selfish"? :veryconfu

You win the game. Its so sad when a child is having fun and the parents don't understand the beauty of that. A smile on a good child like that deserves some happy parents.

On a side note, theres absolutely nothing wrong with being a childless couple. I don't get the whole rush to conform with everyones standards and get married and have children. Though I feel the pressure already and can understand. My girlfriend and I are surrounded by marrying couples who are having kids. Everyone turns to us and goes "You're next".


Active Member
So we're coming from the bus drop-off under the monorail tracks past the nice little grassy fenced-in area before bag check at MK. There's a family of about 5 or six people with little kids in front of us when the younger kid (maybe 2 or 3 years old) says he has to go potty. So, naturally, being so close to the entrance of the Magic Kingdom the father asks him to hold it in, right? WRONG! He lifts the kid over the iron rail fence into the pretty little garden and tells him to ______ on the grass! So the kid drops his drawers in front of the roughly 55,000 people passing by and lets loose!

Honestly man! The toilet is only 50 feet away!


New Member
Having read all the posts and commented several times, what saddens me most is that most of these occasions involve children. IMO parents are really forgetting the examples they are showing their children and other children around them. And then they wonder why adults act they way they do. Parents/adults have the strongest influence on kids and in a place where so many children are at, I wish more people would calm down, relax, and simply think before reacting.

Favorite quote of all time, is a true one - It takes a village to raise a child.

Be a responsible villager! :animwink:

Stepping off soap box . . .


Well-Known Member
I've seen a lot of insane stuff at WDW, too. I think it comes with the territory. There's masses of children, families, etc. Throw in the heat, unavoidable exhaustion, and stress and there's bound to be some major melt-downs.

One of my all-time fav's was the day we wandered into Tink's shop outside the castle at MK. As we approached the door we could hear a child screaming having a tantrum. We proceeded to walk in anyway. As we got a few feet in the door we see a little girl, maybe 5-ish screaming, rolling in the floor having one heck of a tantrum. We tried not to stare or give any extra attention to the situation. Our oldest did the whole tantrum thing like that when he was right around 2 but we broke him of it before 3. We didn't want to further the parent's embarrassment. It wasn't long before it got quiet. A few minutes past then we heard more screaming but this time the screaming was on the move. We see the girl with a costume wadded up in her arms full-on running from her mom, weaving and dodging the displays. She was screeching, "I want it! I want it! I want it!" The mom wasn't gaining any ground chasing so she took to trying to cut the little girl off as she weaved the different displays. It was like a cartoon. It was so funny. We still tried not to laugh. I was about to help out the mom by grabbing hold of the kid until mom could get her because I really didn't think mom was going to catch her. At that moment she got hold of her, pried her arms apart so the costume fell out, shoved the kid behind her, picked it up, then bought it. :eek: That's when hubby and I burst into rolls of laughter. Explains why a 5 year old carries on like that. As tempting as it was to go let the mom in on the fact that she just reinforced bad behavior in her kid, we let it go. If she hadn't gotten it by then I'm sure our clue would have gone over her head. :hammer:

In the words of my gramma, "A child will do what they can get away with." So true.


New Member
Well when I was there 2 or 3 years ago while I came back from MK's Disney Dreams Come True Parade. So I was walking by Liberty Square and I saw, well lets just say a "man and a man" together and they had 2 girls that were crying. They were 3 or 4ish. And I hear calling one of the men mommy. And my head turned around in surprised and I was like what the heck.
And what really gets me annoyed is everyday, every year that I'm in WDW I always see a kid under 10 pushing a stroller and the he/she hits me in the ankles and I get really bad red marks on my legs. And seeing kids wandering alone and not following the rules and the parents are easy going and dont even care about their own kids.
One time we were waiting for the bus to come back to the GF so we can go to MK and the bus rarely comes but it is slow. And we just missed one bus when we just got out of DHS. So we were waiting and waiting until this one bus comes. With my bus were 3 handicapped people. And it takes them like 5 minutes each to get on the darn bus.


I used to work overnights in a building where I was the only person in the entire building.

Somtimes, out of sheer bordem, and well ... just because I could ... i would wander around the building, check out other departments break rooms, look at some cool pictures people had hanging up outside their cubes, and at times see what the womens resrooms looked like. They had lounges - little chairs to sit in, a little table, very nice. Although i don't know if I particulary want to lounge around in the bathroom, but it was much nicer than the men's rooms.


Hahaha, I couldn't have said it better myself! I am a girl and have always wondered why alot of girl bathrooms have lounge chairs and coffee tables in them. Especially in Vegas, they have seperate "hang out rooms" in those bathrooms.

But on the whole bathroom topic. Everyone is discussing the invasion of privacy for a female to go into the males bathrooms, I agree with this. Guys don't have stalls, if they are peeing. So reverse the situation ladies, if we did not have stalls and had to ______ in front of other girls, wouldn't you find it very rude if a guy just came in to do his business too? Even with girls having stalls, girls throw a fit if a male walks in, even by accident. So we can't go strolling into the males bathroom and expect them to just deal with it. If the situation was reversed, I am sure security would be called. So yeah, we shouldn't expect guys to just deal with us going into their bathrooms if we would have a problem with if it they came into ours.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I just remembered this little OMG moment.

Its not related to potty, hygiene, strollers, or anything like that, but it was quite unbelievable at the time.

It was 1998 (not that timeframe matters). My dad and I had pulled into the Disney MGM Studios parking lot (It was MGM at the time, don't give me grief about it :) ) We were walking to the park when we heard some music BLASTING from across the lot. We went to inspect. Sure enough, there was a car blasting music. Doors Open, AC blasting, Music playing. NO ONE IN SIGHT. We looked around. It was late afternoon on an overcast day, so there was no CMs around. We went to Guest Services and mentioned it, but they kinda did not know what to do.

I have these movies in my head of someone just going "WE MADE IT TO DISNEY! LETS GO! EFF THE CAR LET'S MOVE!!!!" :ROFLOL:


New Member
One time we were waiting for the bus to come back to the GF so we can go to MK and the bus rarely comes but it is slow. And we just missed one bus when we just got out of DHS. So we were waiting and waiting until this one bus comes. With my bus were 3 handicapped people. And it takes them like 5 minutes each to get on the darn bus.

I'm sorry, this is an issue how?


It's a guy thing.
Ewwwwww! LOL

I hate people with strollers.
Hey! Don't lump us all together as one group!!!! I always make sure to apologize if I accidentally bump someone.

What I hate about being a stroller parent is when people don't seem to care that I also have a child (or now children) walking. My older child(ren) walk ahead and I'm trying to run with the stroller to catch up so I don't lose my child(ren) and I can't get through the crowd. It's happened before (not in WDW necessarily) where I even said "excuse me, I have to catch up to my other child before she runs off" and no one cared. :(

Having read all the posts and commented several times, what saddens me most is that most of these occasions involve children. IMO parents are really forgetting the examples they are showing their children and other children around them. And then they wonder why adults act they way they do. Parents/adults have the strongest influence on kids and in a place where so many children are at, I wish more people would calm down, relax, and simply think before reacting.

Favorite quote of all time, is a true one - It takes a village to raise a child.

Be a responsible villager! :animwink:

Stepping off soap box . . .
It's true!

I think what happens, and it's wrong, is that some parents feel they paid a lot for their WDW vacation and they don't want to miss out on anything because of their child. Well I feel (and remember I'm a mom of 3 VERY young kids) that if you take your kids to WDW you have to expect that your trip will NOT be like when you go w/o them. If you take your kids, you are there for THEM and not for YOU and you need to go by their lead. Were Scott & I upset to miss all the fireworks on our last trip because we had to get back to the hotel by 8 pm for their bedtime each night? Of course we were! But we didn't want to force our kids to stay up late where they'd get cranky just to see fireworks or the evening parade. We did WDW at their pace, not ours!

At that moment she got hold of her, pried her arms apart so the costume fell out, shoved the kid behind her, picked it up, then bought it. :eek:
:eek::eek: Are you kidding me? OMG!!! Um, hello, that's why the kid carries on like that! If you say no and if your child screams, you hold true to saying no! I know so many people like that IRL and it really irks me. My kids may not like it if I say no, but they know that no means no!


Well when I was there 2 or 3 years ago while I came back from MK's Disney Dreams Come True Parade. So I was walking by Liberty Square and I saw, well lets just say a "man and a man" together and they had 2 girls that were crying. They were 3 or 4ish. And I hear calling one of the men mommy. And my head turned around in surprised and I was like what the heck.
And what really gets me annoyed is everyday, every year that I'm in WDW I always see a kid under 10 pushing a stroller and the he/she hits me in the ankles and I get really bad red marks on my legs. And seeing kids wandering alone and not following the rules and the parents are easy going and dont even care about their own kids.
One time we were waiting for the bus to come back to the GF so we can go to MK and the bus rarely comes but it is slow. And we just missed one bus when we just got out of DHS. So we were waiting and waiting until this one bus comes. With my bus were 3 handicapped people. And it takes them like 5 minutes each to get on the darn bus.

Does this story have a point? So what gay men had some kids...and?

I can understand the bit with kids pushing the strollers but I bet it doesn't happen every day your at WDW, maybe nearly every day.

and so what if handicapped people take 5 minutes to get on the bus, they might need that extra time so they dont fall or anything, have some respect.


Active Member
I hate people with strollers.

Ouch! You do realize that on most busy days at the MK you most likely see more people with strollers than without? I always feel terrible if I accidentally hit someone with it!
What it comes down to is that I think all people need to pay attention to where they are going, stoller people and non stroller people. I have actually been taken out royally with an aggressive stroller pusher while I was pushing my stoller! I'll admit that it was my fault because I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I got right in the line of fire! I think everyone should just slow down!

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I just had an :eek: moment tonight. I was catching the last run of Star Tours, trying to stall for time while the first Fantasmic let out. I was standing in the pre-boarding area, and the pre-show safety video had just ended. There was an approximately 4-5 year old boy that was obviously very excited about the ride, as he kept jumping up and down.

Perhaps he was a little too excited.

Suddenly, the woman that was with him (either his mother or grandmother) said, very flatly: "Oh, Dominick." I looked down, and there was a steady stream of urine running down poor little Dominick's leg. Ewww. My friend and I flagged down a CM, and they dealt with it, though not before several people very nearly walked right through it on their way to boarding the ride.


New Member
It's so great that Disney empowers their CMs to do the right thing. How sweet to provide the unfortunate father with new clothes! That saved several hours that the entire family would have lost going back to their resort so the dad could change clothes. Thanks for spreading the magic :wave:.

It's part of a Guest satisfaction program they had (hopefully still do) there's actually a little bit of a budget allotted for this kind of thing. My budget was pretty small being only an outside woodcart ... this probably took my budget for the month...then I just had to hope I didn't get another puking accident for 30 days :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've had two "worst". The first of them was a few years ago where I saw a father flip out in the MK because the raccoon from Pochontas had to leave the meet&greet because the music on the Castle Stage had begun and he needed to be up there (already late). It's a long story I've told before, but the father literally turned bright red and ran around in a circle several times like he was a cartoon character. The kid was just fine until crazy papa went nuts, and of course began crying then. I stayed in the area because the CM he was directing this to was alone and an older woman, and I thought psycho dad was actually going to do something.

The other craziest moment was last year at the Food and Wine fest. I was between two countries, and there was this young, attractive, slim woman smoking outside the smoking area. She was with several others in a group, standing around drinking and smoking. Beer in one hand, cig in the other.

A CM came over and told her to put out the smoke, she pretended she didn't understand (they were from the UK, but she pretended she didn't speak English) then after the CM pointed to the cigarette she pretended to get it, and the CM left. Of course, the woman continued smoking. Now, I occasionally smoke, especially on vacation, so I have no issue with it but on the other hand I totally respect the smoking areas and follow the rules. So as I am walking past, I look at her, shake my head, and say, "You listen well."

She just looked at me, kind of stunned (and looking a little embarassed). Then the guy next to her turned to talk to someone else, and I saw that she was at least eight months pregnant. With a beer in one hand, smoke in the other. To say I was just disgusted was an understatement. There was no mistaking it, she wasn't simply overweight, she was actually quite slim and small except for the huge, low hanging belly - she was definitely very close to having a baby. It was now me with a shocked look, I just shook my head at her and walked away.

That's probably the most disgusted I have ever been at WDW.



I just remembered another one...seeing the story of the pregnant woman reminded me.

I had just gotten off Mission: Space and the family in front of me went up to this woman (looked about 18-20 years old) who was waiting for them. The woman was VERY pregnant and it looked by the ages of everyone that it may have been her parents and brother that went on the ride without her.

They were telling her how fantastic the ride was and the woman said (something to the effect of) "Great one more thing I missed because of this" then she started punching herself in the stomach really hard!!! :eek:

Her mother grabbed her arm and said "THAT IS ENOUGH!" and the pregnant woman calmed down but still looked like she was sulking when they left


Well-Known Member
They were telling her how fantastic the ride was and the woman said (something to the effect of) "Great one more thing I missed because of this" then she started punching herself in the stomach really hard!!! :eek:

Well maybe she should have thought about that before she let him put that there...

You have to have a license to put a hook on a string and put it in a pond to catch dinner, but anyone can have a kid. Sad sad. :(



Well when I was there 2 or 3 years ago while I came back from MK's Disney Dreams Come True Parade. So I was walking by Liberty Square and I saw, well lets just say a "man and a man" together and they had 2 girls that were crying. They were 3 or 4ish. And I hear calling one of the men mommy. And my head turned around in surprised and I was like what the heck.

One time we were waiting for the bus to come back to the GF so we can go to MK and the bus rarely comes but it is slow. And we just missed one bus when we just got out of DHS. So we were waiting and waiting until this one bus comes. With my bus were 3 handicapped people. And it takes them like 5 minutes each to get on the darn bus.

when will those handicapped and gay people just stay home?! :rolleyes:

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