I'm the same way about my weight loss. I gained 50 & 75 lbs with my pregnancies and, although my babies were big babies, those bundles weren't 50 & 75 lbs. :lol: Three years after I had my youngest I dropped 30 lbs. Over the past 10 years I've mostly either hovered around that mark or fluctuated down within another 10 lbs when I work at it. Only a couple times have I gone back up by up to 10 lbs. Yeah, I'm not ashamed to say I stood on a scale and saw 250 once upon a time. It just shows how far I've come. As for losing a 13 year old boy...some days I wish I could lose him, too. And a 15 year old one. And a 39 year old one. :ROFLOL:
"Sometimes it's hard...to be...a woman...." LOL your post made me think of that line. We put on weight SO easily! Sometimes I get so jealous of Jason being able to eat whatever he wants and he's still a bean pole!
And look at us now!! Be looking for another package in the mail... I finally sent it yesterday.
Sweet, thank you so much! And yesterday I took a stroll down memory lane and re-read my 2009 TR. I had to smile when I saw the very first comment from you to me
Brett and I are also going to be down that weekend. :sohappy: Although the decision was based on the Wine & Dine half marathon, not the 40th.
If I recall correctly, the food and wine kiosks stay open until the park closes, but beware WS at night... on the weekends especially, it is an absolute madhouse during the F&W festival. We always find it more enjoyable in the afternoons.
I know you will be very busy 9/30 & 10/1 but we would love to have a quick drink or something If not this time, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future - we are now completely decided that we're moving to Orlando next year :sohappy: We told our families and most of them are on board. As expected, some are not ready to let go. They'll come around when they come to stay in our awesome house with a pool and hot tub :lol:
I forgot to mention that I won a contest for the SpeechEasy ear device that I wear to manage my stutter and they're sending me a $200 Target gift card! We decided to put it towards a DSLR (finally)! I've been studying up on aperture, shutter speed, and all that good photography jargon I've been missing with my P&S all these years. We are limited to Target's DSLR offerings but they have a pretty good deal on a Nikon D3000. I'd love to get a newer model but we cannot afford to spend more than a month's rent on a camera