Confessions of a DFTW Bride To Be


Thanks, Jackie! Have a magical time and enjoy your planning session :sohappy: I'm SO excited for you! And I'm so happy to have your wedding to look forward to after my wedding. Jason was worried about me having "post fairytale depression" because what could possibly top this?

I'll let them know you're interested in contributing to the WDWRadio blog, Jason actually said he would be interested too. I'm going to try to get him to contribute to the TR too :) But he can't sign up on this site until after the wedding because of all the pictures of me in my dress!!

Awww you're so sweet! <3 I am SO excited for your wedding too!!!

I've also been meaning to ask you because you haven't posted about it--- what are your thoughts on the GF construction and the windows? I hope you're okay with them!!


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Awww you're so sweet! <3 I am SO excited for your wedding too!!!

I've also been meaning to ask you because you haven't posted about it--- what are your thoughts on the GF construction and the windows? I hope you're okay with them!!

I'm happy about the windows, they look really nice :) I'm a bit concerned about the construction interfering with our pictures at the WP. I was definitely NOT happy at all that the Spa is closing but at least they took care of rescheduling my appt elsewhere. But I kind of wanted the experience of going to the GF Spa, you know? I've never been there. I'm not looking forward to seeing construction walls off to the right when we exit the Wedding Pavilion. From the pictures I've seen so far, there are construction walls along the path from the GF to the WP. I have been assured that the construction will not impede any wedding goings-on so I'm just going to trust that it won't. I don't think it will impact our cake & champagne celebration at the White Hall Patio Room. Fingers crossed!!


I'm happy about the windows, they look really nice :) I'm a bit concerned about the construction interfering with our pictures at the WP. I was definitely NOT happy at all that the Spa is closing but at least they took care of rescheduling my appt elsewhere. But I kind of wanted the experience of going to the GF Spa, you know? I've never been there. I'm not looking forward to seeing construction walls off to the right when we exit the Wedding Pavilion. From the pictures I've seen so far, there are construction walls along the path from the GF to the WP. I have been assured that the construction will not impede any wedding goings-on so I'm just going to trust that it won't. I don't think it will impact our cake & champagne celebration at the White Hall Patio Room. Fingers crossed!!

Yeah, I think you'll be FINE--- it looks like they should have some foliage covering the walls, and the structure itself won't be up by the time your wedding rolls around. It won't impact your cake and champagne either, so no worries! :D

I'm glad you like the windows though!!!


Well-Known Member
Aw man! I'm sorry about the Yakitori House and the surrounding area! I'm sorta disappointed, too. One of the things I was looking forward to next month during our YC stay is walking over to WS & hitting up the Yakitori House again. Do you know if the construction walls will be extending down into the area that's in front of that little door that leads to the back section of Mitsukoshi? ((I'm sure I spelled that wrong & too lazy to go look it up..LOL)) I was hoping to do a little exploring back there next trip to get a better feel for what that area was supposed to be with the ride/show & all.

Yeah, when I read about all the construction that will be going at the GF the first thing I thought of was all the P.O.d brides they would have. I imagine I would be irked by it. What's this about "windows"? Did I miss a detail??? Curious.

And sorry about the GF salon. Your'e right, at least they helped you find another salon. I'd still be sorta sad, too. I mean, you get this vision/idea of the way things will be and then they change. But, hey! You get a bonus spin on the monorail! I'm with you in that I've stayed at the Contemporary twice and have no clue where the salon is. When you find out, clue me in! LOL! My guess will be the 2nd or 3rd floor in the tower building because those are the areas I've seen the least of. :D


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Pictures of the Yakitori House refurb are now surfacing online and yes the entire area is behind construction walls including the outdoor seating, waterfall, and bridge. :cry: We're not going to be able to see our favorite family of ducks. Well at least F&W starts the day of our portrait sessions so maybe we'll get some cute pics of the kiosks before they open. Thank GOD I chose UK Lochside instead of Japan for the DP! I was really on the fence about that one since I'm part Japanese. But the view from UK is the best IMO.

I need to start a photo shot list of photos we want for the wedding day and bridal portraits. I'm happy to take suggestions!

I thought of you when I read about the refurb since I knew you guys love that place! :( That really stinks.

You must make sure to take some pictures at that beautiful bridge near Italy, I just think it's so pretty over there. If you have time how long do you have for the session anyways? I might have asked you this before, I can't remember :hammer:


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Yeah, I think you'll be FINE--- it looks like they should have some foliage covering the walls, and the structure itself won't be up by the time your wedding rolls around. It won't impact your cake and champagne either, so no worries! :D

I'm glad you like the windows though!!!

I hope the construction is ok for you too! I'm sure it will be fine, people pay too much money to get married at the Wedding Pavilion so I'm sure they will accommodate us somehow!

Aw man! I'm sorry about the Yakitori House and the surrounding area! I'm sorta disappointed, too. One of the things I was looking forward to next month during our YC stay is walking over to WS & hitting up the Yakitori House again. Do you know if the construction walls will be extending down into the area that's in front of that little door that leads to the back section of Mitsukoshi? ((I'm sure I spelled that wrong & too lazy to go look it up..LOL)) I was hoping to do a little exploring back there next trip to get a better feel for what that area was supposed to be with the ride/show & all.

Yeah, when I read about all the construction that will be going at the GF the first thing I thought of was all the P.O.d brides they would have. I imagine I would be irked by it. What's this about "windows"? Did I miss a detail??? Curious.

And sorry about the GF salon. Your'e right, at least they helped you find another salon. I'd still be sorta sad, too. I mean, you get this vision/idea of the way things will be and then they change. But, hey! You get a bonus spin on the monorail! I'm with you in that I've stayed at the Contemporary twice and have no clue where the salon is. When you find out, clue me in! LOL! My guess will be the 2nd or 3rd floor in the tower building because those are the areas I've seen the least of. :D

Here's a link to the pictures I saw of the Yakitori House refurb, you can't really see down to the back section of Mitsukoshi: Oh well, if we can at least get a pic of us in front of the red symbol with SSE in the background, I'll be happy. Maybe a few in front of Mitsukoshi too :)

Here's a link to the article about the Wedding Pavilion windows, they're so pretty! I love all the carriages and glass slipper love :) I'm totally going to feel like Cinderella!!

I read that the salon at the Contemporary is on the 3rd floor. I've been up there to talk to the UPS people but I still have no idea where it is. I wonder how long it's been open? I can't believe I've stayed there 4 times and never heard of it!

I thought of you when I read about the refurb since I knew you guys love that place! :( That really stinks.

You must make sure to take some pictures at that beautiful bridge near Italy, I just think it's so pretty over there. If you have time how long do you have for the session anyways? I might have asked you this before, I can't remember :hammer:

Our portrait sessions are on 9/30 from 6:30AM - 9:30AM. The photographer is picking us up at SSR at 6:15AM. My hair and makeup artist, Patricia LeJeune, is coming at 4:30AM!! Poor Jason, I have no idea what he's going to do with himself for all that time. He won't be able to sleep! Maybe he'll be a doll and go take some early morning pictures around the resort.

I love the bridge in Italy. I believe that DP location is called Italy Isola. It would be cool to get a picture with a living statue but I doubt they'll be out yet since WS will be closed.


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I'm going for my 2nd dress fitting today, woohoo! I'm a bit bummed because I've gained 5lbs. But that's kind of out of my control...water know what I'm talkin' bout ladies! I hope it doesn't impact things too much, I'll just suck in the whole time LOL :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Your wedding is getting so close! Hooray for another fitting. You know, I was wondering if Jason knew anything about your dress. I didn't want to post pictures of mine because I just knew Brett would let curiosity get the better of him. So, props to Jason for being able to restrain himself! He'll be handsomely rewarded for all his hard work when those double doors open at the back of the Wedding Pavilion! Squee... I've got cold chills just thinking about it.

Have fun at your fitting... is it too much to hope for more pictures?! :D


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Our portrait sessions are on 9/30 from 6:30AM - 9:30AM. The photographer is picking us up at SSR at 6:15AM. My hair and makeup artist, Patricia LeJeune, is coming at 4:30AM!! Poor Jason, I have no idea what he's going to do with himself for all that time. He won't be able to sleep! Maybe he'll be a doll and go take some early morning pictures around the resort.

I love the bridge in Italy. I believe that DP location is called Italy Isola. It would be cool to get a picture with a living statue but I doubt they'll be out yet since WS will be closed.

Now I remember you telling me that! I apologize for me forgetting :p So that gets you a solid 3 hours of phototaking, which I'm sure will go by very fast but well worth it!

And I agree with Holly pictures of second fitting?? :D


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Your wedding is getting so close! Hooray for another fitting. You know, I was wondering if Jason knew anything about your dress. I didn't want to post pictures of mine because I just knew Brett would let curiosity get the better of him. So, props to Jason for being able to restrain himself! He'll be handsomely rewarded for all his hard work when those double doors open at the back of the Wedding Pavilion! Squee... I've got cold chills just thinking about it.

Have fun at your fitting... is it too much to hope for more pictures?! :D

All Jason knows is my dress is princessy and poofy. He's not curious at all, he wants us to have that moment when the doors open at the Wedding Pavilion more than I do! He's very traditional :) I try to only post pics of my dress when he's not home or if he is, I tell him what I'm doing and he goes into another room. He did accidentally see one of my dress pics at my sister's but it wasn't the dress I picked so it was ok.

Now I remember you telling me that! I apologize for me forgetting :p So that gets you a solid 3 hours of phototaking, which I'm sure will go by very fast but well worth it!

And I agree with Holly pictures of second fitting?? :D

No worries, it's a LOT of planning to take in! I went back and reread the beginning of this thread recently and I can't believe how much our plans have changed! We were originally going to do Sea Breeze Point in December. That would have been beautiful with the Christmas decorations but that's an expensive time of year and not too great for the families with kids in school. I'm glad things worked out the way they did!

Dress pics are coming up! Of course I'm going to take pictures at every fitting!! :D


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All Jason knows is my dress is princessy and poofy. He's not curious at all, he wants us to have that moment when the doors open at the Wedding Pavilion more than I do! He's very traditional :) I try to only post pics of my dress when he's not home or if he is, I tell him what I'm doing and he goes into another room. He did accidentally see one of my dress pics at my sister's but it wasn't the dress I picked so it was ok.

I'm sooooo glad he hasn't seen it yet. Seriously! I honestly don't understand why brides include their grooms on the dress selection (and I'm not even talking about from a superstitious standpoint - I just mean from the "wow" factor standpoint). Like Jason, Brett didn't want to know anything about it. He wasn't at all interested in a "first look." and wanted nothing to do with seeing me prior to the ceremony. And while I know he didn't want to see the dress ahead of time, the fact that he frequents the boards and reads/posts in all my trip reports, I just couldn't risk him "accidentally" clicking on the link. I didn't even want to upload all my random dress-stress pictures onto my computer for fear that he really would accidentally come across them.



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Wedding Dress Fitting #2

My second fitting went really well and I *should* have just one more to go. The seamstress at Alfred Angelo is really nice and worked with my schedule because I'm going to Vancouver in just 2 weeks and she said she wanted me to be able to take the dress home before then so I don't have to worry about it. I was figuring on picking it up by Sept 9th but I will feel much better if I get this done before my trip :sohappy: I go back next Monday for the final fitting and she said if anything else needs to be done with it, she'll turn it around in a few days so I can still pick it up before I leave on 8/28.

I took my new bouquet with me, it's doubled in size with hidden Mickey's everywhere!




She only worked on the bodice because pulling it in that much would change the hem anyway. I was afraid it wouldn't fit or it would be too tight since I gained 5lbs but she actually needs to take it in more!! WooHoo!! While I was standing there getting pinned for an hour, I saw a Mother and Daughter come in for a first consultation. I totally got all teary eyed when she came out in her first dress! The Mom clapped for me when I put my DIY Bride ears on:


I decided to forego the necklace, I thought it competed too much with the beading on the dress. Instead, I'm going to wear these from Arribbas Bros:


I hope to have these by the next fitting, I ordered them yesterday. The thing I LOVE about this dress is that the cut is SO flattering. No armpit or back fat! I wish we would have taken more pictures of the back when she bustled it. It's going to be PERFECT for the DP at EPCOT. I was really worried about it getting all dirty or worse...stepped on!



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After I got dressed, my nieces hammed it up!






We had a great time and we're all getting SO excited for the trip. We talked about all the rides and experiences we're most looking forward to. The girls are looking forward to It's A Small World and getting pictures with Chip & Dale :) TODAY IS 6 WEEKS EXACTLY UNTIL MY WEDDING DAY!!!! It's 39 days until we leave :sohappy:


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I also didn't want to see the dress until our wedding day. In fact we chose to do our pictures in the Magic Kingdom the day after our wedding because of that. The only involvement I had with my wife's dress is this. She bought a dress and I could see that she wasn't happy. She went with a friend to a Wedding Dress shop in Connecticut. However she didn't find anything she liked, but felt pressured to buying something because her friend set up this whole shopping experience. I told her to buy a new dress, she went with a different friend to Kleinfeld's in NYC and found the perfect dress. We had our wedding at the Gazebo at the Yacht Club. When she came around the corner on the boardwalk in the horse and carriage, there was an audible gasp from everyone in attendance. When she walked out of the carriage and I got to see her in the dress for the first time, I was floored. That memory is something I hold so dear.


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I'm sooooo glad he hasn't seen it yet. Seriously! I honestly don't understand why brides include their grooms on the dress selection (and I'm not even talking about from a superstitious standpoint - I just mean from the "wow" factor standpoint). Like Jason, Brett didn't want to know anything about it. He wasn't at all interested in a "first look." and wanted nothing to do with seeing me prior to the ceremony. And while I know he didn't want to see the dress ahead of time, the fact that he frequents the boards and reads/posts in all my trip reports, I just couldn't risk him "accidentally" clicking on the link. I didn't even want to upload all my random dress-stress pictures onto my computer for fear that he really would accidentally come across them.

I totally agree, I cringe at the episodes of Say Yes To The Dress where the groom is involved. It generally leads to tears (and not the good kind). Plus it's nice to have a bit of tradition in these modern times. Jason didn't even want to see my pictures of the dresses I didn't pick, he wants to be completely surprised. I think the best wedding pictures are the ones of the Groom's face when he first sees his Bride in her dress for the first time. I have no idea how I'm going to keep it together during the ceremony. Especially if he's crying! We watched Toy Story 3 together the other night and we both cried :cry: I think my bridal party will need to bring some hankies or tissues!


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I also didn't want to see the dress until our wedding day. In fact we chose to do our pictures in the Magic Kingdom the day after our wedding because of that. The only involvement I had with my wife's dress is this. She bought a dress and I could see that she wasn't happy. She went with a friend to a Wedding Dress shop in Connecticut. However she didn't find anything she liked, but felt pressured to buying something because her friend set up this whole shopping experience. I told her to buy a new dress, she went with a different friend to Kleinfeld's in NYC and found the perfect dress. We had our wedding at the Gazebo at the Yacht Club. When she came around the corner on the boardwalk in the horse and carriage, there was an audible gasp from everyone in attendance. When she walked out of the carriage and I got to see her in the dress for the first time, I was floored. That memory is something I hold so dear.

I totally cried at your expression when Leah came around the corner in your wedding video! We also scheduled our bridal portrait sessions after the wedding for the same reason. We also thought it would be too much hooplah for one day plus it is nice to have something else to look forward to after the wedding. The only thing I'm NOT looking forward to is feeling like I have to eat light all week long because I have to wear the dress again!


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Love how full your bouquet looks! The hidden mickeys are so cute and having them in your earring too...nice touch! Your neckline on the dress is really pretty and I can see why you opted not to wear a necklace. I initially decided against a necklace as well and wanted to do chandelier earring, but when Brandon presented me with a subtle Tiffany necklace as a pre-wedding gift I changed my mind. :lol:

Everything is coming together so nicely for you. I know there have been some set-backs (construction :lookaroun) but things will turn out so lovely.

6 weeks!!! That's crazy, I remember way back at the beginning of this thread when you were deciding on dates and now your day is almost here!


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Love how full your bouquet looks! The hidden mickeys are so cute and having them in your earring too...nice touch! Your neckline on the dress is really pretty and I can see why you opted not to wear a necklace. I initially decided against a necklace as well and wanted to do chandelier earring, but when Brandon presented me with a subtle Tiffany necklace as a pre-wedding gift I changed my mind. :lol:

Everything is coming together so nicely for you. I know there have been some set-backs (construction :lookaroun) but things will turn out so lovely.

6 weeks!!! That's crazy, I remember way back at the beginning of this thread when you were deciding on dates and now your day is almost here!

Thanks Erin! I love my hidden Mickey's :) Jason and I always look for hidden Mickey's when we're in WDW, it's one of our traditions.

And yeah, I think anything from Tiffany's would change my mind about wearing a necklace! But I want the beading to be the center of attention. My Mom is all about hollywood fashion and she said at the Oscars last year women were wearing long earrings instead of a necklace with a strapless dress and I agree it looks better.

Time sure has flown quickly, hasn't it?? Thanks for following along with me from the beginning :)

Gahhhh Shelly you look SO pretty!!!!!!! Chris isn't seeing my dress until our wedding day either--- I think that's my favorite wedding tradition. :D

Thanks Jackie! Have a great time on your trip and I can't wait to hear all the juicy details when you get back :sohappy:


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Stunning! You are absolutely STUNNING! I can't wait to see the complete package with hair and make up (and groom! :lol:).

Great choice to skip the necklace. I'm of the "less is more" mentality and I agree that a necklace would've competed too much with the detail on your dress. And we can't have that!! Plus, I personally like strapless dresses without a necklace... it really elongates the neck and sophisticates the look (in my opinion).

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