Budget to Remove Wand Approved for this Fall


Well-Known Member
QUOTE=CrashNet;2306645]Just curious as I was not here on these forums in 1999/2000...what was everyone's reaction on these forums when they found out about the wand and it was under construction?

And since everyone is voicing their opinions: I really don't care either way. I liked it fine, but could care less if its gone. Either way, its still Epcot.[/QUOTE]
I'll admit it, I liked the wand during the Millenium celebration. It was new. It was cool. It was special, because it was only going to be around for the celebration.

Then, two years later, I came back. It was still there. But this time, it said "Epcot." I didn't dislike it too much, but at the same time I wasn't crazy about it.

Then, over the years, I started to like it less and less. I really started to try to remember what SSE looked like before the wand was there. Then, finally, last week I was backstage near SSE and looked up. I was at preciesely the right angle and distance to see SSE and only SSE--no wand. Not only did the sphere look cleaner, it looked much, much bigger. It just looked better. I really hope the rumors are true, and that the wand is finally coming down.
well said:sohappy: .

Yeah sorry there sittle, I'm going to have to disagree with you. To estabilsh what you claim as fact you would need to "plus" the object and then conduct surveys to prove that it is an improvement or not to a statically power to prevent a significant amount of error. Even then that gathering of data would just be the collection of people's opinion to come to a general consensus on whether an object is better or not.

Since the whole concept of art is subjective and the betterment of art is subjective you can't really have facts to support that.
Regardless of what the art community believes, it is not a fact. Just because it is in a book and many folks believe it does not make it true.
So, you would like to see Michaelangelo's David in "hot pants", or the Taj Mahal with a neon sign proclaiming the "Love" that built it, or a sign on the Eifel Tower that says "Paris", or the "Statue of Liberty" with a "Miss USA" sash, the Leaning tower of Pisa with a neon sign on the side (actually that might help stabilize it)? The "sphere" is a work of art (architecturally speaking).

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Every person on Earth could agree that the ball looks better without the wand, and it still wouldn't be a fact. The word just doesn't apply here. :shrug:


Account Suspended
That is an interesting take merf. Was the wand comissioned and built by architects? (not trying to be smarmy, I really don't know).

Again, because I don't know, are there criteria that a structure must meet inorder for it to be an icon?

I wanna say Structural Engineers. I need to hunt downt he website I found for the people who built the wand. I'm almost positive they're structural engineers.


Well-Known Member
So, you would like to see Michaelangelo's David in "hot pants", or the Taj Mahal with a neon sign proclaiming the "Love" that built it, or a sign on the Eifel Tower that says "Paris", or the "Statue of Liberty" with a "Miss USA" sash, the Leaning tower of Pisa with a neon sign on the side (actually that might help stabilize it)? The "sphere" is a work of art (architecturally speaking).
I'm not trying to to be difficult, but simply put, stating something as fact that is not, regardless of how universally accepted it is, does not make it a fact.

Using your example above, if any one of those things happened it would not be, in my opinion, a good thing. Mostly a vast majority of the world would agree with me, but that does not make it a fact.

Fact: An asprin a day increases your chance to survive a heart attack.

Opinion: David in hot pants would be ruinous.


I think an "icon" is achieved when it becomes known by the entire world as it stands. Everyone knows: the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of Pisa, the Statue of Liberty, Cinderella Castle. I find it funny that SSE was used consistantly in advertising for WDW for 17 years, but is now rarely seen on National or International ads.


Well-Known Member
Yup, Jakeman, don't forget your smoking jacket and pants, and your static powered studies (I love alternative energy sources)!!

A wise man once said "Art is Hard".
Ah, I apologize for the misspelling. I will correct my post at once.

Thank you for bring that to my attention.

Since the arguement has dissolved into jabs about grammer, as most forum arguement invariably do, we must be at an impass and will have to settle on disagreeing on the definition of a fact.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Maybe they could melt down the scrap from the wand... and use it to create a sub structure for a new pavilion to replace WoL. Kill two birds with one stone... or wand... as it is...lol

*wishful thinking*


Sadness!!!:( :cry:

How can you NOT love this...

How can you NOT love it? Let me show you how you can love it even more:



Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I suppose you have to get carried away about the removal of sign given that theres no major developments to the 1/4 day park that is the Studios.

A definate so what moment.:shrug:


Well-Known Member


I guess I'm in the minority of people who could care less whether the wand goes or not :lol: But yay I guess for the many of you who cared enough to want it down :shrug: and boo for those who wants it there.



Well-Known Member
I think an "icon" is achieved when it becomes known by the entire world as it stands. Everyone knows: the Eiffel Tower, the Tower of Pisa, the Statue of Liberty, Cinderella Castle. I find it funny that SSE was used consistantly in advertising for WDW for 17 years, but is now rarely seen on National or International ads.
Except in their Vacatin Planning Videos/DVDs where the wand is not used/seen.:lol:


New Member
How can you NOT love it? Let me show you how you can love it even more:


When I see SSE in person as it stands today, I am still in awe of it as a structure, and I always look up at it with a huge grin as I enter the park each and every time. The wand has never bothered me that much.

But the more and more I see these photos of what SSE would look like wandless in today's Epcot, the more and more I wish they would just take it down. I can't help thinking that it's just of a bit silly, unnecessary addition to a design and engineering marvel. It's kinda like how I much prefer Cinderella Castle in its original form than with the big mirror on for HCOE. I thought it looked just plain odd.


Account Suspended
This is what we're currently missing out on...


There is no way that SSE currently has 80 fixtures pointed at it. They can't light from the sides because of the wand.


Active Member
Then you weren't who I was talking about.

I just can't wait for all the whiners to visit Epcot after its down, and then realize "oh, I don't even really notice".
I think you may be surprised at the number of people who do notice. I think the number who do not care now are will not care in the future are greater than the number of Wand Haters, and Wand Admirer's combined,
But we still have the monorail expansion and the 5th gate that are alive. :hammer:
Yes, but only for a few more short years.
I agree whole heartedly. As an artist and a lover of architecture and design. You just don't mess with classic pieces. You don't draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa, You don't put budweiser in the hand or sunglasses on the face of the statue of liberty and you certainly don't put some terrible steel and glass extension in front of the Louvré (which they did and they shouldn't of, but that's another thread!).

Anyone who disagree's with this is ignorant to the inherent beauty of the designers original intent, and frankly you should think about getting more cultured in respect to the arts. Afterall, it was Disney and his group of ARTIST'S who have given us all these things that we make time to sit around and bicker about, maybe it's time for everyone to that these huge structures are world reknown landmarks for a reason.

To myself it's not about the "Spirit of Epcot" it's about messing with a classic.
I find your selections to be some what limited in scope. I think if you had used the new edition at the Louve it would have seemed more creditable, at least to me. It does not fit its surroundings, but some find it beautiful, while others find it ugly, and distasteful. Sounds kind of like the Wand doesn't it. One's opinion on art or architecture are only how one person perceives what is being presented. Saying a person is ignorant or suffers from a lack of culture because they like or dislike a work of art or a architectural structure is very shallow. Just incase you didn't know, it was the Disney corp that created the Wand, then put the Wand up. No one snuck into Epcot, and erected it. The powers that be have the right to put the Wand up, and now they have the right to take it down.
That's not arrogance, that's confidence and culture.

I'm sorry some people just don't understand.

When your talking about landmarks like the CN Tower, the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel tower, the London Tower, (and yes the Epcot Geosphere falls into this catergory) you can't "plus" those landmarks. They are already plussed. You certainly won't make them look any better by adding a little whimsy to them.

These landmarks are so well known and well designed they are above opinions. You can't make them better, you can enhance them, with lighting or better surroundings, but you can't just slap a mickey wand onto them. It's out of context.

These are not opinions, these are facts.
It is only fact to yourself, it's just your opinion to me. You can call SSE an icon, and it is a park icon, but basicly its a structure that holds an amusement ride within a theme park. It is certainly an amazing feat of structural engineering, but I don't believe it's achieved the status or magnitude of say the Great Wall or the Effiel Tower yet. Once again just my opinion.
Oh, my gosh your right... your so right, and I am so wrong. What was I thinking?!?!

Oh well, silly me!


Sorry, it's basically etched in stone. Art is subjective, true, but just by your response alone you just don't "get it". If you disagree.. go ahead, try improving upon Michalangelo's david..

Here's an example. You can replace the two main characters in "American Gothic" with Mickey and Minne, and it's really cute (and it's been done), but you won't be seeing on the walls of any National art Gallery. It's whimsical, and clever, but it's not a masterpiece. Do you understand now?
I vote for the Loin cloth, at least if I were David I would. I find "American Gothic" spooky, like I should be hearing Dueling Banjos from deliverance playing in the back ground.

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