Well-Known Member
QUOTE=CrashNet;2306645]Just curious as I was not here on these forums in 1999/2000...what was everyone's reaction on these forums when they found out about the wand and it was under construction?
And since everyone is voicing their opinions: I really don't care either way. I liked it fine, but could care less if its gone. Either way, its still Epcot.[/QUOTE]
And since everyone is voicing their opinions: I really don't care either way. I liked it fine, but could care less if its gone. Either way, its still Epcot.[/QUOTE]
well said:sohappy: .I'll admit it, I liked the wand during the Millenium celebration. It was new. It was cool. It was special, because it was only going to be around for the celebration.
Then, two years later, I came back. It was still there. But this time, it said "Epcot." I didn't dislike it too much, but at the same time I wasn't crazy about it.
Then, over the years, I started to like it less and less. I really started to try to remember what SSE looked like before the wand was there. Then, finally, last week I was backstage near SSE and looked up. I was at preciesely the right angle and distance to see SSE and only SSE--no wand. Not only did the sphere look cleaner, it looked much, much bigger. It just looked better. I really hope the rumors are true, and that the wand is finally coming down.
So, you would like to see Michaelangelo's David in "hot pants", or the Taj Mahal with a neon sign proclaiming the "Love" that built it, or a sign on the Eifel Tower that says "Paris", or the "Statue of Liberty" with a "Miss USA" sash, the Leaning tower of Pisa with a neon sign on the side (actually that might help stabilize it)? The "sphere" is a work of art (architecturally speaking).Yeah sorry there sittle, I'm going to have to disagree with you. To estabilsh what you claim as fact you would need to "plus" the object and then conduct surveys to prove that it is an improvement or not to a statically power to prevent a significant amount of error. Even then that gathering of data would just be the collection of people's opinion to come to a general consensus on whether an object is better or not.
Since the whole concept of art is subjective and the betterment of art is subjective you can't really have facts to support that.
Regardless of what the art community believes, it is not a fact. Just because it is in a book and many folks believe it does not make it true.