Arrogance is over abundant in that post.
Perhaps my idea of art is much different than yours...
Perhaps I feel SSE is nothing more than a silver golf ball...
Perhaps I think the wand is a glorious work of art, after all I guarantee artists worked on it...
Perhaps I feel that you are ignorant for not seeing the beauty of the wand...
Just because people disagree with someones opinion does not make them ignorant. Fact is some people like the wand and some do not, neither is ignorant nor more cultured than the other based upon a matter of opinion.
That's not arrogance, that's confidence and culture.
I'm sorry some people just don't understand.
When your talking about landmarks like the CN Tower, the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel tower, the London Tower, (and yes the Epcot Geosphere falls into this catergory) you can't "plus" those landmarks. They are already plussed. You certainly won't make them look any better by adding a little whimsy to them.
These landmarks are so well known and well designed they are above opinions. You can't make them better, you can enhance them, with lighting or better surroundings, but you can't just slap a mickey wand onto them. It's out of context.
These are not opinions, these are facts.