Well-Known Member
I agree. I think over the last few years Lucas' mentality has changed because of the negative reaction from the public to the prequels and to his tinkering with the original films to such an extent that now he is happy to sign off on things that not so long ago he might have wanted a lot of involvement in.
Lucas changed after his divorce when Return of the Jedi completed. He was never the same. Before the divorce, he put his heart and soul into all his projects. After that, he creates Temple of Doom, and has a scene where someone's heart is ripped out...because that was how he was feeling at the time.
He adopted kids and was never the same filmmaker. Willow, Radioland Murders, Red tails, Crystal Skull, Star Wars Prequels never had that same magic as the original Raiders, Star Wars trilogy, American graffitti or even his art house THX-1138.
He balanced his personal life with filmmaking and the movies after the divorce while still solid with moments of greatness... never captured the magic. It is hard to do both in this world.
Phantom menace would be a different movie if Lucas at age 30 wrote and directed as opposed to Lucas at age 50 with a 5 year old son.
My opinion only, but the divorce really changed his direction and how much time he devoted to making a movie.