Part of the article linked to in the thread about the automation of the monorail system my be relevant to the discussion about Pandora coming to Animal kingdom:
Another new turn lane is planned for Osceola Parkway and Serbeth Road near Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
For those unfamiliar with this intersection, this is where resort busses turn into Animal Kingdom and is also where the stoplight is just before you enter the Animal Kingdom Lodge.
The construction has already started, and basically consists of them widening Sherberth road (the road's name is apparently misspelled in the original article). Anyone can see this going on if they're in the area, it's in a public area.
The odd thing about this is that there are no guest areas down Sherberth Road, it leads to the Maingate area of 192. So, why would Disney widen this road?
Cast members are speculating this may be to make the area easier for construction equipment to enter property, but there may be a bigger reason. The Animal Kingdom costuming building is located on Sherberth Road and it has a HUGE parking lot that only has a very tiny portion that is actually utilized (the vast majority is fenced off and is used for equipment storage and bus driver training). So, it looks like Disney may be planning on moving cast parking from Animal Kingdom's main lot to costuming. This would enable them to use the current cast parking lot as a staging area for construction and for construction crew parking. Once construction is complete, the lot could then be converted to guest parking to keep up with (hopefully) increased attendance.
As an added bonus, the cast member lot is unnamed, so they can name it "Na'vi" or "banshee" or whatever other Pandora creature they feel like naming it after.