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  1. Candyapple

    Is Consierge limited to Consierge guests only?

    Thanks everyone. I will ask at the front desk. I already have the little disney princess plates etc. Mind you its only 4 of us but I wanted her to come back to a decorated room with a cake. Since they dont allow balloons in AKL, I'm just gonna decorate the room while she sleeps the night before...
  2. Candyapple

    Do any of you get motivated?

    I've done the Atkins now for about a month. For the past two weeks, I have cheated a little but basically Im eating low carbs. Ive lost 9 pounds. I would also recommend the treadmill, it will help a lot and get you ready for all the walking. I personally started using self tanners a few days...
  3. Candyapple

    Mission Space Puke

    I havent really seen anything on Mission space, is it in Epcot? If so, I'm only planning on going for an evening to watch fireworks and ride a few rides. I havent been there in like 2 or 3 years. Can anyone answer this please, where is the ride? and is it really like the gravitron? I used to...
  4. Candyapple

    Lizzie McGuire - The Ride

    I have to disagree with most of you. I'm a 31 yr. old mother that watches Lizzie Maguire with her children. She is cute, talented and has just become one of most popular teen stars out there. Our kids love watching the show and yeah even though Disney got her started, I think she's a strong girl...
  5. Candyapple

    Looking for a shop....

    Me too, thanks for the directions. So Happy Now!!!!!:sohappy:
  6. Candyapple

    Your favorite moment while waiting online.

    My funniest moment was in Minnie's house. When I saw a woman skip in line with her 2 tennagers in front of another woman. I guess she got really PO'd because she spit in the womans purse when the woman wasnt looking. And I'm not talking a little spit, I think you know what I mean. She looked...
  7. Candyapple

    Best meal you've had at WDW?

    Fettucini Alfredo at Alfredo's in Italy, Epcot. However, I'm sure I'll come back from the trip soon with more suggestions.
  8. Candyapple

    Is Consierge limited to Consierge guests only?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows if consierge has ever helped anyone staying in the regular rooms. The reason I ask is because it will be my DD's 5th b-day next Wednesday and we need to make it extra special, maybe a cake or something. Is it possible to pay or tip consierge so that they can...
  9. Candyapple

    Any tips for an AKL newbie?

    Hey guys, I'll be there next week too. From what I have found out, the room service is a little expensive. Bomas is good to try for b-fast at least once while youre there. I've heard theyre great and that they have lots to choose from for b-fast as well as dinner. I think there is a walk up...
  10. Candyapple

    Strawberry Shotcake at Magic Kingdom?

    Thank you so much, I'm there!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
  11. Candyapple

    WDW Perfection/ Homesickness

    We are supposed to leave for WDW on Monday, June 9th for 11 days, our longest vacation ever. Ive been planning for months now but this one feels different. I long to be there right now, it is weird. I am obsesed with websites, books, Ive probably checked out every Disney book from my local...
  12. Candyapple

    Strawberry Shotcake at Magic Kingdom?

    Dwarful, hahahaha, sorry, I realized my mistake and corrected it. It was funny though, I'm sure lots of people saw that too. It would be cool huh? LOL :slurp: :slurp: For those who have visited the hoop de doo review recently, can you remember if the shortcake was made with a spongecake or...
  13. Candyapple

    I-95 and I-4 construction

    Sorry to jump off the subject, but that is the cutest kitty photo I have ever seen!!!!!! Too Cute!:)
  14. Candyapple

    Strawberry Shotcake at Magic Kingdom?

    Strawberry Shortcake at Magic Kingdom? I need to find out if its still possible to get a real strawberry shortcake at Magic Kingdom. Years ago,I don't know what month it was, maybe its seasonal, They had a make your own strawberry shortcake stand under Goofy's barnstormer. It was located inside...
  15. Candyapple

    Help! Other's are getting the AKL cheaper

    Thats okay, I'm just happy to go w/ my family. Everyone is right though, by the time we return from the parks everyday, we wont have the time to view the animals from the balcony. They'll be asleep by then. The large viewing areas will be fine, we have a few whole days to enjoy the resort itself...
  16. Candyapple

    Character Dining at IOA?

    Thanks!:) :) :wave: :wave: :sohappy: :wave: :wave: :) :)
  17. Candyapple

    Character Dining at IOA?

    Cool thanks! Just another question, sorry, do you know which characters are in which hotels?
  18. Candyapple

    Splash Mountain

    GO Canes!!!! I love that little song we sing them (Seminoles) when they play us. hehehehehehe. If you've been to a Miami game you know exactly what I'm talking about.:D
  19. Candyapple

    Something I need to know

    Hi!:wave: From what I've heard, it's usually slower earlier in the week. I'm sure you like crowds, but if you wait to go later in the week, you will find a huge crowd. School will be out by then, actually, that I know of, public schools in Fla's last day is Wed. the 11th. That seems like a...
  20. Candyapple

    Last minute packing!

    Oh, and dont forget prescription contact lenses. If you think you'll be fine with the ones youre wearing, think again. Once a contact just popped out of my eye at the movies and I was only able to see from one eye, you can imagine the headache I got. Imagine a week or more without them... that...
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