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  1. WDWiz318

    You create the "New Park"

    Well it has certainly been quite a while since I've posted anything, I have been keeping up with the rumors and what not though. I'm not really sure if this was done but I wanna put it out there and see what ideas come about. With Disney putting all this money into the FLE and now even that...
  2. WDWiz318

    Resort Pool Hopping

    The only way people should be allowed at other resorts is if they have reservations at a particular restaurant that happens to be at that specific hotel. I guess some people think they pay to be in WDW they should have full use of all the resorts & attractions. All though that's true about the...
  3. WDWiz318

    best resort?

    Thought I haven't stayed there yet, I'd have to say mine is the Contemporary Resort. Sure, with it's decent sized convention center there are those that would consider it just a "hotel." After seeing the refurbished rooms & the newer designs, it does live up to it's name. It's very . . . how...
  4. WDWiz318

    What would you like to see next on Soarin' ?

    I don't really get riled up over CA, it's a nice landscape. East Coast has a lot to offer too, after all that's where our country started . . . . . . then moved west. :wave:
  5. WDWiz318

    Your 1st Disney Trip

    May 19, 2007 - May 26, 2007 POP CENTURY I was kinda iffy about going at 1st but I don't look back & regret it. Now I look 4ward to going & planning every trip. It does give you this "feeling" that's hard to describe but every1 that's been to the World know's what I'm talking about.
  6. WDWiz318

    What would you like to see next on Soarin' ?

    Exactly, I thought the seats were moving too & I thought we were gonna fall right outta the seats onto the street somewhere. I think that's when Imax first came out.
  7. WDWiz318

    What would you like to see next on Soarin' ?

    I know I've read somewhere that Soarin' may be getting a new video to go along with the ride. I live near Philadelphia & the 1st time I experienced something like Soarin' was years ago on a class trip at the Franklin Institute, it was (of course) a video of Philly & the surrounding area. So...
  8. WDWiz318

    Admit something shocking in this thread...

    I still haven't been on the Jungle Cruise
  9. WDWiz318

    Space Mt referb overhyped?

    I'm looking forward to the reopening. It may be a tad bit over-hyped but only time & going onto the ride to experience it for one's self will actually tell.
  10. WDWiz318

    Disney Parks to Wipe Hands Clean of Guests in Response to Flu Concerns

    I agree, look where we were just a few years ago & now look where we are with all this today. I think it's a good idea that the parks have all the dispencers around but I think it's also CYA for them.
  11. WDWiz318

    Should We go up to Moderate?

    I'd recommend going to moderate, just for the upgraded atmosphere. My gf & I went to Pop Century in '07 & we were booked there for '08. She wanted to upgrade to CBR, so we went there in '08 instead & I can honestly say . . . no regrets.
  12. WDWiz318

    Space Mountain refurbishment photo update (Thur 5 Nov)

    The Space Mountain refurb looks awesome in the photos. Liking all the new colors and minor additions. Can't wait to check it out next year! As far as the old Skyway Station building (bathroom) goes, I know they did exterior & cosmetic work. I just hope they refurbished the inside as well.
  13. WDWiz318

    yankees victory parade

    27th Championship for the NY, total right? But I've lost count on exactly what # "championship" this is that they've bought (not earned) now . . . 21 - 22 - 23??? Anyone got that stat for me? I don't see a victory parade in WDW happening but as a Philadelphia native, I do take pride that...
  14. WDWiz318

    Typhoon Lagoon is closed today

    Seems as though they're starting refurbishments early. The sooner it's complete, the sooner it'll re---open ! ! !
  15. WDWiz318

    Entertainment News

    I agree 100% - - - High School Musical was tooooooooooooo over rated. Sorry you were an idea brought to life but sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HAPPY to see you go!!!
  16. WDWiz318

    If you could buy any ride vehicle or park staple.....

    I'd put River Country in my yard, after I restored it of course.
  17. WDWiz318

    Port Orleans or Caribbean beach?

    I stayed at CBR, great property. I like the layout of the resort, definitely a family fun environment. Didn't stay at Port Orleans, was planning on it next trip but I've heard too much negative feedback on that resort to stray away & am going to CS next year instead.
  18. WDWiz318

    WANTED!!! The real 411 on Coronado Springs

    It's been my experience to put in room # preference &/or building preference when you make ur reservations, it's not gtd but it'll help. When you get to resort & check in, then you see if it's possible to get the things you requested. A WDW planner told me, a while ago, that Disney wants you...
  19. WDWiz318

    WANTED!!! The real 411 on Coronado Springs

    All this feedback is greatly appreciated. Based upon the amount of positive responses for CS, we ultimately have decided to stay here on our next trip. Thanks to all those that replied & to all those that still may.
  20. WDWiz318

    WANTED!!! The real 411 on Coronado Springs

    Hello fellow Disney fanatics, I'm pretty sure I saw a post a few weeks from another member on CS but I was hoping to get my own info on the resort. I know over the last year that total room renovations took place, so there's no question on room set-up or how it looks, I've seen the pics & it...
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