Your 1st Disney Trip


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Do you remember your 1st Disney World trip?

My 1st trip was 2000. I had always wanted to go but never was able. I remember being sort of overwhelmed. Had never been to something so big and so much going on at one time. I was like a kid in a candy store and didn't know what to try first.

Sorry if this is a repost.......


Well-Known Member
My first trip I was 10 years old in 1977

We drove down from PA. The first 2 hours of our drive my parents where yelling at each other. My dad got lost and blamed it on his navigator. I'm amazed we actually made it all the way to Florida and back.

I was really excited about going on 20,000 leagues under the sea. My friend had gone to Disney and was telling me how great the ride was. It was all I could think about - I was having dreams about 20,000 leagues under the sea.

When we get to magic kingdom the first thing I do is find the ride on the map and drag my family there in a mad rush. When we get to the ride - no water - no sub - just an empty lagoon. It was closed for refurb ( apparently ). I was crushed. Then I had to find somebody to see if maybe, somehow it would be open before we left - that glimmer of hope was quickly squashed.

After that dissapointment, the rest of the trip was great. I remember thinking how great Peter Pan was - like we were really flying. I remember buying a rubber alligator after Jungle Cruise and I remember being amazed at how real the ghosts looked in Haunted Mansion.

We also hit Sea World and Busch Gardens on the trip - but most of my memories are from WDW.


Well-Known Member
Ahh my first trip was when I was only 3 1/2 years old.
I don't remember much, but we have a ton of pictures from it and it looked like fun to me!
I remember being desperate to go back and did so when I was 8.


Well-Known Member
I was six on my first trip ('96), and my younger sister was two. Not entirely sure what my parents were thinking, but I'm very glad that they took that adventure. My Nannie and Grampie came with us, which was an adventure.. I remember Grampie freaking out on the plane (naturally, I begged to sit with the g-parents).

I remember loving Ariel, and we were there on Valentine's day.. seeing all the princes and princesses together rocked my world (especially Poca and John Smith, I loved him).

The clearest memory I have is that of the Tower of Terror.. we had ridden in the day before and I fell in love with that ride (it's still my favourite). Dad and I went to early opening at MGM (always MGM to me, sorry folks) and I was literally dragging him up the street.. and we got stopped by a CM who very graciously gave me stickers. After he'd walked away, Dad said 'we don't want no stinkin' stickers.. we're going on the TOWER!'.

Now we say it every time we go.. rude, but very, very funny.


May 19, 2007 - May 26, 2007 POP CENTURY

I was kinda iffy about going at 1st but I don't look back & regret it. Now I look 4ward to going & planning every trip. It does give you this "feeling" that's hard to describe but every1 that's been to the World know's what I'm talking about.

Sweet Melissa

Well-Known Member
I remember it like it was yesterday, because it practically was. I didn't go to Disney World until October of 2006. Before that I had always lived in California and Disneyland was just a hop, skip and a jump away. My boyfriend, however, grew up in Florida and knew I would love the World just as much as I loved Disneyland, even without the childhood nostalgia and memories.


Well-Known Member
1992 Age:9. We stayed at the Disney Inn (now shades of green). It was May and it was so hot my mom almost passed out in the monorail in the Contemporary. They got us off and let us sit on the loading area and I threw up on my Dad's shoes. They didnt have an elevator back then so they had to carefully get my mom down the escalator in a wheel chair. They gave us a van ride back to the hotel and my mom got sick in the van. It was a lovely trip. But since then I've been there a total of about 37 times and I'm only 26 so it didn't sway us in the least! :D


Active Member
I've only been once---August 1986--13 years old---Ft. Wilderness Cabin

Here are the things I remember:

Taking the boat to MK & monorail to EPCOT

MK: IASW, Tea Cups, Space Mt., BTMR, Pecos Bills for a hamburger (that was treat for us!), Main St. Electrical Parade

EPCOT: Kitchen Kabaret, 360 film in Canada, sister forgeting her purse in France film (got it back with no issues)

We spent part of 2 days in MK, part of 1 day in EPCOT, and 1 day at Sea World.

I can't wait for DH & DD to have their 1st visit to WDW next June!!


Well-Known Member
1989-I was nine. We drove down.

It was the year we discovered I get car sick which was fabulous for me. Not so much for my sisters. Ah the revenge of being picked on.

Lets see some things I remember-

The hotel in Kissimee that was this god awful shade of salmon.
Dumbo-and laughing the entire time.
Splash Mountain my older sister getting soaked.....classic.
Mr. Toads Wild ride-I so thought we were going to crash
Epoct=boring at the age.
My little sister wearing that darn tie die shirt everywhere we went. She lived in it all week. LOL.

Ah the memories...


Active Member
OMG! Yes I can still remember my first trip to WDW!!! I too went for the first time in 2000!!!! My sister and I had planned for a couple of years before to take her son to WDW....each time we would plan for it, something would happen, lost job, major car repair, etc.....seemed hopeless...finally, in EARLY 2000, we decided we were gonna do it no matter what!!! my nephews' birthday is Oct 12, so we planned to go the week after his 7th birthday and give him the news for his birthday along with items that he would need for the trip....leading up to the last gift which was a stuffed Sorcerer Mickey holding his airline ticket....we planned all year long anxiously awaiting OCTOBER to come!!! We didnt know if we were gonna make it without letting it slip. FINALLY the day came as he opens all his gifts, ALL WITH A DISNEY THEME, he kept looking at us with this funny look on his face.....when he got the last gift (the Sorc. Mick) he looked at the ticket and his eyes got WIDE....then he started JUMPING UP AND DOWN screaming in excitement....he could not wait....we left 3 days later for Disney. Our first resort was Car. Beach. We LOVED it..we were close to the food court, main pool and a bus of the quiet pools was right outside our was great! The first night has become a tradition with us, we head to Chef Mickey's for dinner and then head to the MK.....that 1st night, while watching the fireworks, my dad had put him on his shoulders and we looked up at him during the fireworks and he was crying...we asked him what was wrong, and his reply....."I'M JUST SO HAPPY TO FINALLY BE HERE!" It was priceless........:cry:made us cry to see how happy he truly was.......

YES, we're we have been every other year since then...and are now DVC members going back in May 2010!!!! LOOK OUT we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sohappy:


yes - I remember - because it was only 6 months ago. Took my wife and 4 kids aged 6 and under... and LOVED it. Going back for 2nd trip in a couple weeks.

I remember being amazed at the cast members walking around with sweepers looking under bushes just looking for any trash they could possibly pick up. The atmosphere is what Disney is so good at. Who else makes construction attractive? (talking about the mural-style covers they put up over buildings as they work on them)


Active Member
Great stories everybody!

The first, and only, time I went to WDW was last year. :)
I was 18 and I went as an ICP. For some reason I never had a lot of interest in going to the Disney Parks as a kid, differently from many people here.

*sits back and thinks about the dreaded Brazilian groups and the big mess they make*

Anyway, after spending two months at the World I am now officially addicted to everything regarding the parks and even though I have no idea when I am going back this place makes me feel a little bit closer to all the magic!


Well-Known Member
September 1992 with DD3 (I was 35). I can remember the characters just appearing randomly throughout the parks - the first one we saw was Minnie, and I cried. We stayed at the Poly - at the time our employer was a member of some kind of Disney Club, it we paid like $80/night for our room. We had paper tickets, and the first attraction we went on was the Swiss Family Treehouse. To this day, that's the attraction we head to first. Been several times since, and the place never loses its magic for me.


1998 with my 13 yr old son. We stayed at Dixie Landings for 7 nights and were fortunate enough to take two classes at the Disney Institute. Great beginning to wonderful memories!


I was born in Los Angeles in 1965 and went to DL many times as a kid. I recall my 2nd grade teacher visiting WDW '72 and telling us all about it - the big deal for all of us was hearing that the HM was different.

I moved to Miami in 1974 and clearly remember the very long drive to WDW and getting off the turnpike and seeing all the farmer market type places along the way before reaching the park. POC was my favorite ride.


Well-Known Member
1988, I was 5. We only went to MK. My dad went to Epcot on his own for the evening!

I remember nearly 'loosing' my shoe on peter pan, meeting Br'er Fox, my first character ever (that's where the obsession comes from!)


Active Member
I was 2 & a half. I dont really remember anything from it, but it was in 1992 & my dad had one of those huge video recorders & taped almost everything. I know I refused to get out of the stroller the entire time excpet when I saw Pluto & proceeded to skip everyone who was waiting cuz I wanted to hug him.

Now you cant keep me away from WDW & I love the characters more than ever now.

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