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  1. peachypear14

    Scratched Queue Walls?

    Last time I was there, that was one thing I was disgusted with. The inside of the Splash Mountain que is COVERED with dried gum. Why do people feel the need to stick it on things instead of in a piece of paper or in a trash can? Or even swallowing it? Nothing is more pleasing than accidently...
  2. peachypear14

    WDW Picture of the Day Thread (Part 5)

    Those Famous Yellow Shoes!
  3. peachypear14

    No Sonny Eclipse until Jan 31

    When I was there in December, the only thing I noticed with Sonny was that his one eyelid was stuck half-way shut and not moving. I guess he had a little lazy eye that day.
  4. peachypear14

    WDW Picture of the Day Thread (Part 5)

    Apparently when Santa visits Canada, he magically becomes a lumberjack. Who knew. :p
  5. peachypear14

    WDW Picture of the Day Thread (Part 5)

    A wood carving from Mexico
  6. peachypear14

    WDW Picture of the Day Thread (Part 5)

    After looking at everyone's gorgeous pictures for so long and not having any to post myself, I am so glad to now have some to contribute! Here's one from two days ago. Happy New Year!
  7. peachypear14

    Resort Pictures of the Day

    I thought guests weren't allowed to swim in the lake water anymore?
  8. peachypear14

    epcot parade? was i dreaming?

    I recall something along those lines as well. November '98; perhaps it was some sort of holiday celebration with the characters on a bus (or two - I vaguely remember there being more than one bus). :veryconfu
  9. peachypear14

    Fall CP 09!! Can I Hear A Woot!!

    lol you've been accepted already?! haha Do you know where you want to work?
  10. peachypear14

    Is the CP Worth Staying in School for an Extra Semester?

    Thanks everyone for the input! I must say you are all swaying me in one direction in particular... :animwink: Although I'm still not 100% sure - we'll see how things pan out and I'll let you know what I decide!
  11. peachypear14

    Is the CP Worth Staying in School for an Extra Semester?

    I was considering doing the CP next fall, followed by a study abroad in the spring. My friend was going to do the CP with me but is now saying that she can't (something about being a "slave" for Disney). In addition, if I do it, I might graduate a semester later unless I stay for a couple of...
  12. peachypear14

    CP and study abroad?

    I'm doing the exact thing next year. I'll be staying here at school over the summer and then am planning on heading down to FL in the fall, and then fly over to France in the spring. It'll be weird to not be at school for an entire year, but I know that these are both opportunities I would...
  13. peachypear14

    Audience Participant?

    My boyfriend and I were picked to be in the boat scene on the backlot tour as well! We had to be "funny" which basically meant sliding and falling everywhere - it was quite fun. Getting picked to be in a show is certainly a magical experience! :)
  14. peachypear14

    Anyone ever met others in WDW from your part of the world?

    Apparently it's a very small world here on wdwmagic! I actually live in Mason, but it's always easier to say Cincinnati! And I didn't mean to stir up the Gold Star/Skyline debate! :p
  15. peachypear14

    Anyone ever met others in WDW from your part of the world?

    On the Great Movie Ride our "guide" lady (what do you call them?) asked where we were from. When we said Cincinnati, it surprised us when she said that she was from the same place! We certainly didn't expect to have a conversation about Skyline Chili in the World!
  16. peachypear14

    Sounds Dangerous

    Sounds Dangerous is really boring, but is a great opportunity for a power nap on a hot day. Just don't put on the headphones (do they ever clean those things anyway?!) and relax for a few minutes in the dark! As for something LOST themed, I love the idea! Monster, polar bears, purple sky! The...
  17. peachypear14

    Behind the Seeds

    I'm not much of a "gardening" person myself but it was a very enjoyable tour! I loved that we were able to go behind the scenes for such a low price and we got some awesome pictures with a mickey-pumpkin and under the giant tomato tree! Interesting and informative all at the same time!
  18. peachypear14

    Any rides or attractions make you cry?

    I'm going to have to agree...Wishes all the way. There's just something about it that gives me goosebumps.
  19. peachypear14

    Any one find it funny...

    My first trip to Disney was when I was nine, and I despised EPCOT! As a kid, the "big ball" was neat and I loved the monorail ride over there but because my brother (seven at the time) and I preferred the Magic Kingdom (and put up a fit about it), we didn't spend much time at the park that has...
  20. peachypear14

    Saratoga Springs, Old Key West, or All Star Music?

    Old Key West all the way My vote is without question, for OKW. It is so charming, has an awesome main pool (as well as a number of standard pools) and the rooms are larger. There was an aspect of privacy that we didn't get at other resorts. The buses are NEVER crowded and come quite frequently...
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