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  1. Miss Stitch

    If you were there right now.....

    Sitting on the balcony of Tony's, eating spaghetti, watching the Pinocchio characters greet people and talking to my family. Aghh...I miss it so much.
  2. Miss Stitch

    I could cry...

    I don't see why the park itself will change..:shrug: I mean, unless they take out all of our favorite's still "MGM" just with a different title.
  3. Miss Stitch

    If the descent touchscreens were in Project Tomorrow,they wouldn't even draw a crowd!

    I'm not saying that. When a music artist puts out a new album, it's accessible to every fan who wants it. If it wasn't, then maybe that analogy would be better. But Disney ISN'T available to everyone, and the only people who complain about those tiny little flaws are people who get to go all the...
  4. Miss Stitch

    If the descent touchscreens were in Project Tomorrow,they wouldn't even draw a crowd!

    If you guys are going to complain SO MUCH about the tiniest unsatisfactory, why do you even go anymore? :brick:Do you guys know what I'd give to get to go see these new attractions that nobody lets anyone hear the end about how "awful" they are? You guys get to go to the most desirable theme...
  5. Miss Stitch

    Does anyone Ruin???

    I do it occasionally..because seeing the effects and knowing what's coming is a different story for me. Like, if I know that there's a creepy new bride (yikes!) in Haunted Mansion, I'll be more on the edge of my seat when I see her for myself.
  6. Miss Stitch

    WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)

    Heheh! I think this is adorable.
  7. Miss Stitch

    Where would you be right now???

    Two words. Poly lobby.
  8. Miss Stitch

    WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)

  9. Miss Stitch

    WDW Picture of the Day

  10. Miss Stitch

    It's not fair.

    I understand a lot of you are way older than I am, married and have children...see, I'm only a teenager, but it feels like my life revolves around Disney World. I'm so stuck though! Normally, my family goes in January..but it feels like in that time of waiting, nothing's more hard. Well...
  11. Miss Stitch

    Stitch as the "new" Mickey?

    :rolleyes: Apparently, the logic being passed around here is that Mickey is a replaceable character. Mickey=Disney. Duh. What's wrong with a profit? Stitch was made 18 years before the movie was even put into production! Stitch was created by a young man who had a dream to make a movie. Not...
  12. Miss Stitch

    Universal Steps up, What do you guys think?

    They're nuts if they think they can actually compare to Disney.
  13. Miss Stitch

    I have a WDW confession

    If you like Disney movies, characters, Walt, you'll love it. If you like Disney's okay. I love it. <3
  14. Miss Stitch

    funniest overheard parent comment

    Dad while waiting for parade: "When I tell you not to do something and you do it anyway, what are you thinking?" Kid: ":lookaroun ....time out?" I laughed so hard, but I had to hide it.
  15. Miss Stitch

    This is really..reaally random but.

    No, not the new costumes, this was, 2005. I saw it in 2006 too. I feel...silly, for being so serious about something.
  16. Miss Stitch

    This is really..reaally random but.

    Mmkay, well..Mickey was at a meet and greet in the Judge's Tent..and his nose was wiggling..perfectly. Like, it'd stop, and start up again..and stop and start again. Yep, I've lost it.
  17. Miss Stitch

    This is really..reaally random but.

    ...was I imagining Mickey wiggling his nose? :lookaroun I think I've lost it.
  18. Miss Stitch

    Why Does everyone hate sitich?????

    Yeah, I have a really weird sense of humor. :hammer:
  19. Miss Stitch

    Why Does everyone hate sitich?????

    Yeah. Rewatch the movie and see his change. The "Lost" scene says it the best, Lilo asks if he misses a family, he's overcome with guilt and runs away to escape the results of what he's done to the family.
  20. Miss Stitch

    Why Does everyone hate sitich?????

    Stitch was never designed to teach your kid a moral, you know that, I know that, we all know that. He was made to teach this: You, no matter how outcasted you are, can still find people who care about you; Your family. At the end of the movie, Stitch is taught to be good and he ends up saving...
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