Does anyone Ruin???


New Member
Original Poster
My wife and her cousin like to watch the ride video's of like the HM or POTC when they re-opened from rehab to see what they missed. they cant wait to get there to see it first.. does anyone else do this??? I cant I'd rather be surprised.

Miss Stitch

New Member
I do it occasionally..because seeing the effects and knowing what's coming is a different story for me. Like, if I know that there's a creepy new bride (yikes!) in Haunted Mansion, I'll be more on the edge of my seat when I see her for myself.


Well-Known Member
There's nothing like seeing it in person, but if you wish to peruse and scrutinize, you can see the video over and over, and pick up things you just don't see while riding the ride. By the way, the new redone, Haunted Mansion was done very well, in my opinion, and definitely for the best. (and the "Donald" chair is there too)


Well-Known Member
I prefer to wait and experience the changes in person.

It somehow makes the entire experience "NEW" again...and I much prefer that feeling!



Well-Known Member
I never know when I'll get back, so I usually do watch new videos. I really regret watching one of Everest before my last trip, though. Wish I could have been surprised by that one.


Well-Known Member
For me, I guess it would depend on how long until my next trip it'll be.

Everest opened a couple months after my trip in Dec 05. I knew I wouldn't be going anytime in 2006, so I watched a couple videos.

Same thing with Haunted Mansion. *Originally* I was supposed to be going on a trip to WDW mere days after it re-opened. But after that trip had to be cancelled and no additional trip until next June, I went ahead and watched the video.

Since then, I've planned a trip down there for early December. With Spaceship Earth (hopefully) re-opening soon before I get down there, it'll be VERY tempting to watch videos and read about it, but I think I've decided that I want to be surprised. Besides, it's only a couple weeks. Of course, it could turn out that SSE doesn't open until sometime *during* my trip, and then I wouldn't have a chance to be tempted to watch a video beforehand. :)



It's really hard, with a new ride or a refurb, not to get a spoiler on here, because they are so well talked about. I won't be back until July 2010, so it's my only chance to see the enhancements ahead of time. I'm a HUGE SSE fan, so I'm really looking forward to that one, but of course, I'd rather see it in person.


Well-Known Member
Ive done this alot in the past. For ToT, ITTBAB, and several others, everest was the one I somewhat regret the most. I watched and I had about less than a month before I could see it in realtime, but I just couldnt fight the temptation, I know if I had, I probably would have been more scared when I first rode it.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit me and my kids have done this many times too. As much as you want to wait until you get there, it is hard to resist sometimes. Like everyone said though, it is still WAY better when you actually get down there and experience it in person. No video or pictures or reading about it can do it justice or give you that same feeling as being there and taking in the magic with thousands of fellow Disney lovers.:sohappy:


Active Member
I've done it with almost all the new rides, with the exception of Soarin'. I wanted to experience it in person because I knew a video wouldn't do it justice.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
I have no problem watching how the attractions have been changed or upgraded. Not that I don't have to look for something else that I may have missed on the video, but to be even more empressed as I see it in person. Did for EE, POTC, IASW (I try to stay away from that now) can't get the music out of my head. :animwink: It doesn't ruin it for myself or the family, it just makes more eager to ride once we get there.


New Member
We watched videos of Expedition Everest before our trip this year, along with other Disney related things to get our selves excited. And I wouldn't say it ruined the ride for me, it still scared the crap out of me.

And I was still able to enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
I did not watch the HM version because I was going to be there a week later. But the POTC one i did watch since it was months until i was going to see it.

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