If the descent touchscreens were in Project Tomorrow,they wouldn't even draw a crowd!


Active Member
If you read my original post in this thread, you would have seen a pretty common sense way they could have saved tons of money. Lack of money wasn't an issue this time around, but perhaps there should be a much larger budget for both imagination and creativity.

I forgot you were smarter than everyone else. So how much did they spend on the touch screens? tons? Lack of money wasn't an issue? I guess you knew how much was budgeted for the project? Any facts or just a lot of guesses???

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Wait, I'm confused. Why am I wrong for performing an action the narrator asked me to do? Perhaps they should remove that horrid line from the script if it's going to "affect those around me in a negative way." :brick:
A typical, unintelligent and uncreative response from a typical, smart alec kid. You're way too predictable, as are the millions of others just like you.


Well-Known Member
And judging by your username, I'm glad to see the Epcot now appeals to the South Park crowd. I bet your going to like, like, make the raddest, silliest face at the camera on Spaceship Earth!

Hey Einstein...guess what my real name is?? Come on, now, you only get one guess.

Oh, and I have never even seen a full episode of South Park, but you go ahead and keep "judging" people the way you do...you will really go far in life.:rolleyes:

Miss Stitch

New Member
This is a cop-out, and its attitudes like this that make it ok for such blatantly terrible ideas to actually make the final cut.

When you are very passionate about something, it doesn't mean you can't criticize certain aspects of it. Obviously we all will still enjoy our time at Epcot with this new version of SSE, and I'll still probably ride it each time. But the parks and rides, like any form of entertainment, are open to criticism.

Heres an analogy: Lets say your favorite music artist puts out a bad album. A true fan would admit that album's faults, rather than blindly accepting it and saying its great. You could say "I am so grateful that they are simply still making new music!" but if its bad, why would you want to listen to it?
I'm not saying that. When a music artist puts out a new album, it's accessible to every fan who wants it. If it wasn't, then maybe that analogy would be better. But Disney ISN'T available to everyone, and the only people who complain about those tiny little flaws are people who get to go all the time.

What about the people that get to go for less than a week every two years or more?

Those people are happy to even be there, and hearing everyone complain about this thing they've wanted for so long and make it out to be SO awful is truly annoying. I'd be appreciative if I got to go as frequently as some of you guys did, but when the people who DO get to go aren't, and that's what bothers me.

And exactly, if the music is so bad, why do you keep listening to it?

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
^ Bingo.

Also, regardless of how often you go, unless you're a CM, you still have paid Disney to be able to ride Spaceship Earth. It's not like the argument a Simpsons episode used in defense against it's fans complaining about the quality of the show's writing - that since its free entertainment, you don't really have the right to complain about it.

Though I think all forms of media, let it be music, movies, books, TV, or in this case, rides, are open to opinion and discussion. Especially a ride like Spaceship Earth, where you are literally riding through a narrative unfolding around you.

When you go through life accepting everything in front of you at face value, do you really truely appreciate things that are actually good?

Anyway, people have to pay to get into Epcot to ride Spaceship Earth, its not a free service, so if the customer/guest thinks it isn't up to the usual standards they expect from their favorite place, they have every right to complain about it.


Well-Known Member
This whole thing reminds me of the new Burger King commercials. You know, the ones where they discontinue the Whopper and then people get really mad?

Sometimes people don't even realize how much they love something until it gets taken away, which is the point of those commercials. In this case, its Spaceship Earth. I think that Disney and perhaps the fans didn't realize how much they actually enjoyed and loved Spaceship Earth.

Now, half of Spaceship Earth is improved and everyone seemed to love it. But the second half was taken away and replaced with what many consider to be a bad joke. Of course if you never rode it before you might think its funny or cool. But to those of us who loved the attraction and remember that it was meant to be an inspirational experience rather than something comical, its like they took our Whopper away. And some of us are more upset about that than others.

Perhaps thats why we've so many negative comments about WDI lately as well? I think that people feel so burned about this that they tide has turned against the imagineers by the fans. Because of what has become of Spaceship Earth people are really starting to scrutinize every thing they have done lately. If the ending can be fixed, I think that these comments will cease.

Sorry for the long post, but these are just my observations. I hope that the arguing and personal attacks can stop as far as this subject goes. If anyone still is that upset about SSE they really need to write a letter to the people in charge and let them know about it. Do something constructive that might actually help to change things!

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