Search results

  1. S

    Anyone win anything yet?

    We won!!! We won family of the hour on primeval whirl. My nephew was asked to step out of line and the CM gave him a lithograph and a certificate. We got escorted to the front of the line and got to ride twice. Not one of the amazing prizes, but thrilled to win something. We are going back...
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    Disney Dollars?

    I hope this is not so. I looove Disney dollars
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    Just my two cents about the YEAR OF A MILLION DREAMS

    We were just there last week. My DH and I brought my mom - sister and two nephews. It was nephews first trip and we were having --they were having the time of their lives. We were in line to go on primeveil whirl when Josh (my nephew) was asked to step out of line. The CM talked to Josh for...
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    Best Breakfast?

    Chef Mickeys is definitely our favorite. Enjoy
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    Disney Dreams

    Oh my goodness me too!!! sharkgirl
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    Amazingly dumb and sometimes funny things other guests say...

    I believe I read this on a previous post on this board, but it is too funny not to share. A woman on one of the Disney Cruise Ships was complaining that she ordered a cabin with a port hole. The CM polietly asked the guest her room number. The CM then assured the guest that the room the guest...
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    I got into a altercation @ F & G festival!!

    Wow, generally people on these boards are so kind and nice. Leave these people alone. Why let their meanness ruin the happiest place on earth. Ignore them, boycott them, but please don't bait them. Moreover, if they are really as bad as this thread makes them out to be I don't believe...
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    Parent Swap

    Maybe a little off point but, can we do a swap for a disabled parent? My DH and I are taking my mom to WDW in Oct. If we want to ride splash mountain, but mom can't can one of us wait with her and then swap so she is not waiting alone?
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    MJ's Breakthrough!

    Thanks for the info. I love reading about MJ -Like a lot of others I am a mostly a lurker. But, it always adds a little extra to my day when I can read and enjoy the positive. Best wishes to you and your family
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    Wheelchair Abuse

    My mother is disabled and must use a wheelchair to get around. Disney is a very bright spot in her life. She has a degenerative spine condition and the disney employees go above and beyond to help her onto the rides and make the transaction as smooth as possible. I know there are cheaters but...
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    Ever meet the Mayor?

    I met the mayor in January 2001. We enterered the Magic Kingdom at opening and he was on Main Street. I briefly spoke with him and told him that someday I wanted his job. Very nice, pleasant man even posed for some pictures.
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    Very off topic but need help

    To Corus Red Team (Louise, Tanya, Christiane, Ian, Thijs, Luke, Dan and Mark): Good Luck and hope this helps! I'm from Keller Texas(35 miles from Dallas.)
  13. S

    What single animatronic (past or present) would you love to have in your living room?

    I would like Thomas Jefferson or any president (current or former) named George
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