Amazingly dumb and sometimes funny things other guests say...


New Member
I had a guest behind me inline for RnR once, and she said the following. "Rock n' roller coaster goes upside down 20 times! It's unbelivable!"


Stormy Horizons

New Member
Okay, so this one time, I was watching the millionaire game. And this guy was up there, and the host asked him what his favorite Disney ride was. He answered "The Hulk", that was the only time I've ever been on millionaire when the contestant got booed. :lookaroun I was embarassed for him.


New Member

my mom always refers to the magic kingdom simply as disney. even when we're at wdw, she will say "which day are we going to disney?" it's so funny but sometimes i just want so badly to correct her.
and i think that we can laugh at all of these posts because most of us know that we do things like this also. i'm always switching words and letters around as mentioned in a previous post.
so let's try not to be so serious about these things, this could have been a light hearted thread without some of these postings. these particular posts are what turn me away so many times from these discussion boards.


New Member
OK guys I was reading these and laughing so hard I had to add my own. Sadly it was my mom who made the less than intelligent comment!! We were in EPCOTdining at the San Angel Inn Restaurante. It was late evening and we all had a couple of margaritas--We were waiting (too long) for our food and I was commenting on how we were going to miss Illuminations. My mother replied, as she pointed to the volcano, "won't we be able to see it from here?" My husband, dad and myself could not talk for 10 or 15 minutes we were laughing so hard, and we still tease her about all of the volcanos in Florida.


New Member
I didn't read it that way Merlin

Merlin said:
And the person who wrote the post thought their friend (the CM) was being really clever and funny for doing that.

Merlin - I don't think the person ever said her friend was the CM. She indicated that her friend told her that a person at the turnstiles was told that. I took it as her friend overheard the CM tell the person that.

I do agree with you that it was out of line for the CM to do that. No matter how "stupid" the CM believes a question is, the CM should always provide a courteous and professional response.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I was in Epcot near Spaceship Earth when a man pushing a stroller came up to me and asked, "is this the exit to Mothership Earth?" :lol: It was so cute, so I just told him yes. So now we call it Mothership Earth from time to time. :)

Its nice to share stories that are funny, but as many have said let's be sure to keep it nice. :wave:


New Member
CoffeeJedi said:
does anyone actually say "Ellen's Energy Adventure" or "Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin" in real life? it sounds kinds of corny

I do.

Whenever A guest inquires about an attraction, I make it a point to use the entire name so they (hopefully) reconize the sign and find where they are trying to go.

Most of the time they botch up the name of an attraction (two of them, actually), and I have to decipher them.

AstroMountain = Space Mt. or Astro Orbiter

they come to the Tomorrowland Transit Authourity convinced it's the Monorail. It's no Monorail, it floats on magnets between two rails.

they also come to Carousel Of Progress and ask if its, a: The Timekeeper or b: those blue trains.


Active Member
Yes, people get names wrong at Universal as well. My company has an annual show at one of the Universal hotels every year. Last year I went and the "experts" who go every year gave us theme park passes. They then went on to explain that you can go to "the movie park" or to Universal (meaning Islands of Adventure). I just had to bite my tougue and smile.


Active Member
Eeyore said:
I was in Epcot near Spaceship Earth when a man pushing a stroller came up to me and asked, "is this the exit to Mothership Earth?" :lol: It was so cute, so I just told him yes. So now we call it Mothership Earth from time to time. :) :

at least he didn't call it "Spaceball Earth" :lol:

i'll use the full name of an attraction the first time i say it or introduce it to someone, but as a general rule, i just can't bring myself to sound out the full names of some of the longer rides. for you, being a CM is different though, if i was a CM, i'd say the whole thing as well


New Member
My favorite memory of this kind of thing:

When I used to work on the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, there were people who would get off the ride and sing the wrong lyrics. Usually, they'd just be off by one word, but this one lady got out of the "Dude Looks Like a Lady" limo and was singing "Do it like a lady." The implications between the real lyrics (a bit raunchy) and what she was singing always makes me laugh when I think about it. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Mickie1017 said:
OK guys I was reading these and laughing so hard I had to add my own. Sadly it was my mom who made the less than intelligent comment!! We were in EPCOTdining at the San Angel Inn Restaurante. It was late evening and we all had a couple of margaritas--We were waiting (too long) for our food and I was commenting on how we were going to miss Illuminations. My mother replied, as she pointed to the volcano, "won't we be able to see it from here?" My husband, dad and myself could not talk for 10 or 15 minutes we were laughing so hard, and we still tease her about all of the volcanos in Florida.

Funniest story I've read in a while. For those who don't know, San Angel is an *indoor* restaurant with effective outdoor-like effects.

I like to "play dumb" with my wife to get laughs. Perhaps I'll use this one next time I'm at the Mexico pavilion...


Well-Known Member
edwardtc said:
I guess I need to see a picture of you to fully understand this one :lol: Are you of another race (black, hispanic, asian, middle eastern)? Or do you just have a dark complection or unique features? I just find it so funny that some people will ARUGE with you about your race or background! It's like those idiots that argued with the Japanese girl about being in "Japan".
Sorry, it's been so long, I haven't been able to get online in a couple days. Yeah, it was really wierd that they wouldn't let it go. I think I know where I was born!:lol: And no, I'm not even of another race, I'm white with blonde hair and blue eyes.


New Member
I believe I read this on a previous post on this board, but it is too funny not to share. A woman on one of the Disney Cruise Ships was complaining that she ordered a cabin with a port hole. The CM polietly asked the guest her room number. The CM then assured the guest that the room the guest was in did indeed have a port hole. The guest admitted there was a port hole but it was blocked by something. The CM then had to remind the guest they were still docked and once the ship pulled away from the dock the guest would get a view.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Chape19714 said:
I have been on Sovereign of the Seas as well. Here's what I remember:

Does this elevator run to the front or back of the ship?
Has this ship ever sunk?
Does the crew sleep onboard?
Is the water in the toliets fresh or salt water?
What do you do with the ice carvings after they have melted?
If the photos in the gallary aren't labled, how do we know which one is ours?
When is the midnight buffet?

You must've been on a cruise recently to remember that list! That's right! The elevator one was hysterical! I can't believe I didn't remember that one! Thanks for the excellent memory recollection! :)



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
CoffeeJedi said:
at least he didn't call it "Spaceball Earth" :lol:

i'll use the full name of an attraction the first time i say it or introduce it to someone, but as a general rule, i just can't bring myself to sound out the full names of some of the longer rides. for you, being a CM is different though, if i was a CM, i'd say the whole thing as well

I acutally heard some lady call it "the big golfball" (especially when she was holding a map of the park).

Of course, you always hear the groups of ditzy teenage teeny-boppers that get on the monorail and say they're going to take the monorail to MGM. Hey.. go nuts kids! You'll get there, but not anytime soon. ;)

Though, my fiancee's favorite one is when another guest approaches her and asks her if she works at Disney (especially when she's wearing a Disney logo t-shirt or polo shirt). She had one last weekend when we were waiting to have breakfast at the Concourse Steakhouse in the Contemporary. She was wearing a Disney t-shirt and this one guy approached her to ask her if she knew when the disney characters come out at Chef Mickeys.



Active Member
When a friend and I went in July, 2004, as we entered Animal Kingdom, she looked at The Tree of Life and said, "hey, isn't it something how that tree grew like that?" Several people around us - including me - stopped dead in our tracks and just looked at her. I had to break the news to her that no, it didn't grow like that.


Account Suspended
I was going up the speed ramp for TTA and a guest was telling his friend, "This must be that Fast Pass thing we keep hearing about."


Account Suspended
rkretsch said:

Merlin - I don't think the person ever said her friend was the CM. She indicated that her friend told her that a person at the turnstiles was told that. I took it as her friend overheard the CM tell the person that.

I do agree with you that it was out of line for the CM to do that. No matter how "stupid" the CM believes a question is, the CM should always provide a courteous and professional response.

You're right. I just went back and re-read the post. Her friend wasn't the CM, but her friend overheard the CM. I stand corrected. Although she did indicate she thought it was funny. I personally do NOT think it was funny. I think it was cruel. And it's really annoying that a CM of all people would do that. But then again, I am, sadly, not entirely surprised. Every time I visit it seems like the quality of CMs, in general, sinks lower and lower.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
OMG merlin can we get anymore PC (politcally correct) in here?? Let us have our fun if you don't like it go to another thread. That being said, I have a stupid thing that I have done. If you are a CM in the Haunted Mansion please forgive me..... I WENT UNDER THE ROPE!!! I was immediatly yelled at for doing it by the CM, but I pleaded for my life and was let on the ride. I thought it was ok since there was no line in front of me, but its not boys and girls and damned be the next guest that does it sayeth the CM.

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