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  1. Milk Crate

    Imagineer doing an AMA on Reddit right now...

    He not only mentioned Micechat, but said he thought someone "inside" was writing for them. One can make of that what they will.
  2. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    That's why low-level retail workers are flocking to Alaska in droves. No sales tax. So bizarre, too, how executive compensation continues to rise regardless (almost in spite) of tax increases. Every morning, every evening, ain't we got fun?
  3. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Not like the old days when work was the highlight of your day! Boy, I sure don't find myself nodding with @Disneyhead'71 very often but spot on replies to this nonsense. Succinct, to the point and perfect. I'm not just nodding, I'm applauding.
  4. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Disney "forgetting the middle class" isn't so much a Disney problem as it is an America problem. I had the same reaction as Niles--what middle class? 'Something's gotta give at some point', I think optimistically. But I have the same issues we all have with Iger with my own leadership--it's...
  5. Milk Crate

    Playing a VERY dangerous game

    Playing a VERY dangerous game
  6. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Not sure who you think I am, but you're losing credibility with me every second you think you know who I am. As far as your last point, couldn't agree more!
  7. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I'm the only one who's commented on your post count. Are you implying that figuring out your average posts per day was some mathematical feat? If so, I'll take it! If you think I have some vested interest in this thread, you're not as smart as I thought. So you think the thread is moving...
  8. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Not 20 pages of the same question. Just asking the same question over many pages. And fair questions. 20 pages of the same assertion without proof is fair enough but 20 pages questioning that assertion without proof is trolling or people should who should just abandon thread? It's fair to...
  9. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Today is but a result of yesterday. Which is a result of, what? 100 pages of the day before? A vanishing breed, we. A lady needn't fear when we are near.
  10. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Aye aye cap'n. Google has come such a long way.
  11. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I think "spitroasting" has a very different meaning for me. Or does it??
  12. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Let your colors burst on me and we are going to have a real issue.
  13. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I'd say if that's your criteria, the shark has long been jumped. We get it, you're skeptical. We get it, you're not. I don't think the questions posed by AeFX are outrageous. You either believe without the answers or you don't. That's it. Clearly OP is not offering more beyond what he's...
  14. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    If it's anything beverage related I am going to have the scoop, don't worry.
  15. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Sorry, on mobile or I'd break up my replies more. First of all, thanks for the welcome. This thread has gotten pretty tense so it's nice to know some low level milk crate can get a welcome. I've no personal issue with 74. I've been here for quite a while. I've seen his predictions and posts...
  16. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Please, I AM art. Clearly.
  17. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Sure, let's go with that. Better than posting an obnoxious breakdown of "Disney defenders" because anyone who disagrees with Spirit is probably on welfare or doesn't work, right? Not like the OP himself who is clearly very busy, averaging 6 (long) posts a day for eight years on this site...
  18. Milk Crate

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Absolutely it would. And there hasn't been a chorus of "who cares". There have been a few posters genuinely asking why they SHOULD care. That is not the same thing. And higher-level discourse? What, like sports and certain banned users? There is some good discussion here, certainly. I'm not...
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