A Spirited Perfect Ten


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how he's falling so far. He's right about American media - it's in the pocket of corps and has been for some time now. Important news stories are buried or suppressed all the time - look at the insanity over Caitlin Jenner while major stories were ignored or went unreported altogether.

American journalism isn't what it used to be, which is why the Guardian breaks almost anything of consequence having to do with our government.

Another issue is the stock price. Stories like this can pop a bubble and no one wants to lose money.

And sometimes there's no interest, especially when the press is so loath to tackle anyone anymore.

Ok I am all for bashing the media and calling it out but their are still good and hard working publications that actually want to publish the stories. Call the ones out that don't live up to the standards don't call everyone a piece of crap.

I have friends that work for different publications and I know they work hard find the good stories and run with it. Had one lose a job because he would not stop pushing s story. So not everyone is bad.

It is the generalities of these statements that are making people flip out on this board today.

@WDW1974 @PhotoDave219 are good people they have their views and damn it I respect that. If you don't agree with them we have a right to question them as they do when I post things they see differently. That is a forum. If you don't want people to disagree with you find a church group.

I will question and ask question of anything posted on these sites if I want more info or to hear their side of the story. It is he fun of being in a forum like this.

was not Ment to quote you sorry.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how he's falling so far. He's right about American media - it's in the pocket of corps and has been for some time now. Important news stories are buried or suppressed all the time - look at the insanity over Caitlin Jenner while major stories were ignored or went unreported altogether.

Yes, I understand the "because, media corrupt" argument.

However, bringing Caitlyn Jenner into it is a new one, I'll give you that.

Thank you, though - for illustrating one of the key points - feeding into preconceived general notions people may have as a means of evidence. If one cop is bad, they all are - right? Even if a good many of them are, presumption is really the death of reason.

That said, this is but the most recent "twist" here, that corrupt journalists are silencing the story, and if you are sick of me writing, you really don't want to question me further because if you really want we can go over this whole thing point by point again, but as you said, we all have better things to do.


Well-Known Member
Sure, let's go with that.

Better than posting an obnoxious breakdown of "Disney defenders" because anyone who disagrees with Spirit is probably on welfare or doesn't work, right?

Not like the OP himself who is clearly very busy, averaging 6 (long) posts a day for eight years on this site alone (yes I realize that's that's a simplification, BUT).

Ah, but now I'm just a hater or a troll or something. Not at all. I'm just a milk crate with nothing but time to read and post since recently becoming sentient.
I was going for obnoxious-thank you. A milk crate who can appreciate art


Well-Known Member


Sure, let's go with that.

Better than posting an obnoxious breakdown of "Disney defenders" because anyone who disagrees with Spirit is probably on welfare or doesn't work, right?

Not like the OP himself who is clearly very busy, averaging 6 (long) posts a day for eight years on this site alone (yes I realize that's that's a simplification, BUT).

Ah, but now I'm just a hater or a troll or something. Not at all. I'm just a milk crate with nothing but time to read and post since recently becoming sentient.
Welcome to the forums.

While I don't agree with all of what Spirit says, and we've even spoken about it in the past, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he's been correct about several things on this site.

To address your previous post, the reason things delve into these types of discussion is because he has along with a fan base, he has a group of members that, whether it be envy or simply disdain for his style of posting, critic and try to besmirch everything he says. They are not looking for the "truth", they are simply here to counter him and call him out.

From the conversations I've had with the OP over the years, albeit brief, he seems like a good guy whether you agree with his positions or not. That being said, it seems like your position on the matter deals less with the topic at hand and more with the person at hand. You took the time to calculate the mean post per day totals but what does that have to do with anything?

There's 965 pages of opinions. It's up to the readers to decide whether to agree with it, or disagree with it, and then move on with their lives.

Nobody is considered a troll if they respectfully don't agree with someone. But where it turns south is when member biases get in the way of the actually topic at hand, on both sides, and then we get pages of nonsense like we have here.

That was reiterating the backbone of my point earlier. If you know what you're getting into (in these Spirited Threads) and you don't like the topic at hand, why waste your time? We should all have better things to do than try to "prove" or "disprove" pieces of info that cannot be proven or disproven from an anonymous online forum member.


Well-Known Member
Ok I am all for bashing the media and calling it out but their are still good and hard working publications that actually want to publish the stories. Call the ones out that don't live up to the standards don't call everyone a piece of crap.

I have friends that work for different publications and I know they work hard find the good stories and run with it. Had one lose a job because he would not stop pushing s story. So not everyone is bad.

It is the generalities of these statements that are making people flip out on this board today.

@WDW1974 @PhotoDave219 are good people they have their views and damn it I respect that. If you don't agree with them we have a right to question them as they do when I post things they see differently. That is a forum. If you don't want people to disagree with you find a church group.

I will question and ask question of anything posted on these sites if I want more info or to hear their side of the story. It is he fun of being in a forum like this.

was not Ment to quote you sorry.
You clearly don't go to my church or others I've been in. ;)


Well-Known Member
To address your previous post, the reason things delve into these types of discussion is because he has along with a fan base, he has a group of members that, whether it be envy or simply disdain for his style of posting, critic and try to besmirch everything he says. They are not looking for the "truth", they are simply here to counter him and call him out.

How does that compute when some folks asking questions now, like myself, were highly supportive of WDW1974 up until the very recent past, and vice versa?

Until suddenly a few questions or differences of opinion caused him to lash out, and suddenly this "hater" label is put upon us and even though we are just supposedly not sophisticated enough to understand, he spent a great deal of time rallying against us.

Your narrative is weak, because unless he's gone back and "unliked", and I don't think he'd be that petty, I had more posts in this thread "liked" by WDW1974 than not. That is, until this whole China business started up, a few clarifications were asked, and suddenly he's quoting a dozen posts of mine at once to rage against me because my basic questions or opinions were contrary to his narrative?

It's great to have new perspectives, but this Johnny-Come-Lately summary of the situation by a few of you is misguided, at best. If you are going to place folks in the "hater" box, you best go back and start from the beginning of this discussion and back it up. Because you haven't the foggiest clue what you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Are they interested in the subject matter? or are they really interested in attacking Spirit?

To me I would agree with what you say that people may be more inclined to be interested in the content but when they are so critical of his delivery then it tells me there is more to it than that. The way he comes across to some should not matter if the the subject at hand is the true interest.

I understand what you are saying about the facts but if someone says something that they say is fact. No matter what anyone else says that person is going to believe what they said is indeed fact. Not going to change. (For a moment we are not debating the details of the arguments on this thread)

What is the point for those who disagree to continue to attack the poster, and their "facts," over and over again? If they have information that says something different then contribute that information or start their own thread.
Posting style is being questioned because of the lashing out against people who are not always just jumping in to counter. This is also not the first time he has gone through this process, where he builds up a huge story but gets more and more angry towards not those outright denying, but those seeking further clarification.

would it? even on this specific thread, where we all come eagerly looking for higher level discourse, the china stuff has been met with a lot of, "MEH! WHO CARES?!" i know we're talking about the wall street journal here, and the business focus of the outlet would seem to imply the story would have more legs in the traffic department than a blow-by-blow breakdown of a frozen overlay, but try to explain each story to a layperson and see which they find more interesting. after all, we are talking about america here, land of the willfully ignorant.
The IT jobs story keeps going. China is supposed to be the place to be if one wants to grow a global company. Killing that possibility is a HUGE story.

To no one in particular- It must create quite a conflict in your inner soul if you are paid by Disney to be a brand advocate on the web and its discussion boards; even worse when you know the truth because you're inside Disney but have to support whatever the company says you must. Tough to sell your soul for a paycheck.
Do please name names.

This is EXHAUSTING. Look - this is an Internet message board; a thread started by one person as his platform for his news and rumors. No one is going to name sources on a message board, so you can either believe it or not. If you don't believe it, that's fine, but we're now on dozens of pages of nothing but the same couple people going back and forth.

We get it @AEfx. You don't buy it. Great. You're not gonna get more documentation from anyone - again, this is a message board, not a court of law. For the love of God, move on. This is the Spirit's thread where he posts his info, news and rumors. Your doubt has been duly noted - it will not change his position, and it's unlikely he could say anything to change yours. And frankly, you've typed so many paragraphs on the subject I'm not sure what else could possibly be said.

I don't mean this to be rude or insulting, so please don't take it that way. I'm just sure there are better uses of all of our time than to rehash the same arguments ad infinitum.
Nobody is asking for sources to be named.

I don't understand how he's falling so far. He's right about American media - it's in the pocket of corps and has been for some time now. Important news stories are buried or suppressed all the time - look at the insanity over Caitlin Jenner while major stories were ignored or went unreported altogether.

American journalism isn't what it used to be, which is why the Guardian breaks almost anything of consequence having to do with our government.

Another issue is the stock price. Stories like this can pop a bubble and no one wants to lose money.

And sometimes there's no interest, especially when the press is so loath to tackle anyone anymore.
Why is a traditional media outlet necessary?


Resident Curmudgeon
I don't understand how he's falling so far. He's right about American media - it's in the pocket of corps and has been for some time now. Important news stories are buried or suppressed all the time - look at the insanity over Caitlin Jenner while major stories were ignored or went unreported altogether.

American journalism isn't what it used to be, which is why the Guardian breaks almost anything of consequence having to do with our government.

Another issue is the stock price. Stories like this can pop a bubble and no one wants to lose money.

And sometimes there's no interest, especially when the press is so loath to tackle anyone anymore.

^^^^ THIS x 10,000 ^^^^


How does that compute when some folks asking questions now, like myself, were highly supportive of WDW1974 up until the very recent past, and vice versa?

Until suddenly a few questions or differences of opinion caused him to lash out, and suddenly this "hater" label is put upon us and even though we are just supposedly not sophisticated enough to understand, he spent a great deal of time rallying against us.

Your narrative is weak, because unless he's gone back and "unliked", and I don't think he'd be that petty, I had more posts in this thread "liked" by WDW1974 than not. That is, until this whole China business started up, a few clarifications were asked, and suddenly he's quoting a dozen posts of mine at once to rage against me because my basic questions or opinions were contrary to his narrative?

It's great to have new perspectives, but this Johnny-Come-Lately summary of the situation by a few of you is misguided, at best. If you are going to place folks in the "hater" box, you best go back and start from the beginning of this discussion and back it up. Because you haven't the foggiest clue what you are talking about.
You act as if I'm addressing you personally. I'm not in the slightest, otherwise, I would have quoted you. Which I didn't.

I haven't seen anyone call you a hater, at especially myself, so I'm not sure why you're acting as if I am. You've been repeating the same rhetoric for the past 10 pages and it hasn't gotten us anywhere closer to answers.


Resident Curmudgeon
Posting style is being questioned because of the lashing out against people who are not always just jumping in to counter. This is also not the first time he has gone through this process, where he builds up a huge story but gets more and more angry towards not those outright denying, but those seeking further clarification.

The IT jobs story keeps going. China is supposed to be the place to be if one wants to grow a global company. Killing that possibility is a HUGE story.

Do please name names.

Nobody is asking for sources to be named.

Why is a traditional media outlet necessary?

Because of the credibility, For many years bits of the NSA's domestic spying programs came out on sites like Infowars, Cryptome and Judicial Watch. It took The Guardian to break it for everyone to see, And STILL the american media does not want to cover it, They would rather throw SQUIRRELS like Caitlyn Jenner and the Kardashians at people.


Well-Known Member
You act as if I'm addressing you personally. I'm not in the slightest, otherwise, I would have quoted you. Which I didn't.

I haven't seen anyone call you a hater, at especially myself, so I'm not sure why you're acting as if I am. You've been repeating the same rhetoric for the past 10 pages and it hasn't gotten us anywhere closer to answers.

My apologies, as I directly replied to you earlier saying I was looking for "the truth" and then you said that people aren't looking for "the truth" and called them out.

In that case, I'm not sure who you were discussing in your summary - because per my reply, I don't see a single person here who fits the "group of members that, whether it be envy or simply disdain for his style of posting, critic and try to besmirch everything he says" that you associated with folks who are looking for the said truth.

That sounds like some WDW1974 rhetoric, and as you were parroting it and there is no evidence of such, I apologize for my assumption. I guess you were just talking to the wind.


Well-Known Member
Why is a traditional media outlet necessary?

That's my confusion.

We've had certain WDW1974 BRAND supporters suddenly show up and say this info was "triple vetted" and "clearly laid out".

The former may be true, but the latter - certainly is not. That was proven in the past day when folks are trying to figure out just what this is about, as it is scattered over dozens of posts on hundreds of pages and if someone really wanted to put together the whole narrative, it would be a ridiculous amount of work.

I hope someone does - because then the "confusion" will be plainly apparent as to how convoluted this all really is.

I don't think they want the narrative to be fully strung together, because that just proves the point and shows it as what a convoluted series of projections, assumptions, and changing narratives it really is.

Write the article himself. Put it out there. Have the confidence in it to put his name on it. The Internet is a very powerful thing, and thinking it's going to go anywhere from scattered message board postings is illogical, at best.

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