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  1. M

    Erin Go Bragh! At Raglan Road, we all show the Irish love!

    I like the venue and the Irish dancer is great. I'd rate the food as decent, above the Disney average for the price bracket....but distinctly on par with what I'd expect from any decent British or Irish restaurant at a fraction of the price.
  2. M

    Missed reservation fee

    I wonder if their system tracks who cancels. i.e. if you make the odd cancellation within 24 hours but well ahead of the reservation, no charge. But a note is made so that if the person is doing it frequently across the resort then they get charged. It's must be a huge annoyance to all the...
  3. M

    do you think frozen ever after will be a home run?

    All depends how you measure a home run..... It terms of a ground breaking, innovative ride - I very much doubt it. Probably will be a mediocre and cheap overlay, little better than the Mexico Fiesta ride. Will the pre-teen girls and pixie dusters lap it up? You bet they will.
  4. M

    Animal Kingdom's name problem

    Dam, I thought it may have been some awesome E ticket ride that we've waited the last decade for Disney to announce....I forgot for a minute that Universal has exclusivity on E tickets since 2006. Instead it's some crappy 'wait n' grope' ordeal based off a no-doubt instantly forgettable...
  5. M

    8 parks in WDW in 1998-1999, 6 parks in WDW in 2015

    It's a big disingenuous to count either as a 'Park', certainly not in the manner of the 4 main parks. So by itself, WDW is not worse just because they have closed. Most people would probably agree that things were better back then, maintenance standards were reportedly higher; attractions were...
  6. M

    Flip Flops

    Same as everywhere I believe, if they are on the floor then its fine. However, if it's floorless etc they need to be removed.
  7. M

    "Greening" The Disney Fleet

    Such as? I seriously struggle to think of any.... A token solar panel or recycling bin doesn't count.
  8. M

    Tomorrowland Speedway

    Three words.....Stitch's Great Escape!
  9. M

    It's Tough to be a Bug! "stings"

    I'm pretty sure it's in the centre of your back.....unless maybe you have a plastic butt the size of Kim Kardashian - mind with all that filler and plastic, I doubt she'd feel a cattle prod let alone a little zinger.
  10. M

    Gift Stores Suggestions for a 25 year old Female?

    I think some of the stuffed toys at Animal Kingdom may be exclusive to there i.e. the ones in their safari gear. At least, I don't recall seeing them anywhere else. There is a major gift shop at each of the parks, and lots of smaller ones throughout. The World of Disney store at Downtown Disney...
  11. M

    Heads of State visits

    Nikita Khrushchev was desperate to visit Disneyland when he visited California with his family in 1959. I read the only reason he didn't was because the Police Chief couldn't make adequate security arrangements in Aneheim (as it not being under his jurisdiction). He was supposed to have said...
  12. M

    Is Disney complacent , and back on its heels

    For a beast the size of WDW I think even that is insufficient. Between the four parks there should be a minimum of one new E-ticket each year to 18 months. Under your suggestion, that each park getting a new major attraction every 8 years. I don't think that's enough, though admittedly it would...
  13. M

    Apple Pay at WDW, oh how convenient!!!

    I think you may have missed my point, apologies if not. Chip and Sign is the less secure method against Chip and PIN. I thought it seems strange that they would choose the more expensive and less secure method when having to upgrade regardless.
  14. M

    Apple Pay at WDW, oh how convenient!!!

    Any idea why they went with the signing option? Seems quite strange, especially, at least in my experience, the cashier rarely even looks at the back of the card to see if the signature is even remotely similar. It seems to me that changing to chip and sign will only help reduce card cloning...
  15. M

    Apple Pay at WDW, oh how convenient!!!

    Kind of, yes. No pin required and a lowish limit to minimise risk. It's currently £20, that's about $30, though back in 2007 it was over $40. I find that's sufficient for most transactions where speed is most advantageous, I'm sure over time the limit will gradually increase. Regarding Apple...
  16. M

    Most embarassing thing that has happened to you (or someone you know) on a Disney Vacation?

    The Waitress intentionally pushing my birthday cake into my chin on my 18th birthday. She had happily served me with beers all night though and she was a cutie, so I did forgive her.
  17. M

    Apple Pay at WDW, oh how convenient!!!

    Yes 2007, I got a Barclaycard credit card with contactless within a month or two of them issuing them. I think I still have it here somewhere, although it since expired and been replaced. I got my first contactless Debit card somewhat later...
  18. M

    Norway Pavilion Frozen construction - Frozen Ever After ride

    Do you know how they adding capacity? Would it be bigger logs or closer spacings between logs? I'm assuming that there are limited options given that the ride system is not changing.
  19. M

    Apple Pay at WDW, oh how convenient!!!

    Wow, how revolutionary. I've been using the same technology since 2007....years before it was hijacked by Apple. Have WDW only just got around to installing contactless? On a serious note though, I am always surprised at card payments in the US (or at least the places I have visited), in the...
  20. M

    Is Disney complacent , and back on its heels

    I would hardly call them reactionary or of rushing rides into service with their 5-6 year development cycle. Are they leading edge? Well, there has been little evidence of anything 'leading edge' in WDW over the last decade, unless we count the evolutionary regression otherwise known as Magic...
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