Most embarassing thing that has happened to you (or someone you know) on a Disney Vacation?


Well-Known Member
When I was ~3-4 I determined that I was scared of the dark. So, I flipped out in the first room of the Haunted Mansion and my mom had a CM send us down the chicken walk. The funny thing is that the ONLY part of the mansion that I found scary (besides those cacophonous pop-out buggers that used to ruin the attic & graveyard) was the 3 seconds of darkness in the stretching room. And I had been on it just fine two years before that.

Speaking of visiting WDW at age 1-2, apparently the dinos on UoE/EEA were be ear-splitting that trip and I bawled.

Honorable mention: shouting about vertical g-forces, namely their effect on certain hanging parts of the body at Hershey Park when I was 6.


Well-Known Member
Picked up a nice case of norovirus mid trip a few years ago. We had put off MK till midweek to beat crowds, that happened to be whej the virus kicked we hit mainstreet. I was horribly sick vomiting in the bathroom afterward my poor wife had to take a toddler and infant by herself while i slept and recouped in the first aid station

Oh, that's brutal. The only good thing is that the norovirus doesn't hang around very long. That, and it's easy to predict when you're about to vomit well ahead of time by how high your fever is getting. After you hurl, it drops significantly and starts to spike when the next "batch" is almost ready.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Oh, that's brutal. The only good thing is that the norovirus doesn't hang around very long. That, and it's easy to predict when you're about to vomit well ahead of time by how high your fever is getting. After you hurl, it drops significantly and starts to spike when the next "batch" is almost ready.
It was brutal. That night I was sick in everyway imaginable all night. Then my daughter was sick the next day. We call that our aborted trip...we went back 8 months later


Active Member
Ok, this was awhile ago before Magic Bands. We were on a 10 Day Stay at The World with me, My Sister and her family, and our parents. One of the days we were at DHS and the rest of my group were having a quick breakfast/coffee while I stopped at the ATM to get some cash and I was planning on paying for my parents to have lunch so I handed a $100 bill to my mom to pay for their lunch. We finished breakfast and headed towards RNRC and my Mom asks me "did you hand me something earlier?" I replied that I had given her the money from lunch. She didn't remember putting it away and then she realized that she must have thrown it away along with her breakfast trash. We headed back that way just to make sure it hadn't fallen. A CM noticed and offered to search the trash for it, but they had already been emptied. Needless to say my Mom was sick with embarrassment. I told her "We're at Disney, it's no big deal" I pulled out another $100 and handed it (to my Dad this time ) and said "forget about it and enjoy your lunch" She still talks about that incident to this day!


Active Member
Mine would be when I was around 10 and visiting the MK with my brothers, ages 8 and 6. My mom and grandmother were also with us. I don't remember what time of year it was but it was back when the parks would be nearly empty in the evenings. Anyway, my brothers and I were allowed to ride POC by ourselves while my mom and grandmother did something else. Since it wasn't crowded we just kept getting off, running back through the queue, and riding again. I guess we got bored at some point because, during the ride, we kept hopping from seat to seat in the boat. Front to back, over and over. When we got off after that trip the CM stopped us and scolded us saying that our pictures had been taken and if we ever behaved like that again there would be a security guard at the top of the ramp to escort us out of the park. I was so embarrassed, especially since my mom and grandmother walked up just in time to see us getting in trouble. I wonder if Disney still has those pictures... :D


When i was 10 i got my leg stuck in the railing at one of the station's while waiting for the train. The CM had just warned me to take my leg out from in between the railings or it might get stuck but it was to late! He had to search the whole of the guest's lined up for someone with sunscreen or moisturizer to get me free! (though it's not the worst thing i've been stuck in, i was once stuck in a tire swing!)


Resident Redhead
Premium Member

Dang, that took a lot of research. Kudos. :)


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
My clumsy self misjudged the step off from the curb onto Main Street once (Castle gazing and not paying attention) and if it hadn't been for my DD in front of me to grab on, I would have landed splat on my face in the middle of Main Street, in front of the Photopass Photographer, no less. That would have made a Magical Memory picture!


Well-Known Member
Ripped my pants sliding into a Corvette at Good Test Track. I slid across the seat to get a picture taken, and heard a very obscene "brrrrp" noise. I thought it was just the sound of new leather.

But nope...was the seat of my pants ripping. Not just a small pretty much ripped off the entire left cheek pocket and all the material underneath. I walked out of the showroom and someone pointed out that my boxers were exposed for all to see.
So I went into MouseGear, shelled out $50 for some olive green Mickey swim trunks that looked like the denim shorts I was wearing, then went to the nearest bathroom to change.

Blackie Pueblo

Active Member
My friends and I were resort hopping and were checking out the view at Animal Kingdom on the balcony area of the Lobby building. After a while we decided to go and check out another resort and for some reason I thought the glass was an open doorway. It was really really clean. So in front of my friends and a bunch of strangers I walked face first HARD right into the glass. My friends about fell to the ground laughing at me.

That was several years ago. I still hear about it.


Well-Known Member
At age of 6, running off at River country.... Jumping on a big boy slide as my dad try to catch me and having to have the very cute life guard jump in and get me.... Man those logs they had set up hurt and the current was rough lol...


Well-Known Member
We took a trip in our mid/early twenties with another couple as we headed into the Mission space courtyard we passed a family with a child 5/6 wearing a Duke shirt. Our friend saw this and ran over tho the child and yelled "Duke Sucks!" at him.

Wow....just wow. Who does that to a six year old..or even a grown up you don't even know unless you are actually at a game. I am sure this made for an uncomfortable aftermath for the afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Wow....just wow. Who does that to a six year old..or even a grown up you don't even know unless you are actually at a game. I am sure this made for an uncomfortable aftermath for the afternoon.

Not that I am condoning this behavior, but you must not know how much Duke is hated.


Well-Known Member
An ostrich on Kilimanjaro Safari once attacked my cousin and ripped his shirt to pieces, leaving him unharmed, but he literally had to go shirtless for the next 5 hours plus the time it took to get to the hotel, and he was 15 at the time. Not to mention that day it was in the high 50's (surprising even for December in Orlando). And to ride Expedition Everest had had to be frigid! I'm surprised though how my aunt never bought him another shirt oh well.
I'm actually more surprised a cast member wasn't waiting at the exit with a voucher for a free shirt. I thought that was something they did in situations like this.

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