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  1. Rimmit

    Doing DLP during layover at CDG Questions

    We had not planned on it. Will just use the wheelchair, but she’s able to sit in the line just fine now in a wheelchair and walk decent distances. After being in a situation where we HAD to use DAS and even got the special dune buggies and clam shells, etc where she got to stay in her...
  2. Rimmit

    Doing DLP during layover at CDG Questions

    I am definitely the logistics guy in our family. Thankfully the wife is always up for whatever crazy idea I come up with and my kids are high energy and do amazingly well with jet lag. I’m probably gonna budget about an hour for immigration as some seem higher and some lower. I know too well...
  3. Rimmit

    Doing DLP during layover at CDG Questions

    Thanks! Yes. Seems scouring the travel forums, some say it was 2 hours to get bags that delayed them, some say it was 1.5 hours at passport control. Some get through super fast. Totally random it seems. I’ve gotten through MIA with no line and sometimes I feel the line goes for miles. Just...
  4. Rimmit

    Doing DLP during layover at CDG Questions

    Thanks. We will definitely make use of that.
  5. Rimmit

    Doing DLP during layover at CDG Questions

    Thanks for the tips on the train. I’ll definitely watch the app to check for delays. Based on what happens just taking an Uber may be the best bet. How often are the trains running behind? Is it pretty common event? As in should I assume the train is gonna run behind?
  6. Rimmit

    Doing DLP during layover at CDG Questions

    We thankfully won’t have to pick up bags as we are in transit on the same airline so the bags will not get picked up. We will have to go through immigration which is highly variable. Being the first off the plane will help a little at least. A lot of what happens and if we get to go to DLP...
  7. Rimmit

    Doing DLP during layover at CDG Questions

    I'm doing some very preliminary planning for a 12 Disney Parks in two week trip. It did not start out this way and initially started out just with doing the Asia Disneys, but as luck would have it, all our flights to and from Asia go through places with Disney Parks except the start which is...
  8. Rimmit

    Is attendance really down at WDW this or…

    I guarantee you the streamers all have that data. They know exactly what you watch, how long you watch, the first show you watched when you subscribed, last thing you watched before you cancelled, etc. now what they do with that data…. That is the question. That’s part of what the SAG and...
  9. Rimmit

    Is attendance really down at WDW this or…

    Yep! Europe has gone ballistic. Since we went to DLP in 2018, I knew exactly zero families that went until this summer. I now know 4. Nearly every family I know this summer either went to Europe or West to the National Parks. And I'd say it was 3 to 1 in favor of going to Europe rather than...
  10. Rimmit

    News Bob Iger talks about attendance declines, ticket pricing, the feud with Ron DeSantis, and his huge optimism for Disney Parks and Resorts

    The shortened window was to discourage pirating. The longer between theatrical release and streaming/bluray/dvd release the more a movie gets pirated. People (for the most part in 1st world countries) are willing to pay for something or use a streaming service to consume it when available...
  11. Rimmit

    Is attendance really down at WDW this or…

    It’s good if we want to send Disney a message that we don’t like their unfavorable changes. Disney has gotten cocky and they need a course correction. Free fast pass is never coming back. I’m not delusional, but some type of olive branch would be nice. I have never used DME but I know lots...
  12. Rimmit

    Is attendance really down at WDW this or…

    For a Disney virgin it is absolutely still "magical." Disney just does things that can blow your mind. If this is all you've ever known, it can be a great time, and with some research you can get the hang of G+, ILL's reasonably quickly, but it's nothing like it used to be. The issue is...
  13. Rimmit

    Is attendance really down at WDW this or…

    From my POV there are two things that are driving the attendance drop. 1.) Price - Hands down price is the main factor. People were willing to pay during the pandemic due to lack of options. FL was the first place to open up, and FL had a near monopoly on vacations for a while, and WDW and...
  14. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    No where did I say he was spot on from Day 1 or that he knew what to do to prevent it. I only stated that he and the rest of the task force were stating that a lot of people were gonna die, and that all you had to do was listen to the experts and look at what happened to other countries to know...
  15. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    There was no prophesizing involved. This was just BASIC science. Anyone with a basic high school level education could have predicted the outcome based on the early data and studies combined with the current anti-science attitude of our society. Hell, you didn’t even need an education...
  16. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I would also say that many that didn’t get banned are now too embarrassed to say anything as they were proven dead wrong. My favorite comment from the beginning of this thread was about how in a year we would have forgotten all about the pandemic. That one aged real well.
  17. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Had to avoid the forums for quite a bit for my mental health, but I recently started checking back. Yes way back in March I made that statement a couple times in various ways in response to a variety of people regarding the lockdowns in March and April. Well.... we know how this song and...
  18. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    In our rural hospital in KY we get 12 hour turnarounds for all our tests done at our hospital and at our respiratory testing centers that are spread out among several counties. In many cases it’s less than 3-4 hours. My wife has been tested 3 times, me twice and my son once and we have never...
  19. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I have. Once to Sanford on Allegiant (you can read my previous posts in this thread about mask usage from that trip, although we were in a different place early June then now), and now I am currently on a two week vacation flying on United into Bismarck and flying back from Kalispell,MT...
  20. Rimmit

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    For work I was required to have a test prior to returning my hospital after vacationing in FL. My whole family got tested. Prior to leaving my wife had an exposure and got tested. That is 5 tests for my family with no symptoms right there for the 20-30 year old age group. Our hospital has a...
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