Is attendance really down at WDW this or…


Well-Known Member
I think spinning the parks off would not work in the long run, only because of the IP ties. By keeping core content and the parks, they could restore imagineering to its old and successful way of working without needed to deal with deals/agreements/contracts, etc.

Parks would finally get the attention they deserve as the backbone of the company, and the film/tv studio(s) could go through a second renaissance without excess financial burden from other parts of the org
My spin off idea would have to include exclusive licenses to current and future IP for theme park use in perpetuity with a yearly fee for all IP.


Well-Known Member
Tv both cable and over the air are dead. Streaming is the future both pay and free ad supported. Live sports will continue but only live on pay streaming and delayed on free ad supported services. Movie theaters will continue but will be subscription based like AMC's A List. However there will be a major decrease in the number of new movies and an increase in showings of older movies.

The future will lead to an average consumer paying $25.00 a month for streaming and also watch free services like Pluto and YouTube. Then may also subscribe to A list for $29.00 a month per person or $58.00 per couple. Then paying $25.00 for internet, which is what cell phone home ISP service costs. That totals $108.00 a month for a couple. Even adding in 1 child at $25.00 a month the cost would be $103 a month for a family of 3. Face it, the entertainment industry is due to a big decrease in revenue and so they need to decrease their expences, all of them. The world has changed and we need to adjust to that fact.
What's going to happen is that everybody is going to have several streaming services and, when combined with now unbundled internet access, will cost as much as they were paying for cable subscriptions before they "cut the cord."

AMC's A-List and whatever Regal calls theirs are good values IF there are enough movies made that you want to see.


Well-Known Member
Disney basically had two options years ago. Be content creators and sell content to multiple platforms (where they have no control over how it's placed) or be content creators and design their own platform to deliver that content.

Cable is going to die at some point. Movie theatres (or movie budgets) are going to have to drastically change the way they do business.

People still want to consume content, it's just a matter of how (cable box, internet platform) and where (home vs. theatre). Big business has to figure it out and I assume within the next 5 years we'll see a consolidation or failure of streaming platforms.
How long have we heard cable is going to die tho? Call me old school but i have zero streaming services & have no interest in ever getting any of the what seems like countless ones out there…


Well-Known Member
How long have we heard cable is going to die tho? Call me old school but i have zero streaming services & have no interest in ever getting any of the what seems like countless ones out there…
Yeah but cable streaming apps are not on par with Netflix or D+.

If I’m at the airport I can’t bring my cable box. The Comcast app last time I saw it was a mess.

As far as I’m concerned streaming is just easier to use across multiple devices especially outside the home.


Well-Known Member
Travel to Europe is absolutely crazy right now and thats where people are going. I know at least 10 friends going with their families to Europe, its also why the flights are so expensive. Disney for a family of 4 has gotten expensive and people would rather spend the money to go to Paris, Rome or London as its not much more for a week.
Yep! Europe has gone ballistic. Since we went to DLP in 2018, I knew exactly zero families that went until this summer. I now know 4. Nearly every family I know this summer either went to Europe or West to the National Parks. And I'd say it was 3 to 1 in favor of going to Europe rather than the national parks. The ones that went to Europe are not even the ones that I consider adventurous. They typically do beach or Disney vacations, and they ALL went across the pond.

Everyone was hammering FL during the pandemic and now that the world is open, they went to Europe because they realized it wasn't that much more expensive than Disney.


Well-Known Member
Yep! Europe has gone ballistic. Since we went to DLP in 2018, I knew exactly zero families that went until this summer. I now know 4. Nearly every family I know this summer either went to Europe or West to the National Parks. And I'd say it was 3 to 1 in favor of going to Europe rather than the national parks. The ones that went to Europe are not even the ones that I consider adventurous. They typically do beach or Disney vacations, and they ALL went across the pond.

Everyone was hammering FL during the pandemic and now that the world is open, they went to Europe because they realized it wasn't that much more expensive than Disney.
Yeah I'm friends with a few people from college on FB and at least 4 of them are on vacation to either Europe or national parks right now. One of them is even doing a month long tour of Italy. I went to WDW with my friend last year as a revenge travel trip and that friend enjoyed the trip but has zero desire to return. She actually invited me to go to Turkey with her in 2025 and I may take her up on that offer. There's a whole world out there outside of WDW.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm friends with a few people from college on FB and at least 4 of them are on vacation to either Europe or national parks right now. One of them is even doing a month long tour of Italy. I went to WDW with my friend last year as a revenge travel trip and that friend enjoyed the trip but has zero desire to return. She actually invited me to go to Turkey with her in 2025 and I may take her up on that offer. There's a whole world out there outside of WDW.
you need to go! im finally doing a trip next year to Ireland, Airfare was not cheap but not outrageous either. United has their new premium plus seats that are right behind Polaris, they are domestic first class seats that are half of the first class. not flat but go back and have foot rests and food/drinks. its only a 6.5hr flight.


Well-Known Member
you need to go! im finally doing a trip next year to Ireland, Airfare was not cheap but not outrageous either. United has their new premium plus seats that are right behind Polaris, they are domestic first class seats that are half of the first class. not flat but go back and have foot rests and food/drinks. its only a 6.5hr flight.
It's so far away so not committing to anything yet. I did look and I can get a roundtrip flight to Istanbul from IAD for $800-900. That's honestly tempting me more than anything lol I was considering doing Disneyland in 2025 but tickets, hotels, etc. are outrageous. I think I would rather go to another country for a similar price.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but cable streaming apps are not on par with Netflix or D+.

If I’m at the airport I can’t bring my cable box. The Comcast app last time I saw it was a mess.

As far as I’m concerned streaming is just easier to use across multiple devices especially outside the home.
I have direct tv and can literally and have literally watched it from disney springs and the parks multiple times. Actually had a group of other dads last time catching sunday night football with me while the ladies were shopping 😂😂😂


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
How long have we heard cable is going to die tho? Call me old school but i have zero streaming services & have no interest in ever getting any of the what seems like countless ones out there…




Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm friends with a few people from college on FB and at least 4 of them are on vacation to either Europe or national parks right now. One of them is even doing a month long tour of Italy. I went to WDW with my friend last year as a revenge travel trip and that friend enjoyed the trip but has zero desire to return. She actually invited me to go to Turkey with her in 2025 and I may take her up on that offer. There's a whole world out there outside of WDW.
You will enjoy Turkey. Istanbul is a very fascinating city , a foodie lovers dream. If you have a stamped visit to Israel on your passport you will have a problem entering Turkey as an FYI.


Premium Member
We got some textbook “self soothing” going on here…like from the Disney C suite kinda stuff.

You cannot with any honestly say that the product is not down/being significantly pushed back on right now. Across the entire portfolio.

It’s just “there”. And they need fo adjust. Period. What was being sold…isn’t being sold anymore.

Want a cheap resell timeshare? I got one for you…

it does no one…not Disney…not you…not me…any good to make excuses for bad performance or the fallout from bad strategic decisions. And they have a mounting bag of both.

We know people like going to Disney parks. It’s fun. Not in dispute.
But have some dignity and don’t live in a memory that suffocates what made being a fan fun.
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Premium Member
America likes to keep up with the Joneses… and the Joneses are currently not going to Disney for MANY of the reasons above….
Disney has to get the Joneses to start coming back - but question: Why are we (Disney nerds) acting as if lower attendence is a bad thing again???? Seems like we of all peeps would be thrilled with this turn of events!
Didn’t you hear? They’re “luxury” now…

That’s a huge sticking point on forums. Listen…I’m hard here. You kinda have to be or it becomes just silly. Dominated by adults acting like silly children that schill…

But that “I’m special!” Is just nuts. He lied For CYA. Nothing more or less. And there’s nothing - now or ever - to stop it.

That’s not even a possibility. They can’t cut their gate and make money. The profit is in the stuff sold quickly to the masses. It’s not a Halloween party…it’s what the people in it buy. Not that night…for the week. Volume. It’s a volume construct.

This nonsense needs to stop. It’s already resulted in parks that are aging and more and more a platform of micro transactions per day that look tacky.

The reason Disney parks are what they are is you got MORE than you could get elsewhere lb for lb. The attendance won’t rebound if it’s: this is what you get…just buy the name and pay more next time.


Bobism has been exposed. This is what the downward turn looks like. It’s happened. It’s affecting all their business.


Premium Member
Wow you've missed out on some of the best content on TV.

You still ride a horse to work?
It’s not enough, costs too much, and doesn’t have the market captive as cable always did

None of those things are changing…it will only become more of a thorn in the side.

But you think Disney paid like a trillion dollars for their servers…so that is the only issue…

…lol, lol, lol…

The industry has been revealing what the problem is with stream for years. And remember they’re all greedy and like money. If they could spin it…they would.

6 episodes every 18 months of Mando for $50 a month and Palmolive ads?

…that sounds “reasonable” for far too many in these talks.


Premium Member
Could the Disney company stay afloat without park revenue? I'm honestly not sure right now....
No. To be honest. Their product has to cross sell itself and without parks they are basically cbs. With worse ratings.
I was there about 10 days after 9/11... had a good time, all things considered. Perhaps they hadn't cut services at that point yet?
They cut them more over the course of 2 years after. They weren’t running hot for awhile prior.
They dropped services after the dramatic drop in tourism. It would have began weeks after at the earliest.
Fun fact…the dramatic drop in tourism was in the spring of 2001. A bit of parks history nobody paid much attention too.
Disney basically had two options years ago. Be content creators and sell content to multiple platforms (where they have no control over how it's placed) or be content creators and design their own platform to deliver that content.

Cable is going to die at some point. Movie theatres (or movie budgets) are going to have to drastically change the way they do business.

People still want to consume content, it's just a matter of how (cable box, internet platform) and where (home vs. theatre). Big business has to figure it out and I assume within the next 5 years we'll see a consolidation or failure of streaming platforms.
You know cable peaked about 15 years ago, right?

Take that long to launch peacock?

No…it’s that they have no idea how to “figure it out”

How do you customers to pay you so that you can feed computers on Wall Street that demand return daily. No exceptions.

It reminds me of an episode of Star Trek where they had a shape that the borg couldn’t figure out so it would eventual incapacitate them.

So equations can’t be solved.
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Well-Known Member
Streaming has its place for sure. Will cable completely die? No. I have 2 Streaming services. Netflix and D+ Son watches Netflix, if not for that it'd be gone. D+ has all my Dis faves and Star Wars and Marvel in one place. If traveling, yes can watch that stuff easily on my phone or tablet. But at home, when I veg out on my couch, cable is where it's at. Just need to channel surf. No switching apps. Old fashioned? Maybe, but there will always be people like me. Cable for eva......
Getting Old Baby Boomers GIF by MOODMAN


Well-Known Member
Interesting segment on Morning Joe right now: In 2015, 80% of US households had cable TV service and only 52% subscribed to a streaming service. Today, 78% of US households subscribe to a streaming service and only 40% maintain cable service. While hardline TV (cable/satellite) aren't yet sunsetting, TV content distribution has completely inverted in less than 8 years.

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