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  1. Chernabog

    Kingdom Hearts characters

    i went to MNSSHP last year and saw Sora and Goofy (dressed up in his KH gear) It was really cool. But the really awesome part was that three female guests had dressed up as Kairi and two of the other girls from the game. It was super cool to see them all together! hopefully they'll be back this...
  2. Chernabog

    River Country

    After looking at all those pictures it brings out two emotions 1)sadness because that's the first water aprk I went to and have very fond memories of 2)Totally creeped out. Is it just me or is that not like the perfect setting for some kind of horror movie? Sure, maybe a little bright during...
  3. Chernabog

    So what's up with the muppets?

    the post about audtioning new puppeters reminded me of the new productions the muppets are currently staging. They're making a reality tv show to air on ABC called "America's next Muppet" which you can read about here And, just released...
  4. Chernabog

    So what's up with the muppets?

    Really? Do you know of anyway a person might be able to get their hands on such a movie or at least be able to view it? I'm such a huge fan, I'd love to see that!
  5. Chernabog

    Hidden Mickey's in Other Cartoons

    See, I could have sworn that the two people on the left side of the second level were wearing mouse ears. I guess that just goes to show what Disney fanatics can create in their minds. BTW, where is this picture from?
  6. Chernabog

    So what's up with the muppets?

    The Muppets have always been a time centered group. However, I think this helps to make them timeless because they are capable of tackling any subject matter and are so versatile (when done correctly of course). Also, the muppets have not made a comeback yet. Disney is making a slow transition...
  7. Chernabog

    Just found the coolest Disney Newsgroup!!

    So, how exactly do these sites work? i mean where can I find them and how do I access them. Are there fees? Please do tell.
  8. Chernabog

    So what's up with the muppets?

    I personally love the muppets. Disney is interested in doing alot with them. They are re-releasing all of the muppet movies in widescreen dvd format with new special features, the just released the entire first season of the muppet show and are planning on doing the rest. While I personally love...
  9. Chernabog

    Parade Change for MNSSHP????

    I think your source is wrong. There is no way the parade can come from Adventure land. Haven't worked in many WDW parades I can assure you that there is no back stage entrance large enough to get all the floats out. Plus most of adventure land is too small to safely run a parade through. The...
  10. Chernabog

    Mainstreet USA raising starts today

    Can I get a little more clarification please. So, are they planning on raising the street to curb level throughout all of Main Street or just around the hub by the train station? :confused: Nevermind, just read the post above me! i guess I should try reading everything before I post a...
  11. Chernabog

    Character Autograph Guide

    For reference, on that website Hook's autograph is not the offical autograph and the Big Bag Wolf does have a signature but doesn't usually sign during Halloween (which is when that picture was taken). Originally Posted by UltimtMickeyFan umm why would CM's need to know what a CHARACTER's...
  12. Chernabog

    Character Autograph Guide

    I used to work in entertianment (sigh) and have used the autograph book many times. Basically it's a black three ring binder that's about 3 inches thick filled with the autograph of every costumed character in the park. Each page is dedicated to a character and has the height range, movies they...
  13. Chernabog

    Mannheim Meets the Mouse

    I agree, I heard it in some of the stores when it was first released but haven't hear dit anywhere else since then. I own this CD and absolutly love it. I play it in the background of my apartment when I'm putting around. Also, I'm a campus rep for the college program here and we play it in the...
  14. Chernabog

    Disney Recipes

    Hey Everyone, With Steve's latest addition of menus in WDW (thanks so much Steve, great idea!) I got to thinking of my favorite foods in the park and some of the recipes that I have from park foods. I thought this would be an excellent place for all of us to share favorite recipes and foods...
  15. Chernabog

    WDW Keeperships

    I would like to be the keeper of Muppet Vision 3D, Alien Encounter (closed), Mickey's Not so Scary Halloween Parade, and the Frontierland shooting gallery. Thanks for doing this. It's fun to think I'm in charge of preserving a piece of the magic!
  16. Chernabog

    When are you going and where are you staying official list!

    Ocotber 6-9: Chernabog - Pop Century
  17. Chernabog

    Who Will Be in WDW October 2-11?

    I'll be there the 6th trough the 9th. I'm taking a group of friends down for MNSSHP and we're probably going to stay at the Pop Century Resort, though I haven't booked reservations yet. Guess I should get on that huh?
  18. Chernabog

    Star Tours Question

    Wow, how exciting. I've found a thread that discusses my two largest obsessions, Disney rides and Star Wars. I really really like Master Yoda's explanation of how things worked out. In reference to someone's earlier post, there was a third Death Star of sorts. It exists in the book DarkSaber. It...
  19. Chernabog

    Hide small children, this is CREEPY!!!!!

    That was not the video I was referring to... but it was like a million times better! :sohappy: :sohappy: :lol: :lol: :D :D That was so amazing. My thanks and congratulations to the brave/creative cast members that came up with, and filmed that. My life is now a better place because of it...
  20. Chernabog

    Hide small children, this is CREEPY!!!!!

    Having worked in entertainment for 5 years I have some of my own opinions on these things. As said earlier, the ppic of Minnie is obviously fake because the "cast member" is not in disney look guidelines and the costume is incorrect around the neck. As for the video on, I'm speechless...
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