So what's up with the muppets?


Crazy Harry said:
I heard a while ago that if the wizard of oz made for tv movie did well that we would see more of the muppets in the parks. Does anyone know how that movie did or if anything is being considered because anything with the muppets would be acceptable, for obvious reasons.
I have it on tape from a long time ago. It's so fun. Reminds me of my childhood.


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
Disney doesn't own any part of Fraggle Rock.

That's very strange. Last time I was at MGM, they had Fraggel rock dolls in the Muppet stuff store. Does Disney have some sort of deal where they are allowed to sell Fraggel rock merchandise? Because I know I saw Red, the dozzers, ect. on the shelves.


New Member
frcouk83 said:
They should put Muppet Babies on Toon Disney!!!

They totally should. I watched that show religiously when I was little, and I still have it on tape (along with the Littles)

I heard that they recently released the Muppet Show on DVD, so perhaps the muppets could make a comeback. They'd really need to update the attraction in MGM though.


Well-Known Member
I figured I should look up the quote I found in my 2004 Annual report about the Muppets, for those of you who are throwing the muppets out the window, I wouldn't be doing that just yet, as there are plenty of plans in the works...

Walt Disney Company 2004 Annual Report said:
New plans for television shows, feature films, music, stage plays and theme park attractions starring the Muppets are in the works.

I figured I should put the link to that thread too, cause I think there was some other info other members found too.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Maybe Im getting my dates wrong but as an original muppet show user I dont see where the idea that it was aimed at hippys comes from, unless this is another insular navel gazing California thang.

Not many hippies in the UK, at the time it was glam rock followed by punk, infact Floyd was the only hippy type and now with hindsite hes more of a jazz type figure, and with a name like Floyd,a bit of a 70s prog rock influence there. wasnt it made in Britain in the early days????


New Member
I read that when The Walt Disney Company aquired the rights to the Muppets, after years of trying, the first plan was to test the waters with the Wizard of Oz TV Movie. That was considered a flop, especialy after the ammount of advertising it was given.

After much discussion, the exec's decided it wasnt the Muppets that had failed, but the quality of the movie they were in! The next stage of the plan involes "Muppet Idol". A "Pop Idol" style show to find "new Muppets" to add to the cast.

Long term plans are for movies, TV series, Theme park attractions, and of course big time merchandising!

Buying the rights to The Muppets was always a long term wish of Mr Eisner, and according to reports he was just sad it hadnt happened earlier in his time at Disney.

Based on the ammount they paid, I dont see them going away!


Active Member
Pumbas Nakasak said:
Maybe Im getting my dates wrong but as an original muppet show user I dont see where the idea that it was aimed at hippys comes from, unless this is another insular navel gazing California thang.

Not many hippies in the UK, at the time it was glam rock followed by punk, infact Floyd was the only hippy type and now with hindsite hes more of a jazz type figure, and with a name like Floyd,a bit of a 70s prog rock influence there. wasnt it made in Britain in the early days????

Well, Mr. Henson was part of the hippie movement over here and had been know to ahhh... well... experiment with ahhh... you know... there are even rumors that he hid certain materials in the muppets in order to smugle it into the UK. So, some of Jim Henson's personality rubbed off on the muppets, and the humor in general wasn't the clean cut kind we're used to from disney.


Beta Return
Connor002 said:
Well, Mr. Henson was part of the hippie movement over here and had been know to ahhh... well... experiment with ahhh... you know... there are even rumors that he hid certain materials in the muppets in order to smugle it into the UK. So, some of Jim Henson's personality rubbed off on the muppets, and the humor in general wasn't the clean cut kind we're used to from disney.

So, you're saying Jim Henson was a pot-head and drug smuggler. Right....

The Oz movie was an attempt to bring the Muppets back and target the teens and young adults by putting a "celebrity" in the movie that they could relate to. (I think they also met their minority cast requirements for the year!). They just picked the wrong "celebrity" - and a very bad one at that. I think it could have been VERY well done with JUST the Muppets as the cast, or perhaps some BIG headliner celebrities as supporting roles, like cameos - not a lead.

I think the Muppets still have a chance. They just need to re-think their method and not try so hard at catering to the youth with "pop stars". If they keep the classic, timeless qualities that the Muppets are known for, they'll get everyone in my generation back, my parents and grandparents even, and with some fun slapstick, they'll get the kids too. If I were producing the Muppet come-back plan, I wouldn't put any effort on targeting teens - and if they happen to catch some that like it, GREAT!
I was lucky enough to have sailed on the Disney Magic as she was brought back home from California through the Panama Canal. During one of the evening performances, which Kermit co-hosted with Mark Curry, they had a great movie with the Muppets running rampant throughout the ship.

The crowd loved it for sure.


New Member
ThreeCircles said:
I was lucky enough to have sailed on the Disney Magic as she was brought back home from California through the Panama Canal. During one of the evening performances, which Kermit co-hosted with Mark Curry, they had a great movie with the Muppets running rampant throughout the ship.

Really? Do you know of anyway a person might be able to get their hands on such a movie or at least be able to view it? I'm such a huge fan, I'd love to see that!


New Member
Hmm... surprised nobody has mentioned the auditions that are currently being held in a few cities for new muppeteers to portray the characters in the parks and on the cruise ship.

But, yeah... that's among the current plans among the Muppet Holdings, Inc.: reintroduce by getting great performers that can perform the classic characters live for the park and cruise audiences. Which is something that I'm really looking forward to. Sure, it's not the actual slate of performers, but it'll be good enough in the meantime.

Of course, this might mean a good chance that the Muppet Broadway musical that Jim Henson always wanted to do (but could never figure out a good way to do such a thing) may finally happen.

Disney's not going to give up on the Muppets easily. We may never see Miss Piggy's Superstar Limo, but I'm sure we'll see pleanty more from them in the future. Maybe, hopefully, we'll see a lot of the rides and shows and such that Jim Henson wanted to do finally come into being.

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Original Poster
Woody13 said:
Disney doesn't own any part of Fraggle Rock.

Funny, I don't think they own star wars, indy, twilight zone ect. either. And as someone else has mentioned, what of the merchandizing, there must be some kind of deal. Besides, I just think it would be cool regardless.


New Member
the post about audtioning new puppeters reminded me of the new productions the muppets are currently staging. They're making a reality tv show to air on ABC called "America's next Muppet" which you can read about here

And, just released today are the plans for another Christmas special featuring the Muppets (which Disney hopes to make an annual tradition) that you can read about here (further down the article there are even talks about releasing a Muppets Christmas album)

Looks to me like Disney is doing a pretty good job at bringing them back to life and in the spotlight. Now we just have to hope these shows are better than Oz was and we'll be "movin right along" :rolleyes:


New Member
Crazy Harry said:
Funny, I don't think they own star wars, indy, twilight zone ect. either. And as someone else has mentioned, what of the merchandizing, there must be some kind of deal. Besides, I just think it would be cool regardless.
They would have to license Fraggle Rock. Why pay for a license for characters that you and 3 other people like?


New Member
I was never much of a fan of Fraggle Rock, but just to set the record straight, Disney definitely did not get the rights to that show. See this link:

It's very clear they only got the Muppets and Bear's clan.
Now, as for the Muppets, I hope Disney does manage to give them a comeback. But, as has been mentioned, with sub-par TV movies like "The Muppets Wizard of Oz," that ain't gonna happen very soon. The real problem is the same one Disney suffered from when Walt died - Jim Henson is gone. He seemed to be the real source of the humor and heart. Without him, the Henson Company has really floundered. Add to that the fact that they lost probably 80% of their original Muppet voices with Jim's death and Frank Oz's moving on to bigger things, and you've got a real sad state. And then when you start hawking garbage like Pizza Hut, you know your product is in the toilet.
I think they're going to need about ten more years to really come back. Disney needed twenty, and Jim has been gone ten already, so give them time. I guess we have to learn to adapt to the new Muppets, and they will have to adapt to us, as well.
That being said, Muppet-Vision 3-D is the best!


New Member
CThaddeus said:
I was never much of a fan of Fraggle Rock, but just to set the record straight, Disney definitely did not get the rights to that show. See this link:

It's very clear they only got the Muppets and Bear's clan.
Now, as for the Muppets, I hope Disney does manage to give them a comeback. But, as has been mentioned, with sub-par TV movies like "The Muppets Wizard of Oz," that ain't gonna happen very soon. The real problem is the same one Disney suffered from when Walt died - Jim Henson is gone. He seemed to be the real source of the humor and heart. Without him, the Henson Company has really floundered. Add to that the fact that they lost probably 80% of their original Muppet voices with Jim's death and Frank Oz's moving on to bigger things, and you've got a real sad state. And then when you start hawking garbage like Pizza Hut, you know your product is in the toilet.
I think they're going to need about ten more years to really come back. Disney needed twenty, and Jim has been gone ten already, so give them time. I guess we have to learn to adapt to the new Muppets, and they will have to adapt to us, as well.
That being said, Muppet-Vision 3-D is the best!
That was perfect! I hate Kermit now. He sounds like a high pitched idiot! Disney needs to fire the entire Muppet cast and get some puppet masters that know the art. It will take time.

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