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  1. Spinky

    Nw Years Eve in WDW

    Last Year we arrived in Disney at 3pm we made a 6.30pm Dinner Reservation for House of Blues and were really glad because the place was packed. Then we saw the later Version of La Nuba and we were back at the All Star Movies to see the Fireworks at midnight from the 3rd floor it was a great...
  2. Spinky

    December favorites

    We got for a 2 week stay over Christmas and I am so excited about it I'm really looking forward to doing all the contrys at Epcot and seeing there Christmas story hope the Uk's one does it justice :xmas:
  3. Spinky

    Movies or Music?

    We stayed at movies for 12 nights then moved to music for 3, We loved staying in the mighty Ducks section of movies but when we moved to Music we found the rooms were a bit fresher and it wasn't''t as noisy or full as movies. But wed still go for movies every time.
  4. Spinky

    Men In Black Question

    Men In Black is my All Time Fav ride a close second is areosmith lol youll have a great time :animwink:
  5. Spinky

    December 2009 countdown and celebration

    Were on Our Honeymoon staying from 13th Dec to 28th with 2 nights in the AKL a treat from our parents and the rest in Pop Im so excited :xmas:
  6. Spinky

    Christmas Tree in your room... is it allowed

    Were from the Uk so we cant really pack one. I'm hoping that if there isnt anything we can afford on the florist website that seme where like wall Mart or Publix will have a tree that we can decorate. thanks for the replys I feel much happier and in the christmas spirit now :xmas:
  7. Spinky

    Christmas Tree in your room... is it allowed

    Yay thats brilliant, I'm fine with a small tree I Just didnt no if they had rules against them Roll on Xmass thankyou :xmas:
  8. Spinky

    Christmas Tree in your room... is it allowed

    A quick and slightly Random Question but I no some one on here will be able to help me, We are staying at Pop for 2 weeks over Christmas from the 14th To the 28th of Dec we would really miss a Christmas tree so I was hoping some one on here would know the rules on Trees in your room (I don't...
  9. Spinky

    New Year's questions

    We went last year and arrived in Orlando at 2.30pm on NYE We had dinner at House of Blues at downtown Disney and then caught the later showing of La Nuba they did some little things extra it was really cool and Downtown Disney wasnt Crammed. then we headed back to the All star resorts and caught...
  10. Spinky

    Best of Christmas at Disney World

    Were going from the 14th to the 28th dec I'm so excited to be in my faviourte place on Earth for christmas Day :sohappy::sohappy: I have my ADRs ready to book when the window opens and hopefully we will have breakfast at the Crystal Palace on Christmas Day.
  11. Spinky

    My WDW Proposal!

    Thats such a fantastic Story :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy: The pictures are great, Thats the one thing I wish we had some pictures from the actuall proposal. Now you get to look back on it, and Kudos for your timining it look's perfect :D
  12. Spinky

    End of Polynesian torch lighting ceremony

    Oh Dear :( I'd only just found out about it and was planning it in to our honeymoon.
  13. Spinky

    Animal Kingdom Tour - Is it worth it?

    We did the Backstage Safari tour at the Animal Kingdom Last year, I have to say if your an animal lover then you should do it just for the fact you get to go back stage and see the animal closer up. We saw a Big White Rhino and it was amazing and we got to see loads to the elephants the Safari...
  14. Spinky

    kinda bummed

    My Fiance said He wouldnt do it there Either and he didnt but he did say that we could honeymoon there wich was fine as long as I get to celibrate our wedding in Disney Kind of lol :D
  15. Spinky

    ADR's online, a bit nervous...

    Can you note down on the Internet ADR's if its a birthday or honeymoon or do you still need to call for that?
  16. Spinky

    Flying Southwest Airlines

    Has any one Flown From Las Vegas I cant seem to see if its a connecting flight?
  17. Spinky

    Beaches & Cream!

    We had the kitchen Sink Last year and My Partner is not a fan of nuts so no penut butter for him . It was me, My Dad and him and we failed in our Task but we had a great time doing it well worth the money.
  18. Spinky

    Disney Florist...

    Hope you dont mind what did they dofor the in room celibration I cant see to much details about it on the site?
  19. Spinky

    Disney Florist...

    Last year I sent my fiance a few things during our trip I sent him the welcome to the world flower arrangement with the mouse ears and they personalised them for him he loved that and I sent him the chocolate and wine basket I agree they are a little steep but to see his face was enough for me...
  20. Spinky

    Gifts of a Lifetime - Honeymoon Dec 09

    Well I just filled in the questionare Very Excited :sohappy:
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