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  1. Japhy

    Resort Pictures of the Day

    Saratoga Springs
  2. Japhy

    Traditional Disney Things you do..

    Since I was a kid in the 70's, my mother and I had a tradition of having our picture taken together at the flower bench on Main St every time we went. It was an old fashion bench surrounded with lots of potted flowers. When we took our daughter to WDW for the first time in 2000, my daughter and...
  3. Japhy

    what did you think about POTC? (movie)

    Where I felt it fell short of the first movie was in capturing the essence of being a pirate. The first film was really all about pirates, what it is to be a pirate, the lore of pirates, the fantasy of pirates, which is what the ride is all about. The second film was very good on many levels...
  4. Japhy

    Hoop DDR to close in Jan/Feb 07?

    I hope not! We had a great time a few weeks ago and I think it still sells quite well. Not an empty chair when we were there.
  5. Japhy

    What do you do to pass ride wait times?

    Waiting for Turtle Talk we had a competition of who can stand on one foot the longest.
  6. Japhy

    CoP alive and well

    We always go to COP. It was one of my favorites as a kid and I was thrilled that my 8 year old daughter seemed to enjoy it as much as I did when I was her age. But this last time (3 weeks ago), with the exception of the lady singing the song 2 seats down from me, people appeared a bit...
  7. Japhy

    Soarin' Question

    So were we! It was our first ride this trip (last trip to WDW was 2000) and we were given the last row. I don't know if that killed the immersion, but the dangling feet and bottom of the screen I think wrecks the ride to a degree.
  8. Japhy

    Which do you perfer: El Rio or Maelstrom

    El Rio just needs to have the little movies that play in updated, especially the beach footage. So 70's!
  9. Japhy

    No More Heelys at the Parks

    Sorry.. ran a search and nothing came up. Thanks for the linkage.
  10. Japhy

    No More Heelys at the Parks

    For those that don't know, Heelys are a new special sneaker for kids that have a single wheel at the back of the heels. A little forward movement and resting back on the heels and kids roll on the ground. We just completed our trip to Disney and we're resting at my father's house at Hilton...
  11. Japhy

    Our Trip Next Week!

    Thanks for all the great advice and tips so far everyone!! Lots of great information and we're including all of it in our plans.
  12. Japhy

    question about the dining plan?

    Ahh ok! Well the way the gentleman explained it to me on the phone, I remember him telling me that if you were staying for 5 nights but only wanted the plan for 4, then you would need to book the room without any park tickets (I guess signifying the MYW package). I believe he was driving at...
  13. Japhy

    Camcorders at WDW

    Everyone makes great points and with today's cameras, it makes perfect sense. Besides, gives me an excuse to follow through on the purchase of a new camera I've been thinking about now for a few months. :p Thanks!!
  14. Japhy

    question about the dining plan?

    I just called WDW-DINE on this very subject last week and the way they explained is, it has to match the amount of days in park tickets you bought in combination with your resort stay. So if you have a 3 day hopper pass, then you must also buy 3 days worth on your dining plan. He then went on...
  15. Japhy

    Camcorders at WDW

    We're going to be at WDW next week and we're debating whether bringing a camcorder is worth it. For those of you that have brought them with you, did you find it worth it? Did you use it enough to justify carrying it around with you? Do you rent lockers to store it prior to water rides?
  16. Japhy

    Our Trip Next Week!

    Well after months of waiting, our trip is almost upon us and we decend on DW this Thursday! It's been since 2000, when our daughter was just about 3 since we were there last, so as you can imagine we're very excited to finally be going back. The trip before that my wife and I were on our...
  17. Japhy

    Pirates of the Caribbean reopening schedule

    We'll be in Disney Thursday and my wife is so disappointed that POTC will not be open. That's her favorite attraction. Ahh well, looks like we'll just miss it. :(
  18. Japhy

    ohana for dinner

    We have never eaten there before, but watching the Weddings at Disney special on the Food Network, we decided we had to go for the dinner. Besides, once our 8 year old daughter saw the buckets of ice you eat with a shovel, she really wanted to go. So not having actually eaten there yet, but...
  19. Japhy

    Why can't you make PS for WDW online?

    Kelly - What we did this time was put the ref numbers in our online itinerary comments for each meal right after we called so we have it logged safely online. :animwink:
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