What do you do to pass ride wait times?

Clark Griswold

Original Poster
What does everyone do to pass the time during a long wait like Soarin' or Test Track? I personally stare at my park guide map and read the entire thing even though I know exactly what it says.

Goin' Back to the World! July 31-August 6


Well-Known Member
4 Solutions to passing the long times:

1-Get there early so there are no lines
3-Don't Ride it
4-Park Hop

Now...I have a maximum I'll wait for everything, but it's not very high. (Never more than 40 min.) Normally I'll make friends with the people around me!
Talk to your family! If you're on vacation with them. I have had some amazing conversations and have very fond loving memories of me and my family whilst waiting in line.


Active Member
last year at dlrp myself and mrs cmatt bought psp's from a local supermarket place and played those.....

After 5 mins we realised they were crap and went back to the ds

at alton towers we watch riders as the queuing areas have ride tracks going over them.... and look at the themeing of the queuing system....


Well-Known Member
My post disappeared....hmm

Ok I said..
Depending on the wait..and if we have a fast pass..we either people watch or catch another ride/show in the area..

Or do silly things..
Like counting how mny people leave ToT saying how scared they were.
or count how many people are wearing Goofy shirts...
Silly things to pass the time...

We also talk to the people around us if we are in line for a while..
We really ever stand in a line longer then 20 min anyway...we know how to avoid that...;)


Well-Known Member
i fold the map into a fan and fan myself with it as it gets pretty hot in confined spaces and i also look at the even though i always know what it looks like and where everything is. on new years i took a magazine and food and water so i looked at the magazine or ate while in the queues.:)


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Chape19714 said:
4 Solutions to passing the long times:

1-Get there early so there are no lines
3-Don't Ride it
4-Park Hop

Now...I have a maximum I'll wait for everything, but it's not very high. (Never more than 40 min.) Normally I'll make friends with the people around me!

I do the same thing too. I don't think I've ever waited more than 15-20 min for a ride. I guess I'm 'spoiled' from when I worked there...I never went when it was busy, if it was busy I skipped rides.

Scar Junior

Active Member
Passing time:

1. make fun of people
2. talk to the family
3. mingle with other guests
4. eaves drop (sp?)
5. make up characters and act like we are other people/try get others to eaves drop
6. enjoy the queue's theme

Sharon L

New Member
We like to people watch. Like previous posters, we either make fun of other people, or we strike up a conversation with people around us.


New Member
I talk....A LOT! I love meeting new people. It drives my husband crazy. I guess that is just part of my "southerness"


New Member
Longest time I ever waited in line was just a while back. We got to AK early and went right to Everest. 60 min wait but we couldnt fastpass it because I had to be at work at 4[4 hours later]. S. we stood in line and took silly pictures and made silly videos with my camcorder. Good times...:D


Active Member
I avoid long lines like the plague. A 15 minute wait is my toleration point. In recent visits, there have been two exceptions. One was waiting for Ariel in her grotto. It was a short line but still took 45 minutes. The other was for Soarin during evening EMH. The wait was 45 minutes also but the trivia questions kept me distracted.
-I always like talking to other people about how long their flight/drive was, especially our friends from across the pond. And I always try to listen to the French people around me and try to understand them (with my 4 years of high school French under my belt..big whoop:rolleyes: ). And surprisingly enough, there were a lot of French guests my last trip

-sing Disney songs of course

-My friends and I sing out entire musicals that we've been in

-when we're really desperate, we go back to our old school patty cake games from elementary school. That's usually only nessecary for Soarin, Splash, Mission Space etc :p

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