what did you think about POTC? (movie)


New Member
Original Poster
So my question is.. does any one not like the new POTC movie?

To be honest with you I did not care for it, the whole Davey Jones thing just threw me off. And whats the deal with the ending of the movie..... if you saw it I think you know what I mean.......


I liked it alot. Not as much as the first, but I think that's mainly because it's no longer fresh. For me, it was like reuniting with old friends. The only negative for me was that the plot was a little convoluted, and some of the action pieces went a little beyond reasonable suspension of disbelief, but still a great time in my opinion.


New Member
Just got home from seeing it for the 1st time...Thought it was really goood!
Although, waiting through that amount of credits to see the last scene was a bit tortuous...although, the last scene was pretty humerous. All in all, we really enjoyed it and look forward to PotC III.


New Member
I love this movie.

I loved everything about it. Have seen it 3 times now, and can't wait for the third chapter. Reminded me of seeing Indiana Jones when I was a kid.


New Member
I'm so jealous you've all seen it! I live on an island with 2 theaters (one has 4 screens, the other has 2 - and the theaters are really small on top of that). POTC is only showing on one screen. We tried to see it 3 times this weekend, but 45 minutes before they started selling tickets the line was out the door, around a corner all the way to the back of the building!! I'm trying to be patient waiting for next weekend...hopefully the crowds will be much smaller!!


New Member
I am jealous that you live in Hawaii!!!! I would have traded spots with you for sure! :)

Anyway, I was very happy with the movie until the end when I felt like corporate greed took over the whole thing. The reason I say this is that this movie did not have a beginning and an end like the first one. Now they have written it to where they have all but secured $132 million (whatever) for 2007 by ensuring you go back to see what happens next. I have never gotten so worked up about a movie before, and I am not generally this negative. It's just, I loved the first movie so much and love the Jack Sparrow character, that I really feel robbed for not getting to find out the complete story. Why they couldn't have just done 3 seperate stories is beyond me. I was going to see the third one anyway. So, my emotions are mixed.


New Member
Where I felt it fell short of the first movie was in capturing the essence of being a pirate. The first film was really all about pirates, what it is to be a pirate, the lore of pirates, the fantasy of pirates, which is what the ride is all about.

The second film was very good on many levels, but doesn't hold as true to the POTC ride as the first one does. And I don't mean scenes from the ride, I mean the spirit of the ride.


Well-Known Member
I think that it was really great and better than the first one!
I actually liked the ending because I didn't know who it would be coming down the stairs in the end (if you know what I mean!)
Overall, the whole movie kept me guessing and was entertaining!!!!!!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I think the bit where Superman rescues the Black Pearl, while Shrek and Puss battle Davey Jones was exceptional. But I think they were pushing the believability when they had Oceans 12 robbing the treasure just before Jack got there. And I could see what HarryPotter would be doing on a Caribean island.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I liked this one the same as the first, and I loved the first. The ending didnt bother me that much because reading the first day reviews I knew what to expect. Now I am a bit upset that I have to wait a YEAR to see it, but thats life. I cant wait to see it a 2nd time, this is a movie that I think I will like more, once I see it a few times to soak it all in.

Blackie Pueblo

Active Member
I put the whole review on my site, but the bottom line is I thought the movie was good, until Davy Jones and his seasame street crew showed up. There was something just not right watching the pirates fight shark and seashell headed guys. Came across as goofy.

And I was a little surprised at how cutthroat Jack Sparrow was in this one. I'm sorry.. Captain Jack Sparrow. Lastly, the ending kinda shocked me. Good, but a little bit of a let down after all the hype.

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New Member
It was downright awful. I honestly understand the slew of bad reviews. I agree with all of them. Too long. Unnecessarily complex. Overeliance on CGI characters. And, most importantly, not any fun.


New Member
I loved it-- down to every last detail like Jack's makeup when he was at the tribe. Those eyes on top of his real eyes looked so real! Check out this pic of it! So great!


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