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  • The food picture of the day is in my top 3 favorite things on WDWMagic. If I ever have a bad day, I'm turning to there!

    I couldn't imagine not being able to eat seafood whilst living in Alaska! I'm perfectly content with the cuisine here in central get to be by the sea, but not necessarily indulge in cuisine that comes from the sea. (Except we just ate at a very nice restaurant, where there were only two non-seafood dishes. Needless to say, choices weren't that great.)

    I'd like to think I'd be able to eat well in Italy (we're planning a family trip there for next year...knock on wood) but the food is predominantly seafood there, too. I'm also not the biggest fan of cheeses...uh oh!
    It was fairly recent - within the last year I believe. Thanks! It's that whole Southern "the bigger the bow, the better" thing. We love a big bow!
    Hi tomi-rocket, sorry that the answer takes a little longer but I promise I will answer your last message today. A little private turmoil at the moment, not the best timing, 2 days before our departure to the World. :-(
    (By the way, have you checked out the food picture of the day in the restaurants and dining section? Read it while you're hungry for extra effect. ;) )
    I wouldn't call Backlot Express outstanding, but for what it is, it's great. When we went there, there were many tables available, and the place is filled with props from movies. We had a great CM when we were ordering, and it met our needs. I believe the Seasons/Land refurb was either in '04 or '05, but I'm not certain.

    I'm certain I'm a closeted chocaholic...I always pass up opportunities for chocolate, but once I try what my family gets, I'm in love. I enjoy creme brulee (sp). What was really nice was getting pastries from the France pavilion bakery then sitting around the fountain area and enjoying them. Sticky Toffee pudding...hmm...I'm looking at pictures right now and it certainly looks delicious...I can't wait to try it! I don't eat seafood, so is there a way to get this dessert without ordering it from the pub? Thanks for the suggestion!
    Ohhhh yeahhhhh I know those days! Sorry you had such a rough one! Tomorrow WILL be better! I've actually done that before....been a day late or a day early for appts. with Lindsay (lol) Must happen when we get over busy which happens when we have kids! I'm guessing Tristan wanted contacts pretty bad - hopefully he'll be ok with the glasses until January.
    Tell him to look on the bright side...he'll be going to WDW with CONTACTS next year LOL
    I'll have to try EoS when I go back, that along with possibly T-rex. We walked by ABC Commissary several times and contemplated eating there, but opted for Backlot Express instead (which was great). Oh, I almost forgot- Mama Melrose's is another must-eat (though not around the time you visit Via Napoli). That whole area in DHS smells like brick-oven pizza, I love it! Did you visit Sunshine Grill before the Land refurb? It's delicious there now...all of the food is fresh and there are many, many options.
    Went & lasted 1 hr. Way too hot because of the humidity. Last year temp wise it was hotter but it felt hotter this year because of the humidity. We took Linds & her best friend & we all dried up like prunes (lol) they started getting cranky because they were so hot--then hungry but they didn't want barbq so we wound up at steak & shake....ordered 4 ice waters as soon as we sat one brought them! so lindsay & savannah were getting even crankier so i yanked some guy server...said PLEASE can you get our waiter/waitress. He was so sweet! He said he would try & find our server but if he couldn't he would take care of us...brought us 4 ice waters immediately & got a really great tip for some really great service LOL after they got fed, watered & burped (lol) they were fine! You probably go to the Big Shanty Festival - maybe that is what you are thinking of...we even go to the dorky down town Kennesaw Christmas parades--.have been for about 5 years now! Overall a good day.
    I may have to agree with you there...Ocean City is beautiful...but I may have to go with Ventor or Port Republic. (Much more reasonably priced homes over there, I believe. :lol:)

    Even if he doesn't have a sweet tooth, it is awfully convenient. (Then again, $30 for convenient fireworks is a bit much....)

    I haven't paid attention to Kouzinna since Spoodles left (:() so I'm not sure. I've heard good things about CHH (I'm not a seafood eater) but never ate there (used their restrooms, though.) I've also heard great things about Earl of Sandwich, but we don't spend a lot of time in DTD. I'll have to recommend Pecos Bill's. :slurp:
    If you're going to move north, NJ is a mess right now! The governor decided to tackle the teacher's union so education is a mess...then again so is everything else! If you moved north where would you want to go?

    We are definitely dessert people...(speaking of which, try the Wishes Dessert Party, it's a bit expensive but it's endless desserts, primo viewing, and you don't have to stake out a spot like on Main Street. Must tries...let's see...VN and San Angel Inn, Boma, and I think that's all of the TS we tried (we ate at Spoodles several times before it became that Kouzinna place.) Do you have any CS suggestions?
    That's a lot of moving! (My mother moved from Nebraska to Oklahoma to Jersey.) Would you say it was all good experience?

    You've got me convinced! Now to convince the others...
    yeah there is a TON of online stuff LOL if you look to the left once it brings up everything...all the disney stuff is broken into categories....clothes, toys, electronics, collectibles, etc etc....once i get the initial TON of stuff up there.....i'll click on the sub on the free shpping and then the buy it now buttons.....and it brings wayyyy down and much more manageable but it is quite overwhelming !

    The gift bag is a surprise! I'm having fun just thinking of stuff to put it in :-) my list keeps getting longer LOL

    OH don't get jealous...going to the Pigs and Peaches barbq festival in downtown Kennesaw today - you going? Figured we would head out before the real heat sets in....leaving to go at 1230 - it's like redneck hell but it is cheesy and fun. Plus the barbq is to die for! Last year Sandy (my roomie - lindsays aunt) won a picnic basket with all the fixins! At least a $50 gift...just for dropping 3 coins in the right spot ha ha!
    Thank you very much! My husband took that shot, just for fun, while we were waiting for dinner at Crystal Palace. How I wish I had taken it, but at least I get to enjoy it!
    :eek: Wow! I can't even begin to imagine that stress you must have been under! (Especially with dealing with all of those tough, burnt-out Alaskan crab fishing types!) Then again, I think that if I spent all of that time out at sea and I couldn't cash my check, I would be a tad annoyed! Was it a worthwhile experience? (And wow, Alaska to Jersey to Georgia?!)

    The best part about the San Angel Inn is that sometimes you really forget you're sitting in a warehouse of facades and visual tricks...but rather you're really in an open-air Mexican eatery. It truly is the best of what Disney does.

    Now I'm convinced that the 50's really is a great place (I do happen to love comfort food :slurp:) but it's all about convincing the other 66% of my Disney companions to get to eat there. :lol:
    Yikes- that sounds terrible! I couldn't imagine what you must have gone through (especially things like running out of money which is purely out of your control). Did you work there during the credit crisis? (So much for keeping your money in your mattress...!)
    I've heard great things about Kona as well as '50s...but my family does not want to deal with the embarrassment of that whole experience. How was yours?

    The one they are currently refurbishing sold a fairly limited amount of food, but the big plus was that it was right on World Showcase Lagoon. San Angel Inn is inside the pavilion and is abutting the water ride (Gran Fiesta Tour). This is our favorite place to eat and I very much recommend it! You can't beat the atmosphere...from the volcano and boats to the mariachi band and music playing. The lighting is too dim for my tastes, but it does the job perfectly. (Oh, and if you ever eat there, note that there is a restroom inside the restaurant, open only to San Angel Inn customers. I missed this bathroom last year and had to go all of the way to Norway to find one!)

    Part 2...
    That's great! You did it! LOL Best way to do it is stick your face in their face ha ha! Did he say when to come back? I'm guess they would start looking early to mid october so everyone is trained and in place come the November rush! I'd love to pick up some extra money and work weekends or something...maybe 1 day there (Sundays?) but probably wouldn't because I get so tired by today I've had it until Monday (lol) plus weekends are for Linds and I to do whatever...BUT you never know! If I get desperate enough...they probably don't want some old fat lady though LMAO!!! However my enthusiasm should make up for THAT! ha ha! 92 days and counting....yeah!
    Hi Tomi-Rocket,

    I have to apologize that my answer took that long but I never look into my message board because no one left a message before (until know, thanks) :)

    I am not of the kind who reports about their trip in too much details but I will at least write something about the Polynesian because I am really thrilled to finally go there after it has been one of my lifelong dreams to visit the World and stay at the Polynesian.

    I am glad to hear that your son want's to learn German. It's not an easy language (although there are some far more difficult ones) but if he learns it he will see that is a far more precise and elaborate language than English, although he'll see we have a lot of words in common (Telefon-Telephone, Haus-House etc.) . Because it's a small world after all. ;-)
    I believe Disney gift cards go a long way! I love gift cards - most people I know do. You can pick and choose what you want without getting the dreaded package of underwear or whatever LOL As far as the gift bags, if you choose to do something like that - ebay is your friend (lol) I get so much stuff on there for dirt's crazy. PLUS just put Disney in the tag line and you have about 400,000 odd assorted items to pick from....from $1.10 pins to $37,000 castles! I just do a little each check (under $5 believe it or not with the free shipping and buy it now option). I find it fun!
    That sounds delicious! I can't think of anywhere in WDW where you could get sorbet. favorite meal...that's a tough one! We haven't been very consistent in what we've been ordering at restaurants for our past trip, but a few things come to mind: Bolognese at Spoodles (which is no longer), pizza at Via Napoli, and beef fajita at San Angel Inn. What about yourself?

    I understand the part about working for an just seems to be a hostile working environment. Does your DH enjoy it, at least?
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