Yeti indeed in new position on EE


I'm glad somebody here understands that. I work in Tland Ops.
Tell us some interesting stories about Failfurb Mountain.:lol:

As for gotta like an attraction before you complain about it's missing effects. Now, were it still X-S.....


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you think it's that simple. That it's all WDI's fault and that they're just being lazy and won't fix it.

The simple point is, Everest is pretty much all Animal Kingdom has going for it. Shutting it down would be much more damaging to first guest impressions than having it running with a modified yeti encounter. Disney is well aware of this.

At least they had the thought to add strobes and fans to at LEAST give it something in the meantime.

You clearly have no grasp on how WDW management operates. Look no further than SSE's botched rehab.

I'm not saying I think it's right at all for the Yeti to have remained in the state it's in for as long as it has.

All I'm saying is that I work here and I get how this place operates, odds are pretty high that until DAK has something else major added... the Yeti will remain exactly as it is now.

I don't for a moment think it's WDI. I never said that. I'm quite sure the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of TDO. I said "don't tell me WDI doesn't have a fix"... Meaning that I'm sure they do, but TDO won't give them the time or money. Joe R. has got to be going nuts knowing what shape E:E is in. Open almost 5 years with no full refurb yet? No wonder nothing works.

We could not have more different opinions of AK though, obviously. I think AK has TONS going for it other than E:E. In fact, right now, I'd put E:E WAYYYY down the list behind flights of wonder and Pagani Forest. Even behind Kali, I think. On our last trip, even my 13 and 11 year old girls were perfectly fine skipping E:E because of the yeti so they could see Nemo a second time. And I'd guess they're Disney's target demographic.

You make no sense to me. You say that E:E will stay like it is till they open something else to eat crowds, and that that's the way they operate. And then you seem perfectly content with that. Almost apologetic for them. I would think as someone that works there, that would make you even angrier than any of us! You should think that's just as wrong as all of us do.

Pete C

Active Member
I don't for a moment think it's WDI. I never said that. I'm quite sure the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of TDO. I said "don't tell me WDI doesn't have a fix"... Meaning that I'm sure they do, but TDO won't give them the time or money. Joe R. has got to be going nuts knowing what shape E:E is in. Open almost 5 years with no full refurb yet? No wonder nothing works.

We could not have more different opinions of AK though, obviously. I think AK has TONS going for it other than E:E. In fact, right now, I'd put E:E WAYYYY down the list behind flights of wonder and Pagani Forest. Even behind Kali, I think. On our last trip, even my 13 and 11 year old girls were perfectly fine skipping E:E because of the yeti so they could see Nemo a second time. And I'd guess they're Disney's target demographic.

You make no sense to me. You say that E:E will stay like it is till they open something else to eat crowds, and that that's the way they operate. And then you seem perfectly content with that. Almost apologetic for them. I would think as someone that works there, that would make you even angrier than any of us! You should think that's just as wrong as all of us do.

I agree about AK...theming-wise it blows away the other parks and that alone does it for me. It has such a natural setting and is so well put together. Just walking around this park is a wonder to behold!!! Nemo is just amazing for an in-park show...stunning.

That said, I rode E:E last week and the Yeti was...wait, what Yeti? Isn't this the entire centerpiece of the ride? There was a slight flash of light and you could see like a blob of something in the darkness. It was a sad state of affairs in that cave, that's all I can say. I remember the Yeti in all its glory and it was an awesome sight. I really can't believe this is what it has come to. With all the structural experts and money spent on this attraction, why they didn't over-engineer the hell out of this thing is beyond me.

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
We could not have more different opinions of AK though, obviously. I think AK has TONS going for it other than E:E. In fact, right now, I'd put E:E WAYYYY down the list behind flights of wonder and Pagani Forest. Even behind Kali, I think. On our last trip, even my 13 and 11 year old girls were perfectly fine skipping E:E because of the yeti so they could see Nemo a second time. And I'd guess they're Disney's target demographic.

Actually, Animal Kingdom is my favorite park. The theming alone is worth the price of admission. Nine time out of ten, you'll find me on the trails instead of the rides. Sadly, that's not how the average guest feels about the park. Many people go to DAK just to ride Everest. It's a sad fact, but it's the truth.

You make no sense to me. You say that E:E will stay like it is till they open something else to eat crowds, and that that's the way they operate. And then you seem perfectly content with that. Almost apologetic for them. I would think as someone that works there, that would make you even angrier than any of us! You should think that's just as wrong as all of us do.

I'm not perfectly content with that at all. I never said that I was. It makes me extremely angry. All I was trying to get across is that that's how it is and that's how TDO operates. No matter how angry any of us gets, I have serious doubts that anything is going to be fixed before DAK has a major expansion.


Well-Known Member
The mist tripped the ride sensors and caused constant 101s for the attraction, so it was shut off.

It was a nice effect in theory, but not one that panned out well.

As an operations Cast Member myself, I could imagine shutting the various mists off caused a collective sigh of relief from Everest Guides.

For the Millionth time: The mist never did squat to the "Sensors". The mist was rusting the tabarm extensions behind the rockwork faster than expected, and despite WDI's claim that it was normal and not dangerous, the upper management said play it safe and cut the water lines. It's not a broken effect, it's a GONE effect.

And Excuses is what WDW is best at.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and about the mist at the peak, yes it pretty much is never on, but it has been on a few times since the 10th, but is impossible to notice unless you turn around and look at the peak from Broken Trestle. The reason being is that when the wind is blowing towards the peak, the mist never makes it around to be seen from the park side. It HAS been on a few times since then, I have seen it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not perfectly content with that at all. I never said that I was. It makes me extremely angry. All I was trying to get across is that that's how it is and that's how TDO operates. No matter how angry any of us gets, I have serious doubts that anything is going to be fixed before DAK has a major expansion.

I certainly didn't get that impression when you said:

"I just think that everybody is unfairly crying foul over the Yeti situation when we really honestly don't know what's actually going on."

You seem to be saying two different things.


New Member
I have question, how does the yeti cause stress on the mountain when from the back it seems that it isn't in the mountain structure completely but in a different building?


Well-Known Member

That said, I rode E:E last week and the Yeti was...wait, what Yeti? Isn't this the entire centerpiece of the ride? There was a slight flash of light and you could see like a blob of something in the darkness. It was a sad state of affairs in that cave, that's all I can say. I remember the Yeti in all its glory and it was an awesome sight. I really can't believe this is what it has come to. With all the structural experts and money spent on this attraction, why they didn't over-engineer the hell out of this thing is beyond me.

Don't be too quick to blame the engineering. The designs and stress loads were likely good.... but it could have been a problem in the execution of its installation or the materials actually used did not hold up to the stress forces that the Yeti generates.


Well-Known Member
I have question, how does the yeti cause stress on the mountain when from the back it seems that it isn't in the mountain structure completely but in a different building?

Seriously.... the Discovery Channel special discussed the attraction has having three separate and independent structures that do not depend on one another. The Coaster and track are one structure, the Mountain enclosure is another separate structure, and the Yeti was built on its own support structure.

With the forces that it generated, we should be glad it was not attached to the mountain or the track.


Original Poster
The Yeti is broken and has been for nearly three years.
- No consistently, but yes over the last 18 months.

The waterfalls never work at 100%.
- Operational adjustments are not rare.

The bird very rarely puts in an appearance.
- Has been working the last 5 times I've ridden EE.. in the last 2 months or so.

The blowing snow on the peak never works. - agreed.

The mist in the caves has been turned off rather than being made to work properly. - Was up and running this past friday.

Steam from the engines is hit or miss. - partly correct, but has been hit more than miss for me lately.

sorry I can't agree on all points.. I'm not going to buy a ticket to the 'TDO sucks' pitty party.

If you don't like the way they run things, get a job there, and make a difference.
Oh, please.
It is inconceivable that there hasn't been a point in the last 2+ years when it wasn't "logical" or feasible to fix the thing.:rolleyes:

$100 million bucks spent on an attraction 4 years ago, and they can't manage to keep even the majority of it's effects working. That is just sad, inexcusable, and completely non-Disney.

No other way to put it. The Yeti is broken and has been for nearly three years. The waterfalls never work at 100%. The bird very rarely puts in an appearance. The blowing snow on the peak never works. The mist in the caves has been turned off rather than being made to work properly. Steam from the engines is hit or miss. No excuse for any of that. Any suit at TDO that would try to put a positive spin on the situation, or try to rationalize why it hasn't been fixed....should be fired. They have no business working for Disney.

i have to agree with you, its non it a bad thing that, the things you posted as "not working" i NEVER knew about because i haven't seen them myself?:shrug:


Active Member
sorry I can't agree on all points.. I'm not going to buy a ticket to the 'TDO sucks' pitty party.

If you don't like the way they run things, get a job there, and make a difference.

I'm often defending TDO, why? idk myself sometimes... anyways, this is a pretty huge negative againt TDO. I don't even see how you can find a positive in this situation.

They're completely at fault for doing nothing about this massive failure.

The people complaining about this aren't the ones who need to get over themselves. You're the delusional one here.

Sorry bud. :wave:


If you don't like the way they run things, get a job there, and make a difference.
Easier said than done.
I'll drop off my resume and see if they have an opening for park VP.:lol:

You've seen the mist in the caves? This last Friday? The mist that had it's water lines cut a long time ago? Odd.:lookaroun

By the waterfalls not working 100% I mean that they only run one of them. Sometimes neither. Running one of two waterfalls is an "operational adjustment"? Seriously? And you think that's ok?

The Yeti has not worked consistently since sometime in 2007. Sure it has had moments of life since then...but only a very small percentage of the time.


Well-Known Member
For the Millionth time: The mist never did squat to the "Sensors". The mist was rusting the tabarm extensions behind the rockwork faster than expected, and despite WDI's claim that it was normal and not dangerous, the upper management said play it safe and cut the water lines. It's not a broken effect, it's a GONE effect.

And Excuses is what WDW is best at.

Rust? I thought we figured out how to deal with that ages ago. Guess I better stop driving my car in the rain, because it's 2010 and we still haven't figured out rust yet :lol:


New Member
Rust? I thought we figured out how to deal with that ages ago. Guess I better stop driving my car in the rain, because it's 2010 and we still haven't figured out rust yet :lol:

are you referring to the steam on the back of the train cars? thats no longer an effect?? :cry:

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