Yeti indeed in new position on EE

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
OH, ok ... so, you're going to give up on helping out and just sit back and complain instead?

You are starting to sound like a perfect fit for TDO :)

While a lot of my messages have been directed at you Lee, please don't take them personally.. The constant moaning and groaning from many people about things gets old.. We all have a soap box, but no one wants to crack thiers open and use the soap to clean up the problems.

What do you want us to do? Sit around and talk about how great everything at WDW is all day? How boring would that be? :lol:


New Member
My cousins are in Disney and they said that the yeti wasn't moving, which we knew, he was looking down but at the riders, he was real low, and that it seemed darker then usual in there.:shrug:


OH, ok ... so, you're going to give up on helping out and just sit back and complain instead?

? I don't know about Lee, but I wouldn't want to take the pay cut

Believe me, I've looked into it. I've had jobs offered to me in attractions and ops and politely declinded due to the poor wages they pay.
I have a wife and two kids to feed, and there's no way I can live the way I want to on a what they offered. (Ok...the two kids are dogs, but still.....Purina doesn't give that stuff away.:cool:)

So, yes...I would love to try to make changes from the inside. But not bad enough to take a low-level WDW job. I'm saving that for when I retire.:D
Higher than entry-level.....then we'll talk.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here know when the next shareholders meeting is going to take place? And is there anyone here who regularly attends them? We need to get someone to ask about the Yeti. At least get SOME kind of response as to why it's like the way it is and what they are or are not planning to do about it.

And no Dreamfinder speeches! lol


Well-Known Member
You know... You're right.

I should ignore major show elements that haven't worked for years on signature attractions that are constantly advertised. And if I DO notice them, I should just be happy that they're even there to be broken in the first place. :rolleyes:

I've got news for you: Posting on here about this IS how we can help out. Making people aware of the issue. How many people, just in the past 3 pages of this thread alone, had NO IDEA that some of the broken effects even existed?? It was said just a couple pages back that it's guessed that 65% of people that ride E:E don't know anything is wrong. Isn't it in our best interests (yours as well) that that percentage steadily decreases? Why wouldn't we educate the public?

You make more and more people aware, and maybe something happens (a la LoW, if something happens next Christmas for example). Or maybe it doesn't (a la Adventurer's Club). But either way, at least you haven't taken it lying down.

But it's childish for you to suggest we shouldn't be allowed to
criticize unless we work for TDO. :rolleyes: Really? I don't know about Lee, but I wouldn't want to take the pay cut.

We're paying customers. We have every right to discuss the product we purchase, both good and bad.

I agree that the constant moaning and groaning gets old. SO MAYBE THEY SHOULD FIX IT, rather than us stop noticing.

I'm gonna borrow your soapbox. AMEN! :sohappy::cool:
this is probably very unlikely but.... do you think they put it off because they need a new part for the yeti? (seems like they've been waiting a while hahah)

or perhaps they fell "well the yeti is in the ride, people will deff see him so its all good"

^ the 2nd one seems more likely :veryconfu


Active Member
Does anyone here know when the next shareholders meeting is going to take place? And is there anyone here who regularly attends them? We need to get someone to ask about the Yeti. At least get SOME kind of response as to why it's like the way it is and what they are or are not planning to do about it.

And no Dreamfinder speeches! lol

Most likely same time next year. The meeting is held on an Annual basis, and they most likely won't have one in between unless something major happens with the company. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Most likely same time next year. The meeting is held on an Annual basis, and they most likely won't have one in between unless something major happens with the company. :wave:

Well crud. Looks like we missed the oppurtunity to at least have it addressed. Sigh... :( Until next year...

Thanks, Leo, for the info.


Active Member
Seams to me that with the low light that they already have on him that they could just put up one of the scrims they use on building remodels and fix him in the background.


Well-Known Member
I don't think we need one person to mention the Yeti at the next shareholders meeting, there needs to be like 5 straight questions about the Yeti, and declining by degrees going on at the park.


Well-Known Member
Offtopic: I made a Beastly Kingdom related group. Join it if you wish to see it build one day (It's in my sig)!

Ontopic: If you're sick of both C and B mode, join our "Fix the Yeti" campaign (Also in my sig). :p


Well-Known Member
I don't think we need one person to mention the Yeti at the next shareholders meeting, there needs to be like 5 straight questions about the Yeti, and declining by degrees going on at the park.

So long as they don't read a 10 page manifesto (like the Dreamfinder guy) in the process of asking the question...


Active Member
To begin to compare, as several posters have done, the yeti-less-E:E to a Cedar Point or Six Flags coaster is completely asinine, in my opinion. While it's sad that TDO has allowed the Yeti to deteriorate to such a point, E:E as a whole is still a fantastically themed and immersive attraction and still blows the roof off of anything any other thrill park has to offer.

But, that's just one guy's opinion and, having spent the past half-hour wading through this thread, I know there are plenty of others that disagree with me. :)

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