Yeti indeed in new position on EE


Well-Known Member
With all this talk about the yeti being fixed (which is obvious we all want done) has anyone heard any talk about disney actually wanting to fix it? I'm kind of afraid they might be thinking something like " no one really notices, or if we just keep it dark no one will really know, it's still a great ride"

If no one complains about it and it has long lines and then it seems like it doesn't really matter.


New Member
here on the board you'll hear nearly every mention the yeti at least once. over in ak i bet talk about the yeti being repaired doesn't often come up


If no one complains about it and it has long lines and then it seems like it doesn't really matter.

Exactly! And every member of these forums could change their avatar to the "fix me" avatar and it wouldn't make a bit of difference as long as people keep paying admission into the park and riding EE. The only thing that's likely to inspire Disney to do anything about it would be if they believe they'll take a financial hit if not. A massive letter writing campaign could possibly get their attention, but nothing we do or say on these boards will make a difference. If anything, I think members here sometimes make the situation worse when they make statements like "I still love Disney no matter what they do... I'll keep going".


Well-Known Member
Exactly! And every member of these forums could change their avatar to the "fix me" avatar and it wouldn't make a bit of difference as long as people keep paying admission into the park and riding EE. The only thing that's likely to inspire Disney to do anything about it would be if they believe they'll take a financial hit if not. A massive letter writing campaign could possibly get their attention, but nothing we do or say on these boards will make a difference. If anything, I think members here sometimes make the situation worse when they make statements like "I still love Disney no matter what they do... I'll keep going".

But do you think disney really doesnt care about it? They spent a lot of time and money on the yeti, why should they just let it sit there? I'm sure they're thinking about something and are trying to fix it. It is a key part of the ride, and even though a lot of effects have died in other attractions, this is one that truly makes E:E complete. I'm sure they're trying without trying to show that they are.


But do you think disney really doesnt care about it? They spent a lot of time and money on the yeti, why should they just let it sit there?

Because fixing it would cost more time and money. Disney is a business and I believe the honest truth is if fixing the Yeti would bring Disney more money then it would be on the list of things to fix. But since people are still visiting the park and riding the ride it will continue to sit in it's current state.

Having said that I am also on the side of things that believe Disney's standards have slipped. I can remember when it seemed perfection was the only acceptable way to do things, but now it does appear that things have slipped. The only way to fix that is to stop spending money there and let them know the slipping standards are not acceptable.


But do you think disney really doesnt care about it?

You're trying to humanize a business by applying a human emotion (care) to it. A business exists to make money. If people continue to visit and spend money there, then where's the incentive for them to fix the yeti? To paraphrase a previous post, the only way to effectively pressure Disney to fix the yeti would be for a lot of people to say they're going to stop visiting until it's fixed... and then actually follow through on that threat. The people that you can blame the most for the yeti staying in it's current state are the people on these message boards who constantly make a point of saying they will still keep going just because it's Disney.


Well-Known Member
You're trying to humanize a business by applying a human emotion (care) to it. A business exists to make money. If people continue to visit and spend money there, then where's the incentive for them to fix the yeti? To paraphrase a previous post, the only way to effectively pressure Disney to fix the yeti would be for a lot of people to say they're going to stop visiting until it's fixed... and then actually follow through on that threat. The people that you can blame the most for the yeti staying in it's current state are the people on these message boards who constantly make a point of saying they will still keep going just because it's Disney.

But why would they not care? Obviously they're doing something to it if its in a different position. Even though it'll cost money to fix, I just dont believe they're sitting around and not thinking about the current state of the yeti. It's too much of a key ingredient for them to just say screw it.


But why would they not care? Obviously they're doing something to it if its in a different position. Even though it'll cost money to fix, I just dont believe they're sitting around and not thinking about the current state of the yeti. It's too much of a key ingredient for them to just say screw it.

Well as a few other people explained earlier in this thread, it's not in a different position because Disney is "fixing" it. It's just ended up that way as a result of having shifted into that position. Anything else has just been speculation and wishful thinking.

In terms of why they would not care, perhaps I should clarify...I'm sure there are individuals within the Disney company who do care. But Disney is a business. Business decisions are not made based on human emotions such as caring or not caring. They are made based on the potential to make money. If Disney could make money charging people $500 a ticket to go into an empty warehouse, they would do it. They are smart enough, however, to know that most people wouldn't pay that (except maybe a few people on this site who would do it just because the warehouse would say "Disney" on the outside of the building). Likewise, if a enough people stopped going to DAK because of the yeti being broken that it would impact Disney financially, they would do something about it (assuming they could tie the financial loss specifically to the broken yeti).


Well-Known Member
Disney is a business. Business decisions are not made based on human emotions such as caring or not caring. They are made based on the potential to make money.

"Disneyland is a work of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money - Walt Disney

Disney was always a business. It's just that once it was a business which maintained its own standards.


Disney was always a business. It's just that once it was a business which maintained its own standards.

I'm not disputing that their standards have dropped, nor am I disputing the idea that a broken yeti is an embarassment. I'm the first to jump on the bandwagon any time there is a discussion about just how much Disney's standards have dropped.

But that's not the point I'm making. I'm trying to point out that if you want them to change how they do something, you have to base your strategy on what motivates them as a business. Putting "fix me" over a picture of the yeti on your avatar is not going to achieve this objective. Doing so, and trying to rally everyone on the site to do the same, isn't going to accomplish anything. It may not have been this way when Walt was running things, but it very much is now. A much more effective strategy would be to start a letter writing campaign in which you tell the company that you do not intend to continue visiting until they repair the yeti. It probably wouldn't hurt to also mention something about how much you're looking forward to experiencing Harry Potter at Universal too. :animwink: Of course, even that wouldn't have much effect unless Disney did start to actually see a decline in business... and they could tie it directly to the yeti being down.


New Member
I have rode EE several Hundred times since it opened I do not care if the animatronic works or not.... its a coaster ride. I ride it for the speed and the drops etc.....Just like RR to me its just as good music or not ....and Space mountian the Grandfather of them all is great with the lites on too...:D


I have rode EE several Hundred times since it opened I do not care if the animatronic works or not.... its a coaster ride. I ride it for the speed and the drops etc.....Just like RR to me its just as good music or not ....and Space mountian the Grandfather of them all is great with the lites on too...:D

There you go... More incentive for Disney to leave things as they are.


Active Member
I have rode EE several Hundred times since it opened I do not care if the animatronic works or not.... its a coaster ride. I ride it for the speed and the drops etc.....Just like RR to me its just as good music or not ....and Space mountian the Grandfather of them all is great with the lites on too...:D

But some people (like me) think that RnRC is terrible without the music, and EE is just NOT as good without the Yeti. If I wanted to ride plain old coasters I'd look to Six Flags. I've always expected more out of Disney attractions.


Active Member
What about Newton because of Newton's laws about equal and opposite reactions because everytime he swung then he damaged his support structure a little bit.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Actually every action has an equal and opposite reaction.:lookaroun


New Member
Well as a few other people explained earlier in this thread, it's not in a different position because Disney is "fixing" it. It's just ended up that way as a result of having shifted into that position. Anything else has just been speculation and wishful thinking.

In terms of why they would not care, perhaps I should clarify...I'm sure there are individuals within the Disney company who do care. But Disney is a business. Business decisions are not made based on human emotions such as caring or not caring. They are made based on the potential to make money. If Disney could make money charging people $500 a ticket to go into an empty warehouse, they would do it. They are smart enough, however, to know that most people wouldn't pay that (except maybe a few people on this site who would do it just because the warehouse would say "Disney" on the outside of the building). Likewise, if a enough people stopped going to DAK because of the yeti being broken that it would impact Disney financially, they would do something about it (assuming they could tie the financial loss specifically to the broken yeti).

Honestly? they probably don't care. I bet the attendance is the same in AK as it was when yeti was in A mode, and if it's different it's probably not because yeti's not working. Maybe if attendance starts going down for a while they'll start considering it? who knows


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is there is a major show element missing from a headliner attraction at a Disney theme park. That should be no more acceptable than half the pirates missing from PotC, or no animals on JC, or Muppets only being shown in 2-D. The list goes on and on.

The current condition of E:E is unacceptable, period.


Active Member
But some people (like me) think that RnRC is terrible without the music, and EE is just NOT as good without the Yeti. If I wanted to ride plain old coasters I'd look to Six Flags. I've always expected more out of Disney attractions.

Exactly! If all I wanted was normal coasters (or other more normal attractions) I have 4 theme parks within 3 hours of me (and a few more not much further) all of which have more "thrill rides" than WDW in total... but instead I fly across the world for the Disney experience which is far more than just a normal coaster. I had forgotten just how kewl the yeti used to be until watching those videos... makes me even sader now :(


Active Member
When I was in the MK last week, my son was looking at this set of toys that I thought was cute, it was like 8 figures representing different attractions. Like a doll from small world, a Hitchhiking Ghost from the HM, etc. But one was the Yeti from EE. I laughed out loud about that being in there, since it's not really noticeable in the actual attraction anymore. But they still want to keep promoting it every chance they get! :brick:

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