Crap. I guess I didn't win the "Spirited DLR Vacation Giveaway".
I had a close friend visit DLR recently for the marathon & the pictures they brought back amazed me. I need to get out there soon. I'm sure it's as great as everyone says it is, but I'm still against bringing it directly over to DHS. I know others, as well as myself, have stated this over & over but it's insanely true; give WDW original attractions! This will draw everyone back to WDW. Isn't that what you want, TDO? An amazing attraction to lure even the DLR loyals over to Florida? That way you can coax them into the lack-luster offerings that you've been trying to pass off as new experiences & must-do's over the last few years also? (New eateries, "new" old parades, etc.)
You'll get your mass amounts of attendance when you earn it. Meanwhile, I find it a little sad that I've been using WDWMagic to see updates on UNI's Potter 2.0 & Transformers progress more than searching around the News & Rumors forum for scraps of info praying for better days in the future. Stop putzing around & put these words to use as quickly as possible... Dream, Imagine, Create. And by "putting to use" I don't mean in another lame annual promotional catch phrase.