World of Color?


Well-Known Member
An update from Al Lutz this morning..

Editor's Note 3/22: Notice how busy it's been at the parks lately? TDA execs are terrified of the AP impact on the World of Color opening weekend, and they were happy to oblige WDI's request to push it back until after Fantasmic returns on May 28th. The extended hours for DCA on April 25th (the original premiere date) and the following weekdays that still show on the calendar will soon be cut back to earlier closings once George K gives the plan his blessing. - Al Lutz
First of all, i'm glad they're not opening both F! and WoC on the same weekend. That would have been a crowd control nightmare.. The fact that they pushed the opening date back for World of Color leads me to believe they are still working on the logistics of how to properly manage the crowds. Showpass, AP previews, etc - they have to get everything sorted out so that they don't have a million people all show up on opening night. I hope they're able to work everything out before June 11!


Well-Known Member
OC Register has an article which states June 11 is not the official opening date for World of Color. Apparently that date was a misunderstanding, according to Disney.

Last week, some Disney blogs and fan Web sites reported that the World of Color’s debut was confirmed for June 11, based on a Disney press release about summer promotions. But Disney quickly removed the date from the press release after it was misinterpreted.

A final opening date has yet to be determined, said John McClintock, a Disneyland Resort spokesman. The date will be announced later this spring, he said.

Read full article here:


Well-Known Member
DTrigger 05 has new pictures of testing as well as a video. The video shows the projection domes rising out of the water - pretty cool!

and one thing to note from the video+pictures: the lights on the Fun Wheel have finally been fixed! :)




An update for Paradise Park, from MouseTimes



Some color being added to the planters - pictures by BiggestDisneyFan



there should be another World of Color update coming later this week from the Disney Parks Blog.


Well-Known Member
So I guess the Disney Parks update was delayed.. heh. I was at the parks yesterday and saw most of the testing at night. Very cool to hang out with all the other Disney geeks and enjoy all the different fountain and light effects they're testing :D

One new thing I managed to get on video were the "hidden" fountains in the planters. They were testing a couple of them -- they shoot a lot higher than I thought they would

[youtube]_5CWVvANvcM[/youtube] [youtube]HPcuZxFzLNw[/youtube]

And another thing - Blue Sky Cellar received an update in one of the glass display cases. It's called "What's Happening Behind the Fences" and it features a few close-up pictures of RSR test track, Red Car Trolley work, and Paradise Park.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Wow, thats gotta be pushing close to 25-30 feet on the planter fountains in that second video! I wonder if they'll stay that high or if they're just testing and will be lower for the actual show. Either way, good catch on getting video of them being tested. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I totally couldnt help myself and not watch that video, amazing!

Disneygeek has an update heres a look at a few noteworthy items-

Looks like all the speakers in the back are getting ready for bubble machines-

Bubble machines already on the other light towers

More plants added-

Photo by Darkbeer

A great overall of World of Color, Paradise Park and The Little Mermaid-


Well-Known Member
yeah I just noticed that in the update, more bubble machines! pretty cool.


with all the new trees they've added, this area looks a whole lot different


Wow, thats gotta be pushing close to 25-30 feet on the planter fountains in that second video! I wonder if they'll stay that high or if they're just testing and will be lower for the actual show. Either way, good catch on getting video of them being tested. :wave:

it is pretty high! but you're right, they're still testing them so it may or may not be their final height.. there's over 30 of them - it should be a great effect when they're all lit-up :)


Well-Known Member
another testing video, posted by Grinsandgiggles2:


yeah.. so I guess it's pretty much confirmed that these fountains can go pretty high :eek:


Well-Known Member
^^^ Spoilers, guys! That looks like it might be the finale!

I don't think so. I would think the finale' is going to feature everything they can throw at it; flames, mist screens, fountains, domes, skytrackers, projections, lasers, land lights, amphitheater effects, etc., etc.

This just looks like the dramatic part of one particular show segment, not the grand finale'.


Well-Known Member
I don't think so. I would think the finale' is going to feature everything they can throw at it; flames, mist screens, fountains, domes, skytrackers, projections, lasers, land lights, amphitheater effects, etc., etc.

This just looks like the dramatic part of one particular show segment, not the grand finale'.

good point. I think the finale will closely resemble the first piece of concept art we ever saw for WoC (seen in my avatar) where you have all the different special effects coming together.

in other news.. Paradise Park is receiving its finishing touches and should be opening soon.

finishing up the stage


final details on the stonework



working on Chernabog tower


thanks to Dateline Disneyland for the pictures


Well-Known Member
Al Lutz has an update today with info on World of Color.

From his update.. Paradise Park construction walls will be coming down this Friday, but it won't be open to guests until April 9th. Steven Davison is hoping to shut down Paradise Pier attractions an hour before WoC starts to "provide the perfect atmosphere for his show." Wow!

and finally, it looks like they are moving ahead with the Showpass idea.. you can read more at the link:

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Al Lutz has an update today with info on World of Color.

From his update.. Paradise Park construction walls will be coming down this Friday, but it won't be open to guests until April 9th. Steven Davison is hoping to shut down Paradise Pier attractions an hour before WoC starts to "provide the perfect atmosphere for his show." Wow!

and finally, it looks like they are moving ahead with the Showpass idea.. you can read more at the link:

Really? I find that rather interesting. Won't closing Paradise Pier worsen the already impending logistical nightmare the WoC is probably going to cause? Besides, I would think the entire area would be rather "dead" feeling with Paradise Pier closed, which I am sure is not the atmosphere Mr. Davison is going for. I don;t know about that one... :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Really? I find that rather interesting. Won't closing Paradise Pier worsen the already impending logistical nightmare the WoC is probably going to cause? Besides, I would think the entire area would be rather "dead" feeling with Paradise Pier closed, which I am sure is not the atmosphere Mr. Davison is going for. I don;t know about that one... :veryconfu

yeah, after reading the article i'm not sure what will be happening with Paradise Pier during the show. All along the plan has been to keep the pier open, but close certain rides that can interfere with the show. I'm pretty sure that's what will end up happening. I don't see them closing off the entire land :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Looks like walls will be coming down next week instead of the rumored tomorrow. Either way I'm happy to see the walls finally starting to come down.

Overnight next Thursday, April 8-9, workers plan to take down the construction walls on the pathway along the bay, said John McClintock, a Disneyland Resort spokesman. California Adventure visitors then will be able to go into the amphitheater area, which some are calling Paradise Park.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
after so many delays it's nice to finally have an official opening date! it will be great to have that space finally opened up -- can't wait to see WoC testing from there.

Photo by Mintcrocodile-

More bubble machines on all the speaker poles, and the railings have "caps" on.

DCA is going to be the king of bubbles soon with Pixar Play Parade, and World of Color.:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Photo by Mintcrocodile-

More bubble machines on all the speaker poles, and the railings have "caps" on.

DCA is going to be the king of bubbles soon with Pixar Play Parade, and World of Color.:ROFLOL:

don't forget MuppetVision 3D. :D that's a lot of bubble machines in the viewing area, they also added them to the light towers near the water's edge.


Well-Known Member
pictures by boy33.

Chernabog tower testing tonight. you can see the LED lighting as well as the mist screen testing at the top of the structure.


mist screens.


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