World of Color?


Well-Known Member
Good news: Eddie is back and Disney Parks Blog has just added their World of Color update. Not so good news: it's mostly stuff we have already seen before along with some new interviews :) Still worth a watch though! It includes new animation footage of the paper animation.

See the video here:

In January, we shared a four-minute video to give you a broad look at the changes coming to Disney’s California Adventure park, and we promised there would be more videos to come.

Well, Eddie is back! Today’s video features an update on “World of Color” and shows how the new water spectacular is jam-packed with the creative elements Disney is famous for: powerful, emotional storytelling, amazing visuals and classic music.


an update on the viewing area, from MiceChat's In The Parks:


looks like the water play area is complete




Well-Known Member
Brand new WoC testing video :D

Warning! This does contain spoilers.. not all of the effects are on (still in testing mode obviously) but it's part of the show, so watch at your own risk!

This looks like part of the opening, the Spring Sprite scene, and ends with Pocahontas. Again, not all of the effects are on, or visible from this vantage point.. looks like they're only testing the water and lights here.

We'd seen the Spring Sprite and Pocahontas scenes before, but this new opening segment looks incredible!


Oh and it looks like they were testing the bubble machines tonight! from boy33's twitter

I just received the following text: "Um why is the viewing area for world of color being raped by a sea of bubbles? Random!"


Active Member
Just saw today April 3 2010 that Steve Davison has left the WoC project (actually has left Disney all together). Anne Hamburger has come in to finish the WoC project. Steve stated creative differences.

I,m guessing its because Disney didn't want to shut down Paradise Pier 1 hour before show time like Steve wanted. Or was it something about the show. Martin, Lee anybody know anything?

Sorry. didn't leave that first page to see if it was a joke. It was. I,m Bad!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just saw today April 3 2010 that Steve Davison has left the WoC project (actually has left Disney all together). Anne Hamburger has come in to finish the WoC project. Steve stated creative differences.

I,m guessing its because Disney didn't want to shut down Paradise Pier 1 hour before show time like Steve wanted. Or was it something about the show. Martin, Lee anybody know anything?

That was actually a (very cruel) April Fool's Joke :D Steven Davison hasn't left WDI.


Well-Known Member
videos by redjag:

Bubble machines testing in the viewing area!


projection domes


Butterfly Fountains




Well-Known Member
videos by redjag:

Bubble machines testing in the viewing area!


Isn't it funny how entertaining bubbles are? In this modern age with our every whim perfectly pampered to by computers and every conceivable technology, all it takes for people to get excited is a bubble machine? :lol:

It's like on It's A Small World Holiday; you are going through this amazing show of super-hyper themed singing dolls and a gazillion gigawatts of Christmas lights, and when your boat floats through that little room between Mexico and Polynesia with the bubble machine in the ceiling everyone in the boat flips out! BUBBLES! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Yep, it's pretty funny.. simple effect, but still effective and gets a reaction from guests :) I miss that bubble machine in IASWH, I don't think it was there last year.

Quacky4Donald posted these pictures over at MiceChat - they are the new CM costumes for World of Color crowd control. They look nice!


and the new costumes for California Screamin' and the General Paradise Pier area. Love the Midway Mania costumes and these are quite similar :)


hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Yep, it's pretty funny.. simple effect, but still effective and gets a reaction from guests :) I miss that bubble machine in IASWH, I don't think it was there last year.

Quacky4Donald posted these pictures over at MiceChat - they are the new CM costumes for World of Color crowd control. They look nice!


and the new costumes for California Screamin' and the General Paradise Pier area. Love the Midway Mania costumes and these are quite similar :)


Not a huge fan of the Paradise Pier uniforms, but the WoC ones look rather snazzy I think. Although, lets be honest, who's really going to be wearing the hat? :lol:


Well-Known Member
A couple new videos today.. First is another testing video shot by jaysagus from the Paradise Pier Hotel


next is a video by Macro, includes close-ups of different fountain effects


finally, a video from featuring testing of the Chernabog tower



Well-Known Member
^ I love that video!

It looks impressive even though a lot of the effects weren't on for that particular testing session. Missing are the water butterflies, projections, moving walls of water, 10K searchlights, and strobe lights.. still very cool though! It will be amazing to see the fountains towering over you with the surround sound blasting through the speakers :D


Well-Known Member
warning: spoilers!

just read this at micechat, posted by SoCalFan

Originally Posted by SoCalFan
Then while waiting in line for Golden Zephyr was just looking out into the Paradise Park and they were putting together this really colorful...umm I guess it was sort of like a giant puppet. Wasn't too sure on what it was but they were putting it together on top tier and as we sat in ride waiting for it to start they were attaching the head and it was a mask. It looked JUST LIKE the mask from the voodoo creatures in Princess and the Frog and the colors(neon pink and green and stuff) were similar as well. I had no camera so have no pics but man I had no idea what it was or why it was there.

pretty interesting! possibly another effect being hidden within the viewing area. Dr. Facilier is in fact part of the show, and it sounds like these puppets may rise around the audience during his segment..


Well-Known Member
Not a huge fan of the Paradise Pier uniforms, but the WoC ones look rather snazzy I think. Although, lets be honest, who's really going to be wearing the hat? :lol:

Why wouldn't they? The hat completes those costumes. It would be kind of lame if no one wore them...


Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't they? The hat completes those costumes. It would be kind of lame if no one wore them...

I agree. I was just saying the same thing in the thread about the new WDW bus driver uniforms.

The hat completes it, and tidies up the details. Disney used to be known for details, didn't they?

It would be cheaper and easier to just issue all 20,000 Disneyland CM's a couple of baggy polo shirts and let them supply their own khaki shorts and tennis shoes. That's how Six Flags does it, so why not Disneyland?

I mean honestly, have we all gotten so fat and lazy in this country that it's too much work to wear a silly hat at the job where they pay us money each week to be there? In Walt's day all the CM's wore hats and accesories and were fit and trim and looked fabulous doing it. Wear the hat, complete the look, care about the details!


Sheesh! Come on Disney, don't stop caring about details! :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
warning: spoilers!

just read this at micechat, posted by SoCalFan

pretty interesting! possibly another effect being hidden within the viewing area. Dr. Facilier is in fact part of the show, and it sounds like these puppets may rise around the audience during his segment..

My big question would be where around the audience would they hide it? I don't really see any areas left unless they mean some of the AV boxes we though were for speakers or what not.


Well-Known Member
My big question would be where around the audience would they hide it? I don't really see any areas left unless they mean some of the AV boxes we though were for speakers or what not.

that was just a guess on my part, not sure how they'll be used in the show. but like you said, they have these A/V boxes that could be put to use for that.. According to the OP, they were putting them together in the viewing area so it has to be something WoC-related..


hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't they? The hat completes those costumes. It would be kind of lame if no one wore them...

I agree, the hat completes the look, and I hope the CMs are forced to wear them. But if there is no strict mandate on the hats, I do wonder how many CMs will actually wear them. Being a skipper on the JC is alot different than a crowd control CM because you are physically in and part of the attraction. Therefore, the hat plays a greater role as a sort of costume for the performer. For the PP/WoC CMs, their look is probably regarded more as a "uniform" rather than a "costume" because they are really there for crowd control, not the story of the attraction. I think this difference will result in many either forgetting to wear the hat or deciding they don't feel like messing up their hair and saying they won't wear them.


Well-Known Member
Looks like someone from Grand Californian got not only a testing preview of the show but also took a whole video with soundtrack-

Needless to say MAJOR Spoilers ahead-

I know that terrace, I've been up on that terrace, and the view is not good at all. It's also quite a ways away from the lagoon. And I tried not to watch the video, but....

Oh.... my...... GAWD!

This show is going to be amazing! Totally rewrites the book on what nighttime theme park entertainment is about! :eek:

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