Which is worse: Pool hopping, using FPs outside the time window, ...

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Resonse to Palmage

Another Value resorter heard from.................we really need fences around the Deluxe resorts:ROFLOL::lol:

AHHH, EXCUSE me dear sir, I have been a guest at values, moderates and deluxes dropping as much as $10,000 for a Disney trip staying at the GF resort. I really don't appreciate being talked down to! I have ONLY ever stayed on property, when we come to Orlando, it is for one thing, to go to WDW. Whenever we have used other pools it as never been an issue of swimming in a "better" pool, they all have the same kind of water in them, it has been more of an issue of location. When we were staying at the GF we stopped by the AKL pool when we were at the AK one afternoon to have lunch because we were close to the ALK, going all the way back to the GF was not practical. Likewise, when we stayed at the CBR on our honeymoon we stopped by the Poly while we were at the MK to take a break before dinner at O'Hana. We also watched wishes and the electrical water parade from the Poly beach, i guess i should have closed my eyes as to not offend the "high rollers" staying at a deluxe. Ironically, when we were staying at the GF our kids wanted to go see the POP with all its flair and crazy decorations, so we took a swim while we were there and didn't even eat there, funny huh!

GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY CLUB Palmage! I hope the Griswald's show up right next to you during your next WDW trip! I guess you don't like riding WDW transportation packed in those buses rubbing shoulders with all those people who don't deserve to be there!

As for pool hopping, until today I never new it was against any policy, like i stated in an earlier post, when we first started to go the WDW in the 80' and 90's it was one big resort and everyone staying on property was welcome, since we've been back since 2005, i guess things have changed, however with as much money i have spent there over the years i will continue to use other resort pools while i am staying on-property for an hour or 2 until i am instructed otherwise.

I thought the WDWMAGIC forum was to help each other with info about our trips to WDW, share special details on a trip with each other and make the WDW experience more magical, but sometimes rude people on here seem to steal a little magic from all of us! MikeB


Well-Known Member
As for pool hopping, until today I never new it was against any policy, like i stated in an earlier post, when we first started to go the WDW in the 80' and 90's it was one big resort and everyone staying on property was welcome, since we've been back since 2005, i guess things have changed, however with as much money i have spent there over the years i will continue to use other resort pools while i am staying on-property for an hour or 2 until i am instructed otherwise.
I don't think anything has really changed majorly over the past few years, as I remember seeing this policy posted outside all the Disney resort pools that I've been to since 1997/98 (when I first learned to read).

Out of curiosity, have you ever read the "Pool Rules" signs outside every single pool in Disney World? All of these signs generally have the exact same messages on them:

-Hours of operation
-Shower before using the pool
-No diving (something like that)
-"This pool is for the exclusive use of guests staying at insert hotel name here"

I can't think of every rule listed, but this policy has been very clear for (at least) the past ten years.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I think someone here should go for the Quadruple Crown: Pool-hop with your 4-year-old daughter and cousin (who's staying on property), have your cousin get you an EMH wristband, get your daughter in free by claiming she's 3, then show up an hour late for your Space Mt. Fastpass. Could be quite a rush! :drevil:


GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY CLUB Palmage! I hope the Griswald's show up right next to you during your next WDW trip! I guess you don't like riding WDW transportation packed in those buses rubbing shoulders with all those people who don't deserve to be there!
Geez I was joking...Hence :ROFLOL::lol: :brick:

It would be too expensive to build all those fences.....:ROFLOL::lol:


Well-Known Member
I am numb to all of it for I can tolerate a lot. But the one thing that does set me off is people who can't shut up during a show (like Hall of Presidents) and probably the same dolts that use flash photography....or even better, have their spot light on from their cell phone or video camera.....while I'm on PotC or the Haunted Mansion. If they wanted the lights on in the place, they would turn them on, now wouldn't they?

But I guess that's karma for me. I spent about a decade using the parking lot at Ft. Wilderness parking and then grabbing the boat to/from MK rather than pay the $10 or whatever it was to park. Same thing with Epcot and all the other parks. Would just park there for free and grab a bus to one of the parks.

Yeah, I "stole" from WDW for a decade and no doubt my drain on the company forced Eisner out. :ROFLOL: But in reality, I've been to WDW about 20 times now and probably stay 5-10 days each time. Plus one time, I got a group of 27 to go all at the same time. Nothing like handing over a check to the airline for $7000 and change. But since I've probably spent $25K at WDW over the last 10 years, I do not feel bad at all I skipped parking charges, at all. At this point, they owe me!

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Here's what I teach my kids... ask yourself "If everyone did it, would it still be ok?"

There are so many little abuses we allow because we think nobody is getting hurt. But if everyone abused the system, the damage would be much worse. This is true with all the things we're talking about.

A real-life example to illustrate my point. We had friends who used to like to drive to the Contemporary Resort, park, and walk to MK. It was very convenient compared to TTC! But it always bothered me for the same reason - what would happen if everyone did this?

Disney slammed this practice by placing security at the Contemporary, Poly, GF and requiring resort IDs (or a dining PS) and limiting the amount of time you can park in the lot if you're not a resort guest.

Now it's such a hassle to get into these lots that it's not even worth driving to the resort to visit! Now if I want to visit these resorts I do the opposite - take a bus to the MK and ride the monorail to the resort. I miss the old days, but I certainly understand why Disney made those changes - because of people like my friend who abused the system.

Pax, people have been lying about their ages for years, and not just at Disney (see Cuban Pitchers in the MLB) and so far, nothing has really happened...so if everyone lyed about their 9 year old being 8..I don't think it would matter.
And lets not throw ethics into this, there are innocent lies, so unless you can say your George Washington, nobody should bring ethics into a kid lying about his age.
As for the Damage disney gets...please that father takes those savings at the gate and buys some Mouse ears....


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, have you ever read the "Pool Rules" signs outside every single pool in Disney World? All of these signs generally have the exact same messages on them:

-Hours of operation
-Shower before using the pool
-No diving (something like that)
-"This pool is for the exclusive use of guests staying at insert hotel name here"

I can't think of every rule listed, but this policy has been very clear for (at least) the past ten years.

Bingo! The following two pictures CLEARLY show that pool hopping is NOT allowed (except All Stars, as noted below). Anyone after this that posts that pool hopping is allowed needs to have their head examined. :hammer:

Coronado Springs:

All Star Sports:

(Pic, obviously, from AllEarsNet)

You can hop amongst the All-Star pools if you're staying there. That is the ONLY situation where you should be swimming in a pool that is not of the resort of which you are staying.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Oh this is too much. Nice sign photos. :lol:

Those are a good reminder of the other rules the public in general doesn't follow. . . and I'm not seeing everyone showering before getting in the pool.

But I'm sure everyone in THIS thread follows ALL the rules. :rolleyes: :lol:

Don't lie and say you always do. . . what effect would that have on your children? :lol:

and what are you doing with all that food and drink around the pool and pool deck? You know . . . those drinks that Disney cast members sell to you for your enjoyment as you lounge around the pool? :lol:

okay, I'll admit - I don't follow all these rules. And I'll be back at Disney soon. You can't stop me. I'm going to break one of these rules when I'm there, too, just because I know it annoys you. (not "you" any one particular person - just "you" in general :p )


Well-Known Member
oh this is too much. Nice sign photos. :lol:

Those are a good reminder of the other rules the public in general doesn't follow. . . And i'm not seeing everyone showering before getting in the pool.

But i'm sure everyone in this thread follows all the rules. :rolleyes: :lol:

Don't lie and say you always do. . . What effect would that have on your children? :lol:

And what are you doing with all that food and drink around the pool and pool deck? You know . . . Those drinks that disney cast members sell to you for your enjoyment as you lounge around the pool? :lol:

Okay, i'll admit - i don't follow all these rules. And i'll be back at disney soon. You can't stop me. I'm going to break one of these rules when i'm there, too, just because i know it annoys you. (not "you" any one particular person - just "you" in general :p )
So very true...:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Pool Hopping: If you want to use a pool at a specific resort it is really easy to do...PAY FOR IT. Otherwise use your own.

EMH: If you want to use the EMH's...its really easy, PAY FOR IT, STAY IN RESORT. Otherwise you dont get to come.

Lying About Kids Age: Easy...DONT LIE!!! Also, I scoff at the "well it may be really hard for some people to pay for a full ticket...and they have children...and, and, and" Look if you cant afford it...DONT DO IT. Wait a year, save up more cash and then be an honest person instead of a LIAR.

Fast Pass: This is easy as well. You get an entire hour to show up...if you cant do that...dont inconvenience those who can. If your party shows up late, but before me, and I show up within the alotted time slot...thats just rude. That means I have to wait extra time due to your TARDINESS. Disney may look the other way, but that just means that they want to provide convinience for the rude ones and dont want to force a poor CM to work as a gatekeeper.

First off CM's never ever question a parent about their kids ages. I have been going to the world every year for the last 15 years and have not witnessed it. I never understood why Disney and other parks pick 3 years old. Most 3-4 year olds can't ride any of the rides. They should charge by height. That is something people can't lie about. If you are over a certain height you pay if not its free.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its all a bit too much, Ive never had any problems with either, I try to fit in a days pool hopping every trip. Normally start of at the chosen resort by having breakfast, I make sure I take my mug to help keep cost down. I then move just before lunch to another resort, usually take in the counter service before heading for one of the more "difficult" pools later in the day. As it is quieter then you tend not to get too many questions from the CM.

As for time windows on FPs, I can look a bit like a thug so I have never had anyone question a late return time. The way I see it far better to be a bit late than one of those morons that stand at the FP return line clock watching. I mean have a word..........................


New Member
The Disney Fanboy Code of Law:

DFBC 101: Breaking one of the levitical rules of park-going decorum is cause for universal condemnation and contempt.

101(a): Such rules are defined as follows: Any rule that is not official park policy or clearly delineated in the written postings of park operations, but has been concocted in the minds and imaginations of Disney Fanboys worldwide.

101(b): Examples of such rules are as follows (but not limited to): using a stroller for any child who looks, acts, or smells above the age of 3; talking during a show at a theme park, where you're supposed to be having fun; being a member of or sympathizer for any foreign tour group from a nation in the western hemisphere (excluding the USA or Canada); using an ECV if you're over 200 pounds, etc. etc.

101(c): The penalty for such infringement should be but is not limited to: universal approbation and ridicule on online message boards; looks of scorn and contempt when touring the WDW parks and resorts; the filing of written complaints to City Hall and WDW executives concerning the said parties; and any overt or covert action which thwarts the behavior of the said parties.

DFBC 102: Official rules and regulations that are clearly posted by the operations staff of the WDW resort are to be complied with only at the discretion and whim of the Fanboy.

102(a): Lying, stealing and intentionally ignoring clearly delineated and posted rules and regulations of the resort is excuseable, easily overlooked, a mark that you're a savvy Disney pro, and something to brag and joke about.

102(b): Any "Fanboy" who discourages such behavior should be "encouraged" by the Fanboy brethren in ways such as but not limited to the following: Advise the said parties not to not worry about what other people are doing on vacation but just have fun; use the 'Ignore' feature as is appropriate; suggest "The Holy Land Experience" as an alternative vacation destination; etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
For those of you who pool hop, I'm curious about how and where you change your clothes, get towels, and what do you do with your wet swimsuits after you're done swimming if you go to the park afterwards. Just wondering as it seems like a fair amount of work.


New Member
First off CM's never ever question a parent about their kids ages. I have been going to the world every year for the last 15 years and have not witnessed it. I never understood why Disney and other parks pick 3 years old. Most 3-4 year olds can't ride any of the rides. They should charge by height. That is something people can't lie about. If you are over a certain height you pay if not its free.

I agree about charging by height, but let me say that my recently turned 4 year old is 41 1/2 inches, and can ride almost everything at the world. Of course, she gets pretty angry when her sister get on EE, SM, or RnRC without her. :) Even without being 40 inches she wasn't that limited in what she could ride at Disney. A coaster park? Yes, she'd be quite limited ... But at Disney, there's plenty to do, even with a small infant. IMO, they could easily charge for younger kids (but don't tell them I said so!!).

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
For those of you who pool hop, I'm curious about how and where you change your clothes, get towels, and what do you do with your wet swimsuits after you're done swimming if you go to the park afterwards. Just wondering as it seems like a fair amount of work.

Well towels Disney kindly supplies at every resort and the sun dries the shorts. You can rinse your mug out at most FF outlets, so really its not exactly a logistical nightmare. The one downside is using the buses to go from resort to resort as obviously this means switching at parks. But it save having to deal with security if you were to drive.


Well-Known Member
Pax, people have been lying about their ages for years, and not just at Disney (see Cuban Pitchers in the MLB) and so far, nothing has really happened...so if everyone lyed about their 9 year old being 8..I don't think it would matter.

Well, thankfully, Disney being Disney I doubt they would do anything about it. But other parks line your child up against a wall and measure them (thus slowing down the process for everyone else in line). If they're over a certain height they pay the ADULT rate. All other children except hand-held infants pay the child rate. So there is no debate, and no real opportunity to lie.

And lets not throw ethics into this, there are innocent lies, so unless you can say your George Washington, nobody should bring ethics into a kid lying about his age.

I wouldn't consider this an "innocent" lie - you're lying in order to take money away from someone else. Yeah, the few $$$ isn't really going to hurt Disney and they'll get their money in mouse ears or whatever, but that's not the point - it IS an ethical thing because it's wrong. As parents we are supposed to be setting as good an example as we can. Granted, we all fall short on occasion (myself included) but that doesn't make it right. You don't just throw in the towel - for the benefit of your kids, you try to set the right example and do the right thing as much as you possibly can.

That's just how I was raised. If you disagree, take it up with my parents. :)


Well-Known Member
okay, I'll admit - I don't follow all these rules. And I'll be back at Disney soon. You can't stop me. I'm going to break one of these rules when I'm there, too, just because I know it annoys you. (not "you" any one particular person - just "you" in general :p )

Ok, you raise a good point (and in a funny way too). :lol:

I think there's definitely common sense involved here. If you jump into a pool without showering first, are you a sweaty, dirty, disgusting mess or are you relatively clean to begin with? If you're relatively clean, no big deal - everyone does that. If you're disgusting and bring a bar of soap to clean yourself in the pool, that will affect the experience of other people and is a problem.

Similarly, if you pool-hop at a pool that's practically empty, what's the big deal, really? I don't see how anyone gets hurt. But if you pool-hop at a pool that's packed, and you take one of the last remaining chairs, and a person who is staying at that resort has no place to sit, then yeah, someone is being hurt by your actions.

Now you could look the other way and say you don't care about that person - ha ha they should have gotten to the pool sooner - but then that's not really funny, since each of us might one day be that other person.

I'm sure Disney would officially point out that the rules are intended to protect the experience of their guests. So if you can use some common sense and be considerate of other people, a little bending of the rules probably won't hurt anyone. :)

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Pax, there is grey in this world, not everything is black and white. And I just don't agree that letting a four year old into disney by saying they are 3 is an ethically wrong, and your definition of stealing just doesn't jive with me, and I think it is because of your implication that someone that does lie about their kids age is somehow morally reprehensable, and a bad parent, because they set a bad example. Get off your mountain Moses.

Should you take those napkins from McDonald's for your car? The extra duck sauce at the chinese restaurant? The muffin from the buffet, for later in your room? Is this stealing?

I don't have kids, but I say bless anyone who can save a few bucks at Disneyworld, especially because they are brining their kids there, and if your upset by people doing this, it's probably because a part of you feels a little like a sucker for not doing it too.

Mstr Gra-c

Active Member
First off CM's never ever question a parent about their kids ages. I have been going to the world every year for the last 15 years and have not witnessed it. I never understood why Disney and other parks pick 3 years old. Most 3-4 year olds can't ride any of the rides. They should charge by height. That is something people can't lie about. If you are over a certain height you pay if not its free.

AAAHHHHH....the old "a lie of omission is not a lie..." defense. That old chestnut. Guess what: ITS STILL WRONG IF YOU KNOW THE TRUTH AND STILL TRY TO GET AROUND IT. Heres a question: Why would Disney make the rules in the first place if not to provide the best experience for thier guests. Maybe if you all stopped trying to get around the rules despite the fact it makes you feel all "rebel without a cause..." and impresses your wife/husband, tricking them into forgetting thier complete disdain for you; you would stop whining all the time about prices or dining plans or "when are they going to make AK/DHS an all day park".
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