We all have different opinions and interpretations of things, thats life:animwink: But, I feel, getting a toy with a meal is classing it as a childs meal.
The difference is that the portions are smaller than an adult meal, so you are paying less to get less, even if it includes a ten cent toy.
If McDonald's gave away Happy Meals to children under three, or sold a full sized combo for less to a child, and you lied about a child's age to get a free or reduced rate meal, it would then be the same as lying about your child's age at WDW.
In this case, the restaurant gets the same amount of money for a kid's size meal regardless of how old the purchaser may be. Some restaurants specifically prohibit adults from ordering a kid's meal, but McDonald's is not one of them.
In the case of WDW, they either do not get any money at all, or less money than they are owed, if people lie.
Whether or not everyone gets the same amount of WDW for the same price is another matter, but WDW would have to go back to the ticket books to make things equitable in that case. Which no one (AFAIK) wants.

But, it might also eliminate the need for the FP system. Two problems solved at once.