Which is worse: Pool hopping, using FPs outside the time window, ...

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Well-Known Member
No of course I dont!!! I always have a wonderful time and I dont worry about stuff like that at all. I was raised not to just blanketly follow rules...but to examine rules, understand why they exist and if they make sense and are not an infringment of my rights follow them...Especially when breaking those rules would result in my infringement of the rights or goods of others. And personally in this instance I can understand the rules...I can see how if followed they would make life better for all and I can also see how if broken, it could be detrimental to the experience/freedom/goods (see:$$$) of others. What irks me is the complete inability of others to do this simple process and have such a cavalier attitude about it.
Why let it irk you though?
The thing is no matter what people are going to do what is not right..we all have broken rules before and have done things we should not do.

My problem is when people let it get to them so much that it does interfere with their day..and if you read back several posters have made it seem like it is the worst thing in the world and it drives them crazy.:shrug:
Should be added to the Post Hall of Fame! :sohappy:

Well said, Dana.
Why, Thank you!..;)
Just because someone has an opinion that something is morally wrong does not mean that they spend their vacation worrying about it.
I think shoplifting is wrong, but that does not mean everytime I go to the mall I am looking for shoplifters and letting it ruin my nice time at the mall.

And just because someone feels it is wrong to not follow these rules that Disney has in place does not mean they are spending their entire vacation on the look out for people who are breaking them.

Alot of assumptions are being made here that those of us who follow the policies at Disney and think it is wrong of others not to. Just because I think it is wrong to not pay for your 3 year old does not mean I am scanning the entrance lines at the MK looking for kids who look older than they are getting in for free. And if I happened to see someone doing this, I would probably think about it for about 5 seconds and then forget about it.

And, yes....someone might be "bothered" if they can't find a chair at their resort pool because there happens to be a bunch of pool hoppers there that day, but very few people are going to have their day or trip "ruined" because of it.

The OP asked a question, and people here are giving their honest feelings about the topic. I think it is just strange that so many of you have told us to relax and just enjoy our vacations, don't let things like this ruin our trips, etc.

Yes, there may be some crazy type A people out there like the guy sbkline mentioned....but seriously.....do you actually think that most of us are like that? That are trips are "ruined" because we know there are people in the parks with us who are breaking rules? Come on....be realistic here.
I understand what you are saying but like I just said..read back...some people are getting so upset over it and are letting it bother them..there are many posts that sound rather hostile..

Also when people are saying that you are teaching your children to lie and that it is okay to lie and that they will grow up to be this and that because of it..COME ON!...

I can not sit here and believe that every single person here who has posted that everyone who does these things is such a horrible person has never done anything wrong!

I really do not believe that these people are leading a 100% pure and honest and wholesome life and never ever break a rule or lie or do something that is wrong...

I higly doubt Maggie is going to become a juvenile delinquent and be in and out of rehab because Mommy and Daddy parked at the Poly when they were staying at POP...or that we did not pay for her to get in the MK when she was 3..:rolleyes:

That is what people in this thread are insinuating..and they get so mad...

Yes..people have their own opinions on things and can discuss whatever here but IMO I think people are taking it to the extreme.:shrug:


I am not going to be worrying about the people behind me in line who lied to get their 4 year old in for free when I paid for my four year old, although I may be annoyed for a brief second if I know about it, however I also won't be worrying about getting caught or constantly looking over my shoulder like the person who did "break the rule" would hopefully be doing. The cost to get my pre-schooler in is better than the embarassment I would feel if I ever got caught breaking rule such as this. I would be mortified.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Do you people seriously think and worry about whether someone is getting their 3 year old in for free..or sit at the pool by the Poly and wonder if that guy with the 5 kids on the slide is really staying at POP..or when you turn in your fastpass at Buzz do you really wonder if the guy in front of you has an expired fastpass and let it bother you?:shrug:

Because I sure as hell do not..I do not let what other people do at the parks affect me..I am on vacation having a great time with my family and if someone is using the pool at my hotel and they do not go there..I am not going to let it worry me..I really could care less...same with the childs age.

Whether it is morally right or not..it is NONE of my buisness.

No, I will not complain when Disney raises their prices again..they do every year..and No, I will not be mad because they close a restaurant or a ride or take the chicken strips and make them nuggets.

I will not even think..Hmm I bet the chicken nuggets are because that guy got his kid in for free...Damn!:mad:

I mean..Disney could enforce it a heck of a lot more if they wanted to..they could ask for birth certificate or go by a height rule..but they do not...so why let it bother you if Disney does not let it bother them?:shrug:

Enjoy your vacation and quit worrying about other people..and if you are one of the good and moral people who pay for your 3 year old and only swim in your resorts pool..well then you should have an even better time because you will not have all that guilt on your shoulder.:D

Why let it irk you though?
The thing is no matter what people are going to do what is not right..we all have broken rules before and have done things we should not do.

My problem is when people let it get to them so much that it does interfere with their day..and if you read back several posters have made it seem like it is the worst thing in the world and it drives them crazy.:shrug:

Why, Thank you!..;)

I understand what youare saying but like I just said..read back...some people are getting so upset over it and are letting it bother them..there are many posts that sound rather hostile..

Also when peple are saying that you are teaching your children to lie and that it is okay to lie and that they will grow up to be this and that because of it..COME ON!...

I can not sit here and believe that every single person here who has posted that everyone who does these things is such a horrible person has never done anything wrong!

I really do not believe that these people are leading a 100% pure and honest and wholesome life and never ever break a rule or lie or do something that is wrong...

I higly doubt Maggie is going to become a juvenile delinquent and be in and out of rehab because Mommy and Daddy parked at the Poly when they were staying at POP...or that we did not pay for her to get in the MK when she was 3..:rolleyes:

That is what people in this thread are insinuating..and they get so mad...

Yes..people have their own opinions on things and can discuss whatever here but IMO I think people are taking it to the extreme.:shrug:
You have never been more right.:D

...and I am so sickof the bickering in this thread...SHEESH.It's not life and death,people!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
All I know is Im going pool hopping, with my old mug, in my speedos, with my inappropriate sloganed t shirt, Im not showering, Im being deo free, I will speak in Portuguese, ignore the line for the slides, deliberatley miss both my FP retur times and my ADRs, which I shan't cancel, Ill talk loudly about the ride design, call the park Disneyland, smoke, drink beer while walking around, fart, litter, smack my kids, hire a wheel chair to save walking, use my flash if I think it adds to the photo and most of all do my damnedest to irritate as many folks as possible. Its the little things that bring pleasure. As Mrs Sak once said.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member

you are evil. you started this thread knowing full well what would happen.

**high five**



To be honest, I don't care that much whether someone pool hops or not, and my trips are never ruined by these 'issues.' I frequently use fastpasses after my timeslot because I was simply somewhere else at the time. Also, I once offered to get some of my friends (staying at CB) into Stormalong Bay with my room key, because I wanted to show them the pool (they declined, but I knew what I was doing).

But for a member here to become mad at Disney for this supposedly "new policy that has been created since 2005," I think it's ridiculous. I originally brought up the signs issue to point out how Disney's policy about pool hopping is very clear. If a person is going to use someone else's pool, the least they can do is be aware of the rules. It only takes a few seconds to read the sign.

Not every rule has to be enforced. For example, I usually don't shower right before swimming because I'm coming down from my room. Disney knows that many people aren't going to shower (even sweaty people coming from the parks), that's what chlorine is for. But if someone (regardless of their hotel) dives into GF's pool and splashes the people in the cabanas, they will probably be kicked out. People pool hop because it's easy to get away with (besides Stormalong Bay), but nobody here is illiterate.

Hello, Just to clarify, i am not mad at Disney for taking away pool hopping. I was merely pointing out that until yesterday, i never realized or imagined that using another resort pool was a big deal or against policy or stealing or whatever!!! I can read... but i surely never stopped to read the "pool rules". Now i am aware what the rules are (thanks to those wonderful photos... who takes photos of the pool rules anyway???) i was making a point that, to me, having been going to WDW since 1982, in my mind finding out that pool hopping is such a big deal, was like something was being taken away from me. But just as you admit breaking the "showering rule" by any justification, you are breaking the pool rules and should be asked to leave. You probably won't be asked to leave, and neither will I when i am swimming at your resort, i just hope i don't take your seat. MikeB

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
All I know is Im going pool hopping, with my old mug, in my speedos, with my inappropriate sloganed t shirt, Im not showering, Im being deo free, I will speak in Portuguese, ignore the line for the slides, deliberatley miss both my FP retur times and my ADRs, which I shan't cancel, Ill talk loudly about the ride design, call the park Disneyland, smoke, drink beer while walking around, fart, litter, smack my kids, hire a wheel chair to save walking, use my flash if I think it adds to the photo and most of all do my damnedest to irritate as many folks as possible. Its the little things that bring pleasure. As Mrs Sak once said.

Way to lighten the mood,Sak.:D


Well-Known Member
None of the items listed get on my nerves. Although I could see getting annoyed at the pool hopping if I could not find a chair.

December 2007 - At WDW with my Dad who had recently underwent knee replacement surgery. Needless to say all the walking was making his knee swell and he refused to use a wheelchair. We were in HS and sitting in the very front row at Fantasmic when I decided to go gt EMH wristbands. Do you know they would NOT give me one for my Dad. One of the plaid vests had a girl walk into Fantasmic with me in order to verify my Dad was sitting down there with a swollen, recently operated knee. So how does anyone get anyway with getting wristbands for people not staying on property??

July 2008 - Had fastpasses for RNR and when my daughter and I went back to use them, the ride was down and we were told to come back later. So we went back after Fantasmic and the CM throws his hands in the air and says "Oh thanks for showing up, we only been waiting 3 hours for you". I started to tell him what happened then thought better of it cause maybe he was just tired from the heat and dealing with the 10 millions brazialan tour groups that were in the park that day.

Lying about your kids age would really only work if you are not staying on property cause reservations alreadys knows your kids DOB. Which really sucks when you are booking a Candlelight package and your kid is 10 and eats like a bird, but they want to charge you the adult dining fee. They need to have a dining fee for teenaged girls!!:ROFLOL:

Sorry for the long post.


All I know is Im going pool hopping, with my old mug, in my speedos, with my inappropriate sloganed t shirt, Im not showering, Im being deo free, I will speak in Portuguese, ignore the line for the slides, deliberatley miss both my FP retur times and my ADRs, which I shan't cancel, Ill talk loudly about the ride design, call the park Disneyland, smoke, drink beer while walking around, fart, litter, smack my kids, hire a wheel chair to save walking, use my flash if I think it adds to the photo and most of all do my damnedest to irritate as many folks as possible. Its the little things that bring pleasure. As Mrs Sak once said.
I'm not sure you're allowed to re-use you mug


Well-Known Member
I think pool hoppers and other people who cheat the system are the lowest of the low. The bottom feeders of the earth.

But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

And I also think that these cheaters and system abusers are setting a bad example for their children.

And I think when the children of these abusers become adults, they will have become better adults for learning how to deal with the system because they are more street wise than the rule followers.

And as these children go out into the world as adults, they will stand proud because of the wisdom that was bestowed upon them by their system cheating parents. They will stand proud and shout out to the world...

..."DO YOU WANT FRIES WITH THAT?" :sohappy::lol:

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
Ok when did this become about religion or the government? Also, do you think the black helicopters are on thier way to get you before or after the headaches?

Oh and also...HUMOR...REALLY?? Yikes...ok...if you say so.

They were words used as part of analogies, not the subject of the point. You have proven that you don't acutally read other peoples opinions, just focus on specific words.

And was the black helicopter an attempt at making fun of Veterans, because I don't appreciate it.

Way to avoid actually answering me.


Well-Known Member
Just because someone has an opinion that something is morally wrong does not mean that they spend their vacation worrying about it.
If it bothers them enough to create a post about it or respond to it, then I would say they spend some of their vacation time worrying about it...yes.

And just because someone feels it is wrong to not follow these rules that Disney has in place does not mean they are spending their entire vacation on the look out for people who are breaking them.
The entire vacation? Maybe not...but obviously some of it, or they wouldn't even notice it.

Alot of assumptions are being made here that those of us who follow the policies at Disney and think it is wrong of others not to. Just because I think it is wrong to not pay for your 3 year old does not mean I am scanning the entrance lines at the MK looking for kids who look older than they are getting in for free. And if I happened to see someone doing this, I would probably think about it for about 5 seconds and then forget about it.
And, yes....someone might be "bothered" if they can't find a chair at their resort pool because there happens to be a bunch of pool hoppers there that day, but very few people are going to have their day or trip "ruined" because of it.
How would anyone even know that all the chairs at the pool are taken by pool hoppers or paying for their 3 year old? How do people know others aren't following the "policies" at WDW unless they are looking for just that? In all my years of going to Disney parks, I can honestly say I don't recall seeing someone not following "policies". But then again, I wasn't looking.

The OP asked a question, and people here are giving their honest feelings about the topic. I think it is just strange that so many of you have told us to relax and just enjoy our vacations, don't let things like this ruin our trips, etc.
Why? Aren't those just "honest feelings" also?

Yes, there may be some crazy type A people out there like the guy sbkline mentioned....but seriously.....do you actually think that most of us are like that? That are trips are "ruined" because we know there are people in the parks with us who are breaking rules? Come on....be realistic here.
I don't think a trip is ruined by it for some...but it obvioulsy bothers them. Just look at the resposes.

My feeling is who cares which is worse and why spend even a single minute being bothered by something that you have zero control over. Spend that minute worrying about something you can change.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
We pay millions of dollars a year to make up for these "losses." How do you think Disney does it? They pass the cost along to the consumer. Keep cheating the system and the only people that get affected are those of us who don't cheat the system.

And as a stockholder (not just two shares hanging on my wall) some of you are stealing directly from me and I don't appreciate it.

It's been said before....Disney is not a necessity it is a luxury. If you can't afford to buy a ticket... too bad, if you can't afford a room at a deluxe...too bad.

Hey Captain,
Maybe you were too busy worring about ants taking your picinic, you didn't notice the bear that walked away with your sandwich...
Read this.
Now that is someone stealing money from the shareholders!


This is getting incredibly out of hand, guys! I mean, really. None of these things are detrimental to your health. Getting a 3 year old in for free is not going to turn said 3 year old into an academic and social failure. (My mom used to get me into the beach for free when I was 7 and you had to be 6. I was, surprisingly, not emotionally scarred by it and have learned, somehow, to live a happy, healthy, successful life.)

Why do we care so much... if Disney doesn't? I just don't understand. :shrug:


New Member
Everyone's actions are justified because it is a victimless crime, correct?

"Come on... Disney has millions and little old me is working hard just to get by. Who cares, it's no ones business what I do."

The worst thing about this thread is the sense of entitlement by the pool hoppers, the ticket cheaters, etc. It's always the fight of the "haves" and "have nots".

The moral of the story is if you do it in Disney you do it at home. Does anyone know why car insurance rates are so high? Because of all of the drivers that do not have car insurance. Guess what? That cost is passed along to those of us that do have car insurance.

No big deal...right? Victimless crime...."I can't pay for car insurance so screw everyone that can." Wait for one of those guys to rearend you and see how you like it.

How about workers comp.? Maybe you twist your knee playing softball on the weekend and it is a bit sore at work Monday morning...must be a work related injury...no biggie... I'll make a claim. Guess what? We all pay for it....look at your pay check. False claims = more money out of our paychecks.

We pay millions of dollars a year to make up for these "losses." How do you think Disney does it? They pass the cost along to the consumer. Keep cheating the system and the only people that get affected are those of us who don't cheat the system.

And as a stockholder (not just two shares hanging on my wall) some of you are stealing directly from me and I don't appreciate it.

It's been said before....Disney is not a necessity it is a luxury. If you can't afford to buy a ticket... too bad, if you can't afford a room at a deluxe...too bad.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I think pool hoppers and other people who cheat the system are the lowest of the low. The bottom feeders of the earth.
That is so true..I mean compared to murderers and rapists they sure are the lowest of the low...:rolleyes:
But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

And I also think that these cheaters and system abusers are setting a bad example for their children.

And I think when the children of these abusers become adults, they will have become better adults for learning how to deal with the system because they are more street wise than the rule followers.

And as these children go out into the world as adults, they will stand proud because of the wisdom that was bestowed upon them by their system cheating parents. They will stand proud and shout out to the world...

..."DO YOU WANT FRIES WITH THAT?" :sohappy::lol:
Yep..at Pecos Bill when they serve you your meal..because they could be working at Disney...:D..and how is that a bad thing?:shrug:

Some of you people make the craziest comments...

I mean if your parents pool hopped you will have to work at a burger joint..and if your mama lied and got you in the park for free..then you will only make minimum wage..:rolleyes:

Seriously people..read what you are writing before you post because some of ot makes no sense at all..and you have no fact to prove it..:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
you are evil. you started this thread knowing full well what would happen.

**high five**

Yeah, I know. Sometimes it's fun to stir up a bit of controversy over a topic that has so little effect on anyone's life. It's an interesting psychological experiment that I'm showing to some med students rotating with me that you can take a bit of trivia but as long as a moral value judgment must be made regarding it, people will come out and defend or argue their position as if their lives depended on it, because as they see it, people who disagree with the subject are also disagreeing with someone's way of life or own set of values, and often people will be offended causing the thread will degenerate in to name calling and insults, which I think we're pretty close to. So thanks to all who participated for providing some very informal research into the human psyche.:wave:


New Member
Yeah, I know. Sometimes it's fun to stir up a bit of controversy over a topic that has so little effect on anyone's life. It's an interesting psychological experiment that I'm showing to some med students rotating with me that you can take a bit of trivia but as long as a moral value judgment must be made regarding it, people will come out and defend or argue their position as if their lives depended on it, because as they see it, people who disagree with the subject are also disagreeing with someone's way of life or own set of values, and often people will be offended causing the thread will degenerate in to name calling and insults, which I think we're pretty close to. So thanks to all who participated for providing some very informal research into the human psyche.:wave:

Did the IRB or HSRC approve this research? :animwink::D

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Yeah, I know. Sometimes it's fun to stir up a bit of controversy over a topic that has so little effect on anyone's life. It's an interesting psychological experiment that I'm showing to some med students rotating with me that you can take a bit of trivia and yet people will come out and defend or argue their position as if their lives depended on it, often times the thread will degenerate in to name calling and insults, which I think we're pretty close to. So thanks to all who participated for providing some very informal research into the human psyche.:wave:


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