What Time Do You Wake Up At WDW??


im going to wdw with my girlfriend and are 2 year old in August for 8days.
I was wondering what time do most people get up in the morning after a long day at the parks??? What time do you leave the parks to go home and sleep?????
im staying at the pop century resort so im not to far???? but we wanted to go eat breakfast and still beet the crowds??


Active Member
I usually get up at 9:30 or so so I can be at the parks at around 10:30 or 11:00. I usually stay till closing time at the park that I chose to go to that day.
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Well-Known Member
I couldnt understand the 1st part but here is my answer:

I try to make the most of Disneyworld. I know vacation is about relaxation but now for Disney, lol.

This past May, I woke up at least 2 hours (give or take 30 minutes) before each park opened. I always tried to make sure I was on the bus going to the parks 45 minutes before posted opening. This would also give me time to eat breakfast before heading out to the bus.

Of course this was solo. With other people (especially children, it becomes more complicated)
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Waking up would require going to sleep right?:D

I usually get up around 6ish especially if I am going to go to an early EMH. I like to be at the parks between 1 and 1/2 hour before they open. If I have my way I will stay in the parks until after they close.

In your case with a 2 year old regardless of what you want to do you will be on his/her schedule.
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New Member
We are usually up and out the door by 930am. When it is time to leave the park it is usually when it is closing. If there are EMH, then we adjust times to if they are morning or evening.:)
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Active Member
Since you are going with a two year old, you would be wise to stick to their regular nap and sleeping schedule as much as possible. It will make everyone happier! Put quality over quantity. Nothing can ruin a trip more than a cranky over tired toddler!

When our youngest was that age, we'd get up early enough to be at the parks when they opened...your wake up time of course depends on how long it takes your family to get ready, eat breakfast, etc.

We would go back to the resort after lunch for her naptime, and then head back out to the parks after she woke up for the evening. We'd always make sure to get back to our resort at a reasonable time for her to go to bed.

Sure, we did not get to do as much as we did before kids, and we missed a few fireworks shows, etc...but everyone was happy and well rested so there were no meltdowns!

Also, if we did have a night where we knew we were going to be out much later than the kids bedtimes (like for MVMCP, etc), then we would plan a sleep in day for the following morning.
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Well-Known Member
Gotta say no matter how tired we are from the parks the day before, we're always up early 7:30-8:00. We're just too excited to sleep in. C'mon, you're at DisneyWorld. If I wanted to sleep in and relax I'd go to the beach! :ROFLOL:
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New Member
I have been to WDW 12 times and I have never been there early enough to see the rope drop. We usually sleep in til 9:30 get some breakfast and we are @ the parks by 11:00. We always plan each park to take advantage of the evening EMH to get 3 hours extra of reduced crowds. walking around MK @ 1:30am and riding IASWAA & HM 5 times each in a row trying to find something that you didn't see before. :king:
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
im going to wdw with my girlfriend and are 2 year old in August for 8days.
I was wondering what time do most people get up in the morning after a long day at the parks??? What time do you leave the parks to go home and sleep?????
im staying at the pop century resort so im not to far???? but we wanted to go eat breakfast and still beet the crowds??

Hi!! :wave: For 9 am park openings I usually get up around 6:30 so that I can get ready and things in order for the day. I'm the "organizer" so I get the back pack packed and coffee going etc. :lol: If we take the bus to get the park then we leave between 8 and 8:15 am. So My DH would get up about a 1/2 hour before that. We don't have kids though. But for my DH and I, we always head back from the parks at 2:30 or 3 and then rest/nap/get ready for evening and leave again between 5:30 and 6. Have a great trip! :wave:
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My husband and I always sleep in, grab a quick snack/breakfast at the resort, and hop a bus around 10. We usually make it into the parks by lunch-time and stay til close.

Never seen a rope drop either....didn't even know such a thing existed til I registered on this website *sheepish grin*
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Well-Known Member
Once my son gets used to the time difference then it's his usual 6.30am wake up and when he wakes up, he ensures that my wife and I do too. Not too bad though as it gives us plenty of time to get ourselves sorted and we can be at the parks nice and early.
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Well-Known Member
Here's my schedule:

7:00-8:00= Waking up

9:00-9:30= getting ready and eating breakfast (usually go straight to the parks at 9:00 unless up late)

10:00-???= go straight to park(s)
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Well-Known Member
I get up a 6am and go for a walk and enjoy the peace and quite and take in the whole resort feel. I let my DW and DD sleep in till about 830 before they get ready to head out.
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Before kids we would get up around 11 and get to the parks probably around 1 or so and stay until park closing. Now that we have kids, we get up around 7 or 8, whenever he wakes us up, but we still don't get to the parks until like 11. We have been staying all day and let him just sleep in his stroller. He's done that 2 trips, one at 6 months and one at 15 months. We usually head back to the resort around 8 or 9, depending on his mood and what's going on that night. He does VERY well will just going with the flow and doesn't want to miss anything.

The best thing is to just go with your 2 year olds schedule they're already on. We let my son sleep til whenever he wants and then have some cuddly family time before getting ready and going to eat breakfast. He loves to "wake up" daddy and play peek a boo before getting ready for the day. We take lots of breaks to get something to eat or drink or to just cool off. Even to just ride the railroad or TTA. You could also take him to the baby care centers to let him cool off there, feed him a snack and watch a bit of a Disney movie.

Have fun!
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