What Time Do You Wake Up At WDW??


im going to wdw with my girlfriend and are 2 year old in August for 8days.
I was wondering what time do most people get up in the morning after a long day at the parks??? What time do you leave the parks to go home and sleep?????
im staying at the pop century resort so im not to far???? but we wanted to go eat breakfast and still beet the crowds??


Well-Known Member
Early enough so I can eat and be there for rope drop, usually I like to come back to the room mid day or early afternoon for 2 reasons 2 beat the heat and to rest up a bit to go out for the rest of the night.
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Well-Known Member
It depends...on the day, on how we feel on our plans for the day. Usually it is about 7:00-9:00. We take our time and enjoy the morning, knowing that we will have a packed day ahead of us....Of course this changes....one of these days I would like to make it to the rope drop....

One of these days.
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Well-Known Member
We like to be there for rope drop, unless there is a EMH somewhere. Then we stay until close with a park hop in there to a park that is having the evening magical hours. It's not very often that one of us (me, hubby and daughter,12) wants to go back to the room. And it's like that every day of our trip.:wave:
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We wake up in enough time to get there before the rope drop (between 6:30 & 7:00) for 9:00 rope drop. We avoid the parks that have extra magic hours in the evening (we'll sometimes go to the morning one during the holidays and adjust the schedule). We bring dry cereal, plastic spoons, and bowls from home and milk at the resort gift shop so we can eat breakfast in the room between getting dressed. We try to leave the hotel at least 1 hour before the rope drop.

We find it is less crowded in the mornings because others are sleeping in and it is cooler than at 10 or 11. We do have some sleep in days where we will spend the day at the resort pool, a water park, or DTD.

Parents can usually tell when their child has had enough. Go back to the hotel and rest and maybe return in the evening when the crowds are a little lower and the temperature is a little cooler.

I suggest purchasing the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. They have plans and suggestions for traveling with young children.

Have fun. I usually go in August but can't this year because I begin student teaching in August and we were not sure when it would start. Going after graduation and for New Years!!!!
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Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
We are usually up by 6:30 and out the door by 8:15 so that we are parked close up and for rope drop. We leave the park(s) by dark usually, unless were staying for fireworks. We prefer the early mornings to staying late. We never "sleep in" when at Disney, for thats something we can do at home.
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Well-Known Member
Since my family drives down to WDW, we get all our sleeping done in the car then once were in wdw, we normally are at the parks around 8:30/9 and we stay until the park closes(yes we are a crazy group) Last year we stayed at Magic Kingdom til 1 and by the time we got back to pop it was almost 2 then the next day we woke up and did it again. I'm never tired in Disney.

With a two year old however, if you aren't planning to go back to your resort and rest in the middle of the day, I wouldn't stay later than 8. Also don't plan to see everything because your 2 year old would just be wicked tired and cranky by the afternoon.
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Active Member
I'll echo the person who suggested sticking as closely as possible to your routine from home for sleep and meals. You'll have a better trip with plenty of other breaks from the norm, and your child will be in a better mood.
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Well-Known Member
I usually wake up around 8. I have never been to a rope drop.

That sounds like me.

8:00 AM is late enough that it feels like vacation sleeping in to me and its early enough that your not wasting the morning.

Of course my 7 y/o is up at 6:30 without an alarmclock - as she always is.

My 10 y/o will sleep until the afternoon if I let her.

So it makes some interesting morning.

I think this time we will try to a make a rope drop or two.

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Well-Known Member
well this has always been a source of contention. If it is up to me rope drop everyday. But when going with my DW, it's more like get up at 9, get out the door at 10, maybe get there at 10:30. and of course sometime an early breakfast ADR. But we ususally stay pretty late. my daughter 6 usually asleep by the time we get to the tram.
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Well-Known Member
If only that could happen for us. If we went back to rest then the parks would be closed. I for the life of me do not know why we get cut hours in that month. You cannot do a good full day when they close at 7pm like they do and 5 at Animal Kingdom. It feels as if we are not getting our mneys worth compared to the other months with long days so you can rest etc.
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Active Member
I have never been to a rope drop, and on this upcoming trip I really want to see at least ONE! We will be with our almost 2 year old son come September. Since my sister will be going with us...she will be a great help. I am usually up before everyone else since I have to most to prepare. I plan on being up by 6:45am the latest by the time i'm ready i'll get everyone else up, run to the food court heat up milk for my son & hopefully by the time i'm back hubby and sister will be all dressed, then it's just a matter of waking up my son bathing him, getting him fed and dressed and out the door by 8am. Catch the bus and hopefully be at the park by 9. Let's hope it works that way.
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Well-Known Member
We're in the camp of early risers who like to be at each park by rope drop. Oftentimes we do take the afternoon off for a nap or quick dip in the pool and then we head back to a park until close. While I don't fully understand sleeping in and arriving at the parks later... I am thankful that others do this, as they're the reason we get to enjoy an hour of two of next to nothing wait times :sohappy:!
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Well-Known Member
Well my mom is an early riser so she is usually up at about 6am. Me on the other hand try to wake up at 6am but am usually up at 6:20am or 6:30am. We like to take our time in the morning, getting ready having breakfast on the balcony. We are usually out the door by 7:30am to 8:00am. We like to go back to the hotel to relax take a nap maybe go to the pool. Then we head to another park in the evening.
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Well-Known Member
My kids are usually up around 7am. So we try to keep that schedule. We set alarm for 7am each morning. DH showers while I start to get kids up and dressed. Then when it's my turn for bathroom, DH is getting kids sunblocked and packed up for the day.

We are usually out the door by 8am, grab a quick breakfast either in room or at food court and to the parks by 9am. We ALWAYS take a break around lunch time so the kids get some pool and relaxation time. We head back to parks around 4 and stay until kids start to get tired. Then we do it all again he next day.
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I think it really depends what kind of Disney people you are. Are you going because you're slightly obsessed and want to treasure every minute of the parks?

Or are you excited to go and want to have fun, relax, and do whatever whenever the mood strikes you?

We're the former (I'm slightly Nazi-ish about making it to the Magic Kingdom in time for the Welcome Show), and if the parks open at 9, we're up by 7:15, eat a pastry on the way out of Pop Century, and get on the bus by 8:20. Then you're definitely in time for the show.

For the rest of the parks, I haven't seen anything that makes me want to be there the exact second they drop the ropes. We usually get to the hotel bus stop 20 min. before the park opens.

You still get there and get next to no lines, and you're happy :wave:

But with a baby - getting up early and hitting the rides before the sleepy peeps roll in around 10:30,11 is invaluable. ESPECIALLY in Fantasyland with Peter Pan, Dumbo, etc. Then perhaps take a noon to 3 break and swim/nap at the hotel. Come back and at least stay for the parade and fireworks shows before you head out.

And if you DO try to do it all (get up early, hit the parks ALL day open to close) make sure you take a day off to sleep in, lay by the pool and relax!
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