What Do ...


Active Member

That might be the name....But it gives the connotation of walking into a large blank white room, wearing VR Helmets...:lol:

Wouldn't it be awesome if t started like this, though?



Well-Known Member
Disney's Digital Kingdom.

You beat me to it, that's exactly what I was thinking.
I like Disney's Dark Kingdom too, kind of a renaming of the rumored Night Kingdom from almost two years ago.

Wild guess here.
I can't think how they would use RFID, but could this have something to do with a new version of VMK that was maybe tied more closely into the parks?


Well-Known Member
You beat me to it, that's exactly what I was thinking.
I like Disney's Dark Kingdom too, kind of a renaming of the rumored Night Kingdom from almost two years ago.

Wild guess here.
I can't think how they would use RFID, but could this have something to do with a new version of VMK that was maybe tied more closely into the parks?

I was just going to write Disney's Dark Kingdom - Which if that's what DDK stands for could mean any number of wild rumors - Night Kingdom or Villains park being the top two. Gotta love baseless speculation.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and before I forget, Small World will be going down for a major rehab early in 2010 with the major purpose being changing the queue (back?) to improve capacity and flow. This apparently was just decided on.
Any chance of the attraction becoming more relevant to today's audience?


Active Member
I have heard of VMK, but never used it, and I know RFID is a technological advancement that I could never seem to grasp or retain info on. So Disney's Digital Kingdom will be my guess to 74's little riddle here.

I usually don't like threads that go on and on for pages of speculation and based on nothing, but its a slow day at work and i have 2 hours left :brick::lol:


Well-Known Member

RFID. Four little letters that strike fear into my heart.

Oh boy, here we go...

RFID is not evil... Nor should it be feared, Really. It has many, many uses, most of which are already being carried out in some form or another using other technologies at WDW.


RFID is not evil... Nor should it be feared, Really. It has many, many uses, most of which are already being carried out in some form or another using other technologies at WDW.


I'm not "tinfoil hat" scared of RFID. I'm scared of the ridiculous amount of cheesey opportunities it opens up on rides.

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