What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was my day "off". I slept in until 6:45am, took my son to soccer camp. Then I push mowed 1/4 acre. Spent an hour and a half weeding, mulching and staking my 24 tomato plants. After that I had to run a few errands and pick my son up. The whole day trying to squeeze a run in was on my mind. Finally at 5pm I did 7 miles at 10:57, it was 79 degrees, hot for me but I slugged it out. When I got home I made dinner and then folded 4 loads of laundry. Now I have work for the next three days...I am exhausted.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was my day "off". I slept in until 6:45am, took my son to soccer camp. Then I push mowed 1/4 acre. Spent an hour and a half weeding, mulching and staking my 24 tomato plants. After that I had to run a few errands and pick my son up. The whole day trying to squeeze a run in was on my mind. Finally at 5pm I did 7 miles at 10:57, it was 79 degrees, hot for me but I slugged it out. When I got home I made dinner and then folded 4 loads of laundry. Now I have work for the next three days...I am exhausted.

Yikes! Be careful...don't burn yourself out! :)


3 miles for me on the treadmill this morning with 5 hill intervals. So hard!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Yesterday was my day "off". I slept in until 6:45am, took my son to soccer camp. Then I push mowed 1/4 acre. Spent an hour and a half weeding, mulching and staking my 24 tomato plants. After that I had to run a few errands and pick my son up. The whole day trying to squeeze a run in was on my mind. Finally at 5pm I did 7 miles at 10:57, it was 79 degrees, hot for me but I slugged it out. When I got home I made dinner and then folded 4 loads of laundry. Now I have work for the next three days...I am exhausted.
Sometimes, that extra hour feels like the difference between a good day, and a really really good day. I occasionally turn off my alarm and know my body needs that rest... and occasionally I listen. :D


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, that extra hour feels like the difference between a good day, and a really really good day. I occasionally turn off my alarm and know my body needs that rest... and occasionally I listen. :D

I am getting kind of wore out. But I don't want to give up running, which has been suggested by several people I know. At this point running is the only thing in my life that I selfishly do just for me :D!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like everyone had a productive weekend despite the miserable heat. Kudos to you guys for getting those miles in. :)

As for me, I finally broke my 13min mile (12:50) and managed to run for 10min straight...a first for me, I usually take walk breaks. Warmed up on the elliptical for 15min then did almost 2 miles in 20min on the 'mill. Tomorrow is belly dancing with my standard yoga warm-up.
Basically took time off from Thursday until today due to my knees and then hip being in a lot of pain. I was hobbling everywhere. I spent my "off" time swimming and lifting. I saw a Chiropractor on Saturday and Monday and today I ran pain free! Feeling so much better. I was able to run 1.75mi without stopping. Pretty pleased with that considering my running has been out of whack with that pain.


Well-Known Member
It is shortly after midnight in Memphis, early Wednesday. It is 85F and I went on a midnight run. Why you ask? Because I can and Wednesday's high is 99F. That's why.

Managed about 3.75 or 4 miles in 40 minutes. It was a dry heat, little wind. Stopped a few times to drink, but kept on going. My shirt was soaked after the run.

Cool part I ran down a deserted Beale Street. Only saw about 10 patrons hanging outside of the bars.


Well-Known Member
3.5 miles this morning at 9:11. It felt hotter and more humid this morning and I finally carried a water bottle with me for the first time. It felt weird and threw me off a bit so I put it down at the end of one of my loops and picked it back up on the way home.


It is shortly after midnight in Memphis, early Wednesday. It is 85F and I went on a midnight run. Why you ask? Because I can.

Cool part I ran down a deserted Beale Street. Only saw about 10 patrons hanging outside of the bars.

Great idea for beating the heat. Gives me a new approach when I'm back in the heat and humidity of Key West. Of course, Duval St is never deserted


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
20 miles. Trails were like an oven.
Yep. it was 75 and 100% humidity this morning. I was wondering why I stepped outside and started pouring sweat while stretching.

It is shortly after midnight in Memphis, early Wednesday. It is 85F and I went on a midnight run. Why you ask? Because I can and Wednesday's high is 99F. That's why.

Managed about 3.75 or 4 miles in 40 minutes. It was a dry heat, little wind. Stopped a few times to drink, but kept on going. My shirt was soaked after the run.

Cool part I ran down a deserted Beale Street. Only saw about 10 patrons hanging outside of the bars.
I love late night runs. My imagination plays tricks on me and I hear and think I see stuff on the side of the woods.


Well-Known Member
Great idea for beating the heat. Gives me a new approach when I'm back in the heat and humidity of Key West. Of course, Duval St is never deserted

It was an okay run. Not one of my best. Strange, it was midnight, 1am and still 84F outside. Felt strange. Felt like I was running through an oven. I would have much preferred to run in low 70s or upper 60s but had to taste what it felt like. Never been in a climate where it was 5 degress to 90F at midnight.

I love late night runs. My imagination plays tricks on me and I hear and think I see stuff on the side of the woods.

I like late night runs too. Trained at night for weeks for the 2012 Tower 10 miler. Fun stuff. Invigorating. Just you, the road, and your music and your thoughts. No one else. No one can see you. There were times at night in 2012 at my former home my mind would play tricks on me too, hearing things, seeing things. I ran sometimes at the nearby school track, but the track was down a hill and embedded. I saw the traffic but they didn't see me.

Going to run several more times before November and the Wine and Dine half marathon, just to get ready.

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