What did you do?

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Only for the steep climbs that can't be "run." I use them to create stability going up, pulling myself up and saving my legs. Some people use them on flat surface to help roll the hips through, but I think that's stupid.
McN 500 elevation profile is SICK. No poles? Then I'll be on my hands and knees climbing.

So then I gather you fold them up and store them in your backpack or something when you don't need them?

It goes like this mentally:

Running: "Wait, why are we running? Who is chasing us, why are we doing this. Hey, this is your lungs, I need more O2. What the hell. Stop running.... burn burn burn for punishment. We wont make it 1 mile, we are dieing"

Swimming: "Holy cow we are drowning. Wait, why are we in a pool. Abort, swim back to the pool edge IMMEDIATELY. No, No, stop putting your head back in the water and DONT trust that little pocket of air on your right stroke. Panic, shallow breath. Trust no one. Monkeys smell bad. Im swimming in pee. Ahhhhhh"

Something like that. Then... I settle down and it is peaceful, in a work your @ss off kind of way.

LOL, love it!

As for me, my training schedule (which I make myself at the beginning of every month - or at the beginning of training for a race) called for 4 miles of speedwork on the treadmill this morning. Although I woke up with my legs feeling like jelly for some reason, if the schedule said it, then I had to do it. I thought I'd die as I hit that first interval of speed, but I stuck with the workout and managed to finish it all. Legs still feel like jelly, but I did it. Averaged 9:16 for the 4 miles.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
LOL, love it!

As for me, my training schedule (which I make myself at the beginning of every month - or at the beginning of training for a race) called for 4 miles of speedwork on the treadmill this morning. Although I woke up with my legs feeling like jelly for some reason, if the schedule said it, then I had to do it. I thought I'd die as I hit that first interval of speed, but I stuck with the workout and managed to finish it all. Legs still feel like jelly, but I did it. Averaged 9:16 for the 4 miles.
There you go. Nice job! Look at the speed!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
So then I gather you fold them up and store them in your backpack or something when you don't need

Yup. But everyone who has run McNaughton; 100, 200 or the 500 mi (especially the 500), has kept them deployed, and just carry them by the middle on easier areas. Only 9 ounces combined.


Well-Known Member
4 miles tonight @ 10:36 pace. I have been off work this week and I am so out of my regular routine. I ate lunch way to late and it was sloshing around while I was running. Blech! I had to take it a little easier tonight than I have been for fear of losing my lunch! :D

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
Been there-Done that--Bought the t-shirt.

Me too, as soon as I saw the post i thought, yup.. then the first few are down and everything calms. I tried to explain that to someone just starting out. I told them that they have to go a little further and then it gets better but the first is the hardest.


Well-Known Member
I completed Tough Mudder, Wisconsin today and got the illusive headband I've been coveting for a couple years now. It was every bit as hard as I thought it would be, but every bit as rewarding. This was the hardest event I've ever completed, and I'm glad I did it.
Congratulations! How was the electrical wires obstacle?:eek:


RunDisney Addict
Congratulations! How was the electrical wires obstacle?:eek:
We actually had 2. The first was electric eel, where we crawl on our belly through a shallow pool of water with scattered wires. I got shocked about 6-7 times, but none of them was that bad. The Electroshock Therapy got the better of me. I was in the mud going over the first set of hay bales through the wires and got zapped behind the right shoulder...the arm that was supporting my weight over the bale. It gave out and I went head first into the mud. I got knocked down twice more, and shocked 4 times total. Hurt like a B****, but made the finish line right after that much more rewarding. It was the first time I've ever fist pumped at a finish line. :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I completed Tough Mudder, Wisconsin today and got the illusive headband I've been coveting for a couple years now. It was every bit as hard as I thought it would be, but every bit as rewarding. This was the hardest event I've ever completed, and I'm glad I did it.
Nice job Brad.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
12 miles this am. My hoka's were awesome. My legs are a little tired, but not sore and banged up like they use to be after these runs.

I only achieved 537 vertical feet of elevation and 1266 ascended vertical feet. The same run on my old route in my old neighborhood would pull 900 vertical feet and 1800 ascended. This is bothering me. I always claimed that the major hill work made me better. I gotta get on the the satellite maps and finds some hills to link too.

Time for beer.


Well-Known Member
4.5 miles at a 9:25 pace in between rain showers this afternoon. Muggy as all heck-bleck!

Only 3 weeks till the Tower of Terror 10 Miler!!!


Well-Known Member
I completed Tough Mudder, Wisconsin today and got the illusive headband I've been coveting for a couple years now. It was every bit as hard as I thought it would be, but every bit as rewarding. This was the hardest event I've ever completed, and I'm glad I did it.

Way to go Brad!
I am intersted in doing one of these types of events but I'm a concerned about getting injured and not being able to compete in one of my upcoming races. I know too many people that have gotten hurt while participating.


RunDisney Addict
Way to go Brad!
I am intersted in doing one of these types of events but I'm a concerned about getting injured and not being able to compete in one of my upcoming races. I know too many people that have gotten hurt while participating.

Yeah, the possibility is definitely there. The grounds is wet, and uneven at best. You're running through fields and woods. Add to that doing things like jumping into bodies of water and mud without any idea what the bottom is like is a scary proposition. I tweaked an ankle a bit coming off the last set of Berlin Walls (approx 12 feet high). My knees are skinned up and bruised from all the crawling, and every part of me is sore. I expected all of that. I saw some people in serious trouble after cramping bad, and a couple that were being taken out after it looked like they tore/broke something.

It was a calculated risk on my part. September is my busiest month of the race season, and my only goal was to be as cautious as I could be so that I could do the rest of the schedule, and not get thrown off my Marathon training, which is my ultimate goal.


Active Member
We had a cool snap and decided to take advantage of it with a nice road run. I wish I had done more but I got so thirsty and had to head back to the car during a 2 mile loop. Next time I am definitely strapping on the ole camelback. I better start seriously amping up my outdoor runs.


Active Member
Just finished my 9 mile run outside in this wonderful Ohio weather. I kept a 8:00/mile pace for the entire run. Later on I will be doing my Relief routine. Tomorrow I am continuing with my custom weight lifting routine, which has given me noticeable results in only 2 into the program.


Well-Known Member
1.5 hrs of yoga this morning and a 7 mile run this beautiful, sunny and cool September afternoon. My pace was a 10:40 min but that seemed slow to me. It felt like I was cruising.


Well-Known Member
4.52 miles at 9:28/mi. Hello 60's its nice to see you again!! Weather was awesome and my knee started to get some IT band funkiness around mile 2.5 after doing a ton of stretching pre-run. Did a long cool down and stretched along the way back home. I might have been beaming the entire time despite the ache, it was fantastic to get back out there.

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