What did you do?

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Today was Central Jersey Road Runners Club Hangover 5K

Normally it is Jan 1, hence the name. But because of course conditions it was postponed twice. So, just to keep it true to form, I was up until 1:00 AM eating pizza, drinking beer, and playing Trivial Pursuit (of which I won if I do say so).

30:36.46 - 9:52 pace

Great job! LOL at the attempt to make it seem like New Year's Day!

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
6.2 miles in 59:06, so 9:31 pace.

My first "timed" 10K under 60 minutes

Nice! My 10K PR is 59:31. Right before I ran it, I read that Roger Bannister once said that if you can still stand up at the end of a race, you didn't give it all you had. Well, at the end of that race, my lungs were bursting from the effort of trying to finish in under an hour, and after I crossed the Finish Line, I had to grab onto a railing so I wouldn't fall down, and in that moment of wanting to pass out, I thought to myself, "I really did it, just like Roger Bannister." :lol: How crazy is that to put me and Roger Bannister in the same sentence! :ROFLOL:

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
73.12 miles last week. Just about about 2,500 total miles since last March (March is the beginning of my running season).

Ok, so Steve, Erin, the new cat Coach and a few others have inspired me with their stories about why they are running. I told Steve I would post my own story because we all have our reasons and demons. Sorry for the delay Steve...This will be the "in a nutshell" story:

-Was never a runner. Never ran. Just Judo over the years. Always had been slightly husky and being a short 5'3", it didn't help.
-Always had an issue with food. Never satisfied, always hungry.
-Entered art school at 18yrs old, and ballooned up to 220 pounds, on a 5'3" frame.
-22yrs old, decided to make changes and lose the weight. No fast food, no fried food, no desserts, no meat. Just fresh fruits, veggies, and fish and whole grains.
-With no excercise and a strict diet of healthy foods, I went from 220lbs in 2002 to 130lbs in 2005.
-Finished art school and began exhibiting professionally at 24yrs old.
-Mental demons my whole life, expressed it in my work, and went through a bad period with food again; except in the other direction...not eating.
-Entered graduate art school for my masters in 2007. Weight dropped to 90 pounds in 2009, with my clothes on. The disgusting "a" word. Long story though, anyway...
-My wife and I got me help (she is my life), and I began dealing with the mental crap.
-My body was wasting away from not eating, and I needed to eat to get physically better. One morning (March 16, 2010) I ate, and had some energy. Crazy me decided to run to burn it off. I thought, the more I run the more I can eat and get healthy. I couldn't run more than 1/3 mile without feeling like I was going into a cardiac arrest, at 29 yrs old. I kept up with it. Kept eating and running, eating and running, every day. The better my body got, I caught the running bug, and started racing, and eating healthy and regularly...
-Graduated with masters in painting, and professionally exhibiting/selling and teaching university studio art and art history.
-One year ago I was 90 pounds and couldn't run without dropping to the ground with dizzy spells and my heart shrivling up like a raisin. Today, I'm 126 pounds of lean muscle, super healthy heart, dealing with my head demons, putting in 70-80 mile weeks, running nutrition/physiology/equipment obsessed and running a 100 mile ultramarathon in a few weeks to celebrate my one year running anniversary.
That's all she wrote. Cheers.

Wow, that's an amazing story, Nick. Makes me root for you even more than I already have been for your upcoming ultra! You go man!


Well-Known Member
Dave, is there a way to see you elasped time and your lap time once uploaded to GC? This just doesnt make sense that you would be able to view that.

Not that I know of. Of course you can drop it into Excel and then do it there, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the handy web interface.



Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Not that I know of. Of course you can drop it into Excel and then do it there, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the handy web interface.

Well, I guess I might look for a "Make our product better" tab and maybe give some feedback. This wouldnt take a coder 1 day to implement and I think it would be very useful so I dont have to do the math in my head. :lol:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Great story. :king:

Went to Tampa for the Gasparilla races this weekend. Beautiful weather - great event and highly recommended.

I only did the 15K race out of the four races held. Next year, I might skip the mid-February marathons and do the Gasparilla Ultra: 15K and 5K on Saturday, followed by half marathon on Sunday.

Anyway, I'd never run a 15K race before, and started out way too fast for me - 8:30 for the first mile. I couldn't sustain that, and to make things harder, the sun came out and the last half of the race felt hot and humid to runners. It was gorgeous to anyone else. :lol:

Finish time was 1:39:52 :)


Well-Known Member
Great story. :king:

Went to Tampa for the Gasparilla races this weekend. Beautiful weather - great event and highly recommended.

I only did the 15K race out of the four races held. Next year, I might skip the mid-February marathons and do the Gasparilla Ultra: 15K and 5K on Saturday, followed by half marathon on Sunday.

Anyway, I'd never run a 15K race before, and started out way too fast for me - 8:30 for the first mile. I couldn't sustain that, and to make things harder, the sun came out and the last half of the race felt hot and humid to runners. It was gorgeous to anyone else. :lol:

Finish time was 1:39:52 :)

Heard the heat/humidity were taking a toll on many runners. Good job on your finish!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
3 miles last night. Part of my run was to find my trashcans. :lol: Massive storm rolled thorugh yesterday at 3 and it was trash day. Living on a hill, the trashcans by the gutter, in flash flood conditions, those guys were 3 blocks away.


New Member
Rode the bike for 30 mins this morning.. today is a bit of a "rest day" for me as tomorrow morning I will try to duplicate my 5 mile run from last week...

In just 4 days we leave for WDW!!!


Well-Known Member
Training plan said 3.5 mile easy run today.

The problem is, I have not been very good at easy runs since I started running in October. I do know that I need to get better at them, especially as I go deeper in 1/2 training, and then later this year, when I start my full training. As a compromise, I told myself to do the first two miles easy today (was thinking 10 min/pace or so), and really trying to keep HR lower, and then I could push a little over the last 1.5. Mile one was at 9:30, so I really slowed myself down to 9:50 for mile two. Had plenty of kick left, and finished well.

Mile 1 00:09:30
2 00:09:50
3 00:09:03
.50 00:04:00

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Training plan said 3.5 mile easy run today.

The problem is, I have not been very good at easy runs since I started running in October. I do know that I need to get better at them, especially as I go deeper in 1/2 training, and then later this year, when I start my full training. As a compromise, I told myself to do the first two miles easy today (was thinking 10 min/pace or so), and really trying to keep HR lower, and then I could push a little over the last 1.5. Mile one was at 9:30, so I really slowed myself down to 9:50 for mile two. Had plenty of kick left, and finished well.

Mile 1 00:09:30
2 00:09:50
3 00:09:03
.50 00:04:00

Sounds like a great workout! But yeah. . . not so much easy and relaxed. :lol:


New Member
Training plan said 3.5 mile easy run today.

The problem is, I have not been very good at easy runs since I started running in October. I do know that I need to get better at them, especially as I go deeper in 1/2 training, and then later this year, when I start my full training. As a compromise, I told myself to do the first two miles easy today (was thinking 10 min/pace or so), and really trying to keep HR lower, and then I could push a little over the last 1.5. Mile one was at 9:30, so I really slowed myself down to 9:50 for mile two. Had plenty of kick left, and finished well.

Mile 1 00:09:30
2 00:09:50
3 00:09:03
.50 00:04:00

Most impressive!!!

Well it was no fluke.... I duplicated my 5 mile run this morning... actually did 5.5 MILES!!! What is even more insane.... I actually felt fine at the 5 mile mark!!!

Pace was about 10:18.. was not about speed, just wanted to get it done..

Amazing... simply amazing...

We leave for Disney in just two days!!!


Well-Known Member
Most impressive!!!

Well it was no fluke.... I duplicated my 5 mile run this morning... actually did 5.5 MILES!!! What is even more insane.... I actually felt fine at the 5 mile mark!!!

Pace was about 10:18.. was not about speed, just wanted to get it done..

Amazing... simply amazing...

We leave for Disney in just two days!!!

Nice 5.5 :)

Going to WDW on a high note =)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Most impressive!!!

Well it was no fluke.... I duplicated my 5 mile run this morning... actually did 5.5 MILES!!! What is even more insane.... I actually felt fine at the 5 mile mark!!!

Pace was about 10:18.. was not about speed, just wanted to get it done..

Amazing... simply amazing...

We leave for Disney in just two days!!!
Like Scorp said, nice way to end the week and head to Disney.

I knew Id have to work late tonight, so, I went home on lunch and cranked out 7 miles, per the schedule, showered and got back to work. My second half of the day has been very awake and not tired at all. Interesting. I think it was around 58:30 minutes. Right at the end, within the last 1/10, my 305 died. It is charging now. :D

Why did 67 degrees and sunny feel brutal. Lord, Im not use to this yet.


Well-Known Member
4 Mile Tempo run today. Went well. 8:56 pace overall

Mile 1 9:06
Mile 2 8:55
Mile 3 9:00
Mile 4 8:48

First 4 miler that started with an 8 outside since I had my Garmin, so that works =)

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Like Scorp said, nice way to end the week and head to Disney.

I knew Id have to work late tonight, so, I went home on lunch and cranked out 7 miles, per the schedule, showered and got back to work. My second half of the day has been very awake and not tired at all. Interesting. I think it was around 58:30 minutes. Right at the end, within the last 1/10, my 305 died. It is charging now. :D

Why did 67 degrees and sunny feel brutal. Lord, Im not use to this yet.

I try to be good about popping it on the charger as soon as I get home. I really wish it had at least the battery life of the 310xt...but for my own screwed up reasons, I can't bring myself to strap a gray and orange watch to my wrist, or pay $400 for it. I'll be wearing my 305 for the ultra, but only for the first 25 mile loop or maybe the second, depending on when it dies. I just want to get the course mapped on my Garmin log.

11.01 mi yesterday
10.60 mi Tuesday
11.05 mi Monday


New Member
This morning I just did some full-body cardio work..

Thanks for the kind words guys.. I really am very excited about my progress so far... tomorrow morning will be some intervals mixed in with a bit of weight training...

I plan to continue running and working out while at Disney.. I assume there is some place I can run near the Contemporary??? I know that I can always use the treadmill.. but I'm hoping for some place outside.. any suggestions??

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